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Jan Richards and Jeanne Spellman

Success Criteria

1.1.2 The user can specify that indicators be displayed along with rendered content when recognized unrendered alternative content is present. (Level A)


Test Procedure 1

  1. Identify types of content that have alternative content (e.g. by exploring the UI or consulting Help documentation - see 1.1.1).
  2. Open a test document that contains examples of these types of content that have alternative content (e.g. images with alt text, videos with captions, abbreviations with expansions).
    Sample HTML test document: Alternative Text with multiple types of alternatives on the same image or element
  3. For each example:
    • Check that some type of indicator is displayed along with rendered content to indicate the existence of an alternative (e.g. a "CC" to indicate closed captions, a symbol to indicate that an image has a long description).

Note: For many user agents you might have to add an extension to gain this ability.

Expected Results 1

  • Check #3 is true for each content example tested

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