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WAI UA Telecon for March 28th, 2002

Chair: Jon Gunderson
Date: Thursday, 28 March 2002
Time: 2:00-3:30 pm Boston Local Time, USA (18:00-19:30 UTC/GMT)
Call-in: Longfellow Bridge (+1) (617) 252-1038


Review Action Items


  1. Next meeting 4 April


  1. DOM requirements for UAAG 1.0 (AT developers invited)
    AT Developers invited:
    Central question is whether the W3C DOM should be the only way to satisfy communication between user agents and assistive technologies. We really need to understand what AT developers need from mainstream developers in terms of communication of web content information. We have long held the position of the W3C DOM, but there has not been much implementation of this technique by AT developers. Is this still the direction UAAG 1.0 needs to go or are other options needed to satisfy this requirement?
  2. Ian's proposals based on UAAG evaluations with developers
  3. XForms inclusion of UAAG requirements
    http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-wai-pf/2002JanMar/0236.html (member private)
  4. Implementation Report Update


Chair: Jon Gunderson

Scribe: Ian Jacobs

Lee Bateman (HP)
Glenn Gordon (Freedom Scientific)
David Poehlman
Loretta Guarino (Adobe)
Richard Potter (Adobe)
Harvey Bingham
Cathy Laws (IBM)
Randy Marsden (Madenta)
Tony Pitman (Madenta)
Jill Thomas (ION)
Pat Brannan (ION)
Roberto Gonzalez (Alva)
Jos Eckhart (AI Squared)
Philippe Le Hegaret (W3C, DOM WG)
Tim Lacy (MS)
Aaron Smith (GWMicro)
Aaron Leventhal (Netscape)
Rich Schwerdtfeger (IBM)


Action Item Summary

Open Action Items

  1. RS: Write up paragraph about the importance of thread-safe access for in-process ATs.

New Action Items

  1. RS: Talk to Arnaud Le Hors about this issue, for re-raising in the DOM WG.
  2. ALL: Send to the WG the top 5 things you need through an API.
    Deadline: One week from now.
  3. IJ and JT: Coordinate on EMonocle evaluation.

Completed Action Items

  1. JG: Schedule a teleconf with AT developers for two weeks from today
  2. TL and JG: Review initial implementation report for IE 6.0 and comment
    Source: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2001JulSep/0191.html
    Done: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/implementation/eval_win_ie6.html
  3. DP: Jaws 4.01 and IE 6.0 evaluation
  4. HB: Contact ION Systems for a review of their e-reader with UAAG guidelines
    Source: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2001OctDec/0082.html
    Ian will coordinate with Jill Thomas


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