WAI UA Telecon for June 30th, 1999
Chair: Ian Jacobs
Date: Wednesday, June 30th
Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Call-in: W3C Tobin Bridge (+1) 617-252-7000
Open action items:
- Action CMN: Send URI on default keyboard bindings to list. Ian will then
include in Techniques document.
- Action CMN: Send request to blinux users for info about
- Action IJ: Send similar request to IG.
- Action GG: Send ideas on dependent tool point of regard to list.
- Action Editors: - Add checkpoint about turning on/off author-supplied
keyboard bindings. Status: Done in internal source files.
- CMN proposes allowing the user to configure the arrangement of user
interface controls (visually) as a P3.
(from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/1999AprJun/0241.html)
- Checkpoints for guideline 3, about documentation, should be P1. having
to guess these things makes it effectively impossible.
(Also from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/1999AprJun/0241.html)
- Proposal on changes to navigation checkpoints
- Notification of document changes due to scripting events
- Should user agents be able recognize markup for navigation bars
- Navigation and activation of elements with ACCESSKEY attributes defined
- Keyboard mapping among assistive technology tools (Issue #64)
Suggestions from Marja about Orientation guideline