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Acronym and WCAG Terms

  • Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG, AGWG)
  • W3C Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Normative Content - Guidance and conformance within the main accessibility guidelines document
  • Informative Content - How Tos, best practices, and background information

Labels in GitHub

  • Agenda Item - A topic to be discussed in the “next” AGWG call.
  • Future Agenda - A topic to be discussed in an AGWG call (time tbd) that will occur after the “next” AGWG call.
  • Please Review - A topic that needs the attention and review of AGWG members. Such items are not yet in the agenda of any meeting
  • Approved for Merge - The group has reached consensus on merging a PR. You have 5-10 business days to raise a concern.

Activities in GitHub

  • Pull Request (PR) - Proposed change to the content. The change can be viewed as a diff (difference) between existing and proposed content
  • Issue - A suggestion or concern. It may reference a PR or it may not. An issue should reference only 1 topic
  • Discussion - A threaded conversation about a larger question or topic

Member Actions in GitHub

  • Thumbs up - I generally agree. I may have comments but I am good with it moving forward
  • Thumbs down - I don’t generally agree, please comment with explanation and issue
  • Watching (eyes) - Have concerns, must comment with explanation. Denotes that you are cautiously agreeing but would like some changes
  • Read Comments - I am reading comments to understand the current status (PRS, Issues, and Discussions)
  • Write Comment - I have responded and included concerns, suggested changes, or questions (PRS, Issues, and Discussions)