Flipchart transcript


Flipchart Transcript of Silver Presentation at TPAC 2016 (20 September 2016)

These are the notes from the reports of the individual groups discussing the Silver options. Each group was composed of people from differing viewpoints about the options they wanted. It was expected that the flipchart issues would be used for discussion, but there was consensus in the group for the More Flexible option, so the projected discussion didn't happen.

  • How much time spent?
  • If urgent, do it quickly
  • Better quality from more people
  • Rapid iteration
  • Living standard approach -- more adaptive
  • Better accessiiblity for emerging technology
  • Support INNOVATION!
  • Support policymakers & Regulators
  • Stakeholder include how the user agent supporting the user
  • Regulartory System are vairied -- take advantage of uptake models and maximum flexibility. Threshold constraints.
  • More emphasis on desig to solve the longer problems that exist
  • Like #3, #1 might be too much
  • #3 and add gap analysis
  • inlcude more priorities and concerns between the research and the prototype phases. Double Diamond approach, there needs to be a report summarizing the Research phase before moving into the Prototype phase.
  • Concern for funding
  • include broad stakeholders
  • Quality is more important than speed, but we need firm, credible milestones
  • Designing the guidelines oculd be never-ending, so a timeline is essential
  • Thinking 5-7 years to get to REC
  • TImeline needs more flexibility
  • Once we set a timeline, we stick to it
  • Need time for experientation
  • Do the prototyping before entering the W3C Process
  • use editor draft space for experimentation
  • Research phase is the most predictable for timeline
  • Continuity of institutional memory of WCAG 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 -- there should not be a "jarring" difference from 2.1
  • Should stay in WCAG WG
  • Needs to be a dynamic handof from 2.x to 3.0
  • Expland the pool of people
  • Transition is key!