Failures based on the Functional Accessibility Evaluation (FAE) tool from the University of Illinois
David did an evaluation of the FEA Tool from the University of Illinois
The analysis of the FEA tool is here
I would like to introduce the following new common failures to WCAG.
Important concept was introduced in the Rules, of allowing more than one of things normally limited on static page, but OK if there are iframes in a page... not sure if it could pass but worth discussing.
Failure of 1.3.1 due to misuse of Landmarks in HTML documents
- FAE test Landmark 4
- FAE test Landmark 6
- FAE test Landmark 7
- FAE test Landmark 8
- FAE test Landmark 9
- FAE test Landmark 10
- FAE test Landmark 11
- FAE test Landmark 12
- FAE test Landmark 13
- FAE test Landmark 14
- FAE test Landmark 15
- Region must have Accessible Name. FAE test Landmark 16
- Failure of 1.3.1 due to over riding Heading Role, except in tab panels. FAE test Role 10
- Failure of 1.3.1 due to Heading not being in a landmark
Failure of 1.3.1 due to misuse of Role Element FEA Rules Role 1-9, body element role semantics. In HTML documents
- Main element role
- Body element role
- ol and ul role grouping semantics
- article element role semantics
- section element role semantics
- Do not override nav element semantics.
- aside element role semantics
- Do not override header element role.
- Do not override footer element role.
- Introduce new failure of WCAG 1.3.1 due to not programmatically associating a data table with a visual Title or Label for that table. (using caption element or aria-describedby)