Comment Summary 1-4-14
Current Draft SC text
When a user interface component which receives keyboard focus or pointer hover causes content to become visible, the following are true:
- Visible Trigger: Either the additional content does not obscure any essential content within the triggering user interface component, or the additional content can be closed or repositioned by the user;
- Hover: If the additional content is triggered via pointer hover, then that content remains visible when the pointer is moved over it;
- Focus: The additional content remains visible while the triggering user interface component has keyboard focus, unless the user dismisses the additional content.
Exception: The visual presentation of the content is controlled by the user agent and is not modified by the author.
When pointer hover or keyboard focus triggers additional content to become visible, the following are true:
- Dismissable: The user can dismiss the additional content without moving pointer hover or keyboard focus, unless the additional content communicates an input error or does not obscure other content;
- Hoverable: If pointer hover can trigger the additional content, then the pointer can be moved to hover the additional content;
- Persistent: The additional content remains visible until the hover or focus trigger is removed, the user dismisses it, or its information is no longer valid.
Exception: The visual presentation of the additional content is controlled by the user agent and is not modified by the author.
Resolving issues
- 552:
- 499: The latest version does not include repositioning. Authors can still implement repositioning but it is not explicitly required.
- 471:
- 439: We will ensure that this topic is addressed in the Understanding docs.
- 350: Thanks for the comment. We believe that the latest language addresses your comment.
- 333: Thanks for the comment. We believe that the latest language addresses your comment.