2.2.7 Revision
Proposed Revision for Interruptions (Minimum) (Level AA) based on Jeanee Mark and lisa from 21/12/2017
Interruptions minimum (AA)
Interrupt in any modality are user initiated or are necessitated by an emergency. (Level AA)
Interruptions and changes of focus are allowed when: they are essential to the purpose of the content (including error messages or suggestions to aid form entry); when they are a required part of a real-time task or process (for example, an auction, or a time remaining alert in a timed assessment task); or can be automatically suppressed by the user through the operating system or user agent.
Interruption: new content, popup, overlay, or message that are not part of topic or purpose of the content
User initiated: An intentional discrete action by the user such as clicking, pressing a key or speaking a voice command.
Older Revision for Interruptions (Minimum) (Level AA)
A mechanism is available to postpone or suppress unnecessary interruptions and changes in content, unless they are initiated by the user or involve an emergency.
Definition: Unnecessary interruptions: Secondary information, pop-ups, overlays or actions that are not part of the workflow sequence or the key purpose of the content. Note: Error, success, and warning messages; a contextual help overlay; timeout notifications, live updates when the purpose of the content is monitoring are not unnecessary interruptions.
Jake's version (with minor change based on Andrew's comments)
A mechanism is available to postpone or suppress interruptions and changes in content unless they are essential to usage or meaning of the content, are initiated by the user or involve an emergency.
Note: Error, success, and warning messages; timeout notifications; changes of context that are part of the workflow sequence; and live updates when the purpose of the content is monitoring are considered essential.
Definition: interruptions: Secondary information, pop-ups, overlays or actions that are not part of the workflow sequence for fulfilling the key purpose of the content. Note that autofill and autocorrect are typically part of the workflow sequence for fulfilling the key purpose of the content