Testing Resources

From Accessibility Conformance Testing

W3C Groups on Testing

Accessibility Testing Repositories

Standards on Testing

Test case format (explicit results)

  "name": "axe-core",
  "version": "2.1.7",
  "license": "MPL-2.0",
  "environment": [{
       "os": "Windows",
       "osVersion": "10",
       "browser": "Chrome",
       "browserVersion": "x.x.x",
       "resultsReporter": "Junit | (optional) name of application wrapping engine | etc..."
  "a11y-testcases": [{
    "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dequelabs/axe-core/master/test/integration/rules/image-alt/image-alt.html",
    "test": ["wcag20:text-equiv-all", "WCAG-TECHS:G90.html", "mytool:image-alt"],
    "failed": ["#violation1", "#violation2", "#violation3", "#violation4"],
    "passed": ["#pass1", "#pass2", "#pass3", "#pass4", "#pass5", "#pass6"],
    "na": ["#na1", "#na2", "#na3", "#na4", "#na5", "#na6"]
  }, {

Test case format (implicit results)

  "name": "axe-core",
  "version": "2.1.7",
  "license": "MPL-2.0",
  "a11y-selectors": {
    "failedSelector": "*[data-expectedoutcome='violation']",
    "passedSelector": "*[data-expectedoutcome='pass']",
  "a11y-testcases": [{
    "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dequelabs/axe-core/master/test/integration/rules/image-alt/image-alt.html",
    "test": ["wcag20:text-equiv-all", "WCAG-TECHS:G90.html", "mytool:image-alt"]
  }, {

Test Procedures

Take-aways from WPT & ARIA Test Harness

1: WPT uses test types that can likely be reused by ACT:

  • IDL Harness
  • Test Harness (scriptable test)
  • Reftest (visual test)
  • WebDriver
  • Manual

2: Requirements for WPT tests are as follows:

  • Short
  • Minimal
  • Cross-platform
  • self-containing

3: All tests are written in HTML or SVG

4: Self-describing tests is an important concept to WPT:

  • They can be run easily on any layout engine.
  • They can test areas of the spec that are not precise enough to be comparable to a reference rendering. (For example, underlining cannot be compared to a reference because the position and thickness of the underline is UA-dependent.)
  • Failures can (should) be easily determined by a human viewing the test without needing special tools.

5: Manual tests in WPT should be:

  • Short, easy & quick to determine the result
  • Self explanatory & not require an understanding of the specification

6: There is frequent use of features like "accessible name" and "role", without indicating how those are derived.

7: Test outputs are only ever 'pass' or 'fail' for APT