This document is a draft, and is designed to show changes from a previous version. It is presently showing added text,changed text,deleted text,[start]/[end] markers,and Issue Numbers.
Changes are displayed as follows:
Applies to all technologies.
This technique relates to:
Unexpected change of context due to change of user interface setting can sometimes be confusing to users. One way to avoid confusion is to provide instruction about change of context ahead of such encounter. Below are some examples of how to provide the instruction.
Provide instruction on the Web page with reading order that precedes the user interface element that causes change of context by change of setting.
In case of a multi-step process in which users must go through particular steps to reach the user interface element where change of setting would cause a change of context, provide the instruction as part of the process prior to the step where they may encounter such change of context.
In case of intranet where user training is required prior to use of a Web application with user interface element that causes change of context by change of setting, instruction is provided during training.
Find occurrence of change of context due to change of user interface setting
Find instructional material that all users must review prior to encountering of the change of context.
If #1 is true, #2 is also true