This document is a draft, and is designed to show changes from a previous version. It is presently showing added text,changed text,deleted text,[start]/[end] markers,and Issue Numbers.
Changes are displayed as follows:
All technologies that include links.
This technique relates to:
The objective of this technique is to make the pronunciation of a word available by providing information about the pronunciation, either within the same Web page or in a different Web page, and establishing a link between the item and its pronunciation.
A word is linked to its entry in a dictionary that includes pronunciation information.
A word is linked to a sound file that will speak the pronunciation.
A word in linked to its entry in a pronouncing dictionary.
A word is linked to an International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) representation of its pronunciation.
A word is linked to an unambiguous phonetic spelling of the pronunciation.
No resources available for this technique.
(none currently listed)
For each word that requires pronunciation information:
Check that at least the first instance of the item is a link.
Check that each link navigates to information about the pronunciation of the item.
All checks are true.