This document is a draft, and is designed to show changes from a previous version. It is presently showing added text,changed text,deleted text,[start]/[end] markers,and Issue Numbers.
Changes are displayed as follows:
Markup languages: HTML, XHTML, and other SGML or XML-based technologies.
This failure relates to:
The objective of this failure is to identify examples of markup errors in element tags that could cause assistive technology to be unable to generate a satisfactory model of the page. Different user agents may implement different heuristics to recover from errors, resulting in inconsistent presentations of the page between user agents.
Some common types of problems with start and end tags that lead to this failure condition (though this is not an exhaustive list):
Opening and closing tags that are missing the opening < and closing > brackets.
Closing tag missing the initial / to indicate it is a closing tag.
Attribute values that have an opening quote but not a closing quote. Attribute values must be either fully quoted or, in some markup languages, may be unquoted.
Lack of whitespace between attributes.
Unquoted attribute values that have whitespace in the value.
Failure to provide a closing element tag for elements that do not accept empty-element syntax.
The following code fails because the opening tag is missing an angle bracket, and the intended boundary of the tag is unclear.
<p This is a paragraph</p>
The following code fails because the closing tag is missing the slash, making it look like it is in fact another opening tag.
<p>This is a paragraph<p>
The following code fails because the attribute value is missing the closing quote, which makes the boundary of the attribute-value pair unclear.
<input title="name type="text">
The following code fails because the there is not whitespace between attributes, which makes the boundary between attribute-value pairs unclear.
<input title="name"type="text">
The following code fails because an attribute value is not quoted and contains whitespace, which makes the boundary of the attribute-value pair unclear.
<input title=Enter name here type=text>
The following code fails because the closing tag of the first paragraph is missing, making it unclear whether the second paragraph is a child or sibling of the first.
<p>This is a paragraph <p>This is another paragraph</p>
(none currently listed)
Check the source code of pages implemented in markup languages.
Check whether any opening tags, closing tags or attributes are malformed.
If check #2 is true, then the failure condition applies and the content does not meet this Success Criterion.