This document is a draft, and is designed to show changes from a previous version. It is presently showing added text,changed text,deleted text,[start]/[end] markers,and Issue Numbers.
Changes are displayed as follows:
element to markup
tabular informationHTML and XHTML
This failure relates to:
This document describes a failure caused by use of the HTML pre
element to markup tabular information. The pre
preserves only visual formatting. If the pre
element is used to
markup tabular information, the visually implied logical relationships
between the table cells and the headers are lost if the user cannot see the
screen or if the visual presentation changes significantly.
Instead, the HTML table
element is intended to present tabular
data. Assistive technologies use the structure of an HTML table to present
data to the user in a logical manner. This structure is not available when
using the pre
<pre> Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00- 9:00 Meet with Sam 9:00- 10:00 Dr. Williams Sam again Leave for San Antonio </pre>
<pre> CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE BRANCH 3 W R M R E I A . L T M L R B E I A Y E - K N R I E G T N ----- ----- ----- 0001 TOWN OF ALBION WDS 1-2 22 99 0 0002 TOWN OF BERRY WDS 1-2 52 178 0 0003 TOWN OF BLACK EARTH 16 49 0 0004 TOWN OF BLOOMING GROVE WDS 1-3 44 125 0 0005 TOWN OF BLUE MOUNDS 33 117 0 0006 TOWN OF BRISTOL WDS 1-3 139 639 1 0007 TOWN OF BURKE WDS 1-4 80 300 0 0008 TOWN OF CHRISTIANA WDS 1-2 22 50 0 </pre>
No resources available for this technique.
Check to see if the pre
element is used
For each occurrence of the pre
element, check
whether the enclosed information is tabular.
If check #2 is true, then this failure condition applies and the content fails the Success Criterion.