9 Jan 2009




Translations should use the 11 December source

clean out the diff markup

if we think of it, propogate minor typographical changes

(sources as of now is probably safe for this)


translation toolkit, to contain instructions, sources, XHTML versions and the XSLTs to go back and forth

Might work to have a CSS to support good view of the XML directly in an XML editor

that probably works better and has less support from our perspective

(hopefully shouldn't be too bad to edit the XML if they can read angle brackets)

might need to suggest a free / demo XML tool that can support this approach

"authentic" is Altova's version

<BenC> http://www.altova.com/products/authentic/xml_db_form_editor.html

translate each XML source in same file structure as now

we should generate after receiving XML, send back to translator for checking, when all clear send to Coralie on behalf of translator

scribe: /translations/wcag2-src.fr.xml
... /translations/fr/wcag2-src.xml

makes more sense to do the by-language folder approach

but maybe under sources, so .../sources/fr/wcag2-src.xml

<xsl:value-of select="$strings//*[@id = 'string-id']"/>



(keep in mind that Ben and I don't both have access to W3C datespace, but do to this proposed location)

Need to know if we need to alter stylesheets geneated

Have to add extra masthead at top for the translated version

MC would like to move static content from techs-merge.xslt into an XML file

Do we want to do mixed-language versions e.g., of quickref, if we don't have everything translated?

Would need to have XSLT able to detect and output language change markup

Might be possibility to have guidelines, and techniques section of Understanding translated as a minimal set for being able to generate quickref

might work better to translate technique titles, even if nothing else, in the techniques sources

find approach that's easier to maintain there

<scribe> New XSLTs maybe should be in XSLT 2

Slices generating multiple docs is a problem in an XSLT 2 processor, might be good to translate at least those into XSLT 2

Possible future project: database the techniques

able to spit out the XML, modify it, save it back into the database

(easier for WG to make minor changes)

could make it easier to translate subsets of the techniques this way

<BenC> http://exist-db.org/index.html

explore if an XML database processor could work for this

would like to be able to share load of editing, not have to through wiki to review drafts (though need way to separate proposed / final)

would be good if a dynamic techniques repository could support WCAG more than static snapshots on TR, maybe could eventually eclipse the then outdated WCAG 2 techniques Note

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/01/12 17:09:04 $