WCAG Weekly Telecon

16 Mar 2006


See also: IRC log


Bruce_Bailey, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Ben_Caldwell, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Bengt, Michael_Cooper, Sorcha_Moore, LucaMascaro, John_Slatin, Yvette_Hoitink, Roberto_Scano, Tim_Boland, Roberto_Ellero, Sofia_Celic, Cynthia_Shelly, Alex_Li, Becky_Gibson, Kerstin_Goldsmith, David_MacDonald, Judy_Brewer
Gregg_Vanderheiden and John_Slatin
Michael, Becky, David, David_MacDonald, ben


<Michael> scribe: Michael

misc. items from last week

resolution: adopt following for real-time event: event occurring at the same time as the viewing that is not completely generated by the content and is not pre-recorded
... adopt following for "content"
... information to be communicated to the user by means of a user agent
...Note: This includes the code and markup that define the structure, presentation, and interaction, as well as text, images, and sounds that convey information to the end-user.

resolution: accept following definition of "idiom"
... phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the meaning of the individual words and where the specific words cannot be changed without losing the meaning
... plus examples in proposal http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/2006-03-09misc/results#xidiomdef, preface #4 with "The phrase in Dutch..." and quote the phrase
... close issue 1763 (Don't exclude downloaded software) with comment "This clause has been removed"
... close Issue 1764 (Advice on how to handle Aggregated Content) with comment "See new language which allows use of original author claim or aggregator claim."
... close Issue 1811 (Baselines may make WCAG useless – and 508 will become the standard) with comment "Baselines are the only way to deal with the “until user agent’ issue that plagues 1.0 and limits its useful life. We could find no other way to address the problem."
... stick with A, AA, AAA in conformance document: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2006JanMar/att-0497/conformance_with_edits.html
... accept with edits revised conformance draft http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2006JanMar/att-0497/conformance_with_edits.html
... survey http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/2006-03-09conf/results#xdraftnot
... accept revised introduction with edits from survey

Team B Techniques for March 16

<Yvette> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20060316TeamB/results

resolution: accept with edits surveyed items that had status of accept or accept with edits for all surveys surveyed this week
Proposed wording for SC 1.3.2, How to Meet Success Criterion 2.4.3,Grouping links, How to Meet Success Criterion 2.4.7

resolution: consent decree from Team A survey

Failure due to complete change of main content through an automatic update that the user cannot disable from within the content, Proposed revisions to How to Meet Success Criterion 1.1.1, Providing short text alternatives for non-text content that serve the same purpose and present the same information, Using null alt text and no title attribute on img elements for images that AT should ignore, Failure due to providing a text alternative that is not null. (e.g.. alt="spacer" or alt="image") for Images that should be ignored by AT, 1416, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1678, 1775, 1807,Using THE ACCESSIBILTY API FEATURES OF A TECHNOLOGY to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes,Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes

resolution: consent decree from Misc. items survey:

1808, 1820, 1834, 486, 1894

<Zakim> Michael_Cooper, you wanted to ask who is last person to join

<David_MacDonald> i'm ok here

<David_MacDonald> ok

<David_MacDonald> i'm write it

<David_MacDonald> description....isn't more a description

<David_MacDonald> perhaps we can says "description"

<David_MacDonald> no

<Ryladog> :-)

<ben> 2.4.5 Each link is associated with text describing the purpose of the link. and 2.4.9 The purpose of each link can be programmatically determined from the link without changing the focus."

<Zakim> ben, you wanted to propose, "

<David_MacDonald> 2.4.5 Each link is associated with text describing the destination of the link

<gregg> each link is associated with text from which the purpose can be inferred

<Becky> resolution: revise SC 2.4.5 to read, "The unique function of each link can be determined. "

<Becky> ... add 2.4.9 to read, "The unique function of each link can be programmatically determined from the link."

<Becky> previous post for INFORMATION ONLY (becky is not the scribe)

<Zakim> Yvette, you wanted to say "delete 2.4.9"

<Sorcha> ip caller is Sorcha Moore

<Sorcha> thanks!

resolution: accept following wording for SC 2.4.9
... "The purpose of each link can be programmatically determined from the link"
... accept following wording for SC 2.4.5
... "Each link is programmatically associated with text from which its purpose can be determined"
... if sufficient techniques are: 1) link text, 2) link text plus different types of conditional content (aka "title") (with UA support note), 3) link text plus hidden link text, 4) Link text plus text of parent (with UA support note)

<bengt> ben tell john he lost connection to irc

Team A Techniques for March 16

<Becky> scribe: Becky

level of captioning for live multimedia

Resolution: close issue 1850 group discussed moving this to level 1 and felt that it should not be moved to level 1.

change to SC 1.1.1

Resolution: Accept proposed revision to 1.1.1 with John's edit

Providing long descriptions for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information

Resolution: Accept above technique with John's edits.

Revised Resolution: Accept above technique with edits.

Proposed revisions to SC 4.1.2 and related definitions (was 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5)

<jslatin> notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technology

<Ryladog> katie

<Ryladog> i want to talk

Resolution accept changes to 4.1.2 with edits and new SC text: For all user interface components, the name and role can be programmatically determined, values that can be set by the user can be set programmatically, and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technology

<David_MacDonald> scribe: David

<ben> scribe: David_MacDonald

Definition of Programmatically Determined

<rscano> 'night

resolution: Definition of programmatically determined Note: Publicly documented here means that documents are available in a free and accessible manner to all users, including availability on the Web.
... accept the definition as proposed: with change to note as above:

Definition of "label"

Resolution: accept the definition of label as proposed

Proposed revisions to How to Meet Success Criterion 4.1.2

Resolution: accept the definition of label as proposed, "text, image or sound that is presented to a user to identify a component within Web content "
... how to meet 4.1.2 with edits
... unanimously accept how to meet 4.1.2 with edits

Issue 1893: concerns that 4.1.2 prohibits HTML components

<scribe> ACTION: Cynthia write a technique or example that describes how to write an accessible tree [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/16-wai-wcag-irc]

resolution: close 1893 with " there are ways to make trees accessible"
... "Addressed by edits to 4.1.2. Revised proposal for 4.1.2. It is possible to make trees accessible."



<ben> scribe: ben

resolution: accept 06Using MARKUP FEATURES to expose the name and role, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes01 with edits

Proposed revisions for SC 1.3.1

1.3.1 Information and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technology.

resolution: revise 1.3.1 to read, 1.3.1 Information and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined and notification of changes to these is available to user agents, including assistive technology.

SC 2.4.1

resolution: delete SC 2.4.1

<Sorcha> sorcha moore

<Sorcha> apologies - skype problems

zakim close this item

Misc. Issues and Proposals for March 16

Issue 1630

resolution: close issue 1630 with John's proposal

Issue 1833: SC 4.2.1 - use relative priority for conformance

resolution: add a new level 2 SC for 4.2 that reads, "If content does not meet all Level 2 success criteria, then an alternate version is available from the same URI that does meet all Level 2 success criteria."
... close 1833 with we have created a new level 2 SC that reads as follows: "If content does not meet all Level 2 success criteria, then an alternate version is available from the same URI that does meet all Level 2 success criteria."

Issue 1876: Reword 4.2.1 to emphasize accessible version

resolution: revise 4.2.1 to read, "At least one version of the content meets all level 1 success criteria, but alternate version(s) that do not meet all level 1 success criteria may be available from the same URI." and close 1876 as proposed.

Issue 1786: Suggest using EARL for conformance claims

<Ryladog> there is also the Dublin Core Adaptability

<Ryladog> I cannot be heard

<Ryladog> thank you

<gregg> ack

no resolution, a number of options available, additional exploration/proposals needed - leave this open for now

SC 4.2.2

proposal: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-20060317/guidelines.html#accessible-alternatives-plugins

resolution: accept proposed addition to 4.2.2, "Content must conform to success criterion 2.3.1 (general and red flash threshold)"

Resolution to freeze normative content in for publication

resolution: freeze the guidelines document in preparation for last call, only to be opened up for particular topics on majority vote of the group

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Cynthia write a technique or example that describes how to write an accessible tree [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/16-wai-wcag-irc]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2006/03/21 03:23:13 $