WCAG Weekly Telecon

9 Mar 2006


See also: IRC log


Tim_Boland, Judy_Brewer, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Becky_Gibson, Bengt_Farre, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Ben_Caldwell, Andi_Snow_Weaver, John_Slatin, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Cynthia_Shelly, Makoto_Ueki, Sofia_Celic, Christophe_Strobbe, Bruce_Bailey, Kerstin_Goldsmith, Michael_Cooper
Sorcha_Moore, David_MacDonald, Yvette_Hoitink, Roberto_Ellero
Gregg_Vanderheiden and John_Slatin
Andi, ben


Team C Techniques March 9 2006

<Andi> resolution: Team C techniques accepted by consent decree

<Andi> resolution: Team C techniques accepted by consent decree - Allowing the user to extend the default timeout, Failure due to using meta redirect, Providing a text message that identifies the field as mandatory, Providing a text message when user input falls outside the required format or values, Ensuring the only way to get to an inaccessible version is from a link from the accessible version, Failure due to using the blink element, Failure due to using text

<Andi> scribe: Andi

Team A Techniques for 09 March

Failure due to using CSS to include images that convey important information

resolution: accepted by consent decree

Ensuring that all id attribute values are unique for the document AND that opening and closing tags are used according to specification

resolution: accept with edits

Ensuring that all id attribute values are unique for the document AND that the delivery unit is well-formed

resolution: accept with edits

Remove SC 3.2.5: Failure due to complete change of main content through an automatic update that the user cannot disable?

rationale for delete proposal - script and meta refresh can both be disabled in user agents - don't think it is a "common failure"

everything not resolved today must have new proposals submitted for survey by Monday so can be reworked before Thursday

Team B Techniques for March 9

resolution: accepted Team B techniques by consent decree: How to Meet SC 1.3.5, Ordering the content in a meaningful sequence, Failure due to positioning information with CSS so that the visual reading order or the programmatically determined reading order does not convey the meaning of the content, Absolute positioning based on structural markup, Failure due to using CSS styling to control directionality in XHTML/HTML, How to Meet SC 3.1.6, Using the ruby e

new proposed wording for SC 1.3.1

Information and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined.

resolution: accept

Proposed definition of "programmatically determined":

Recognized by assistive technology that supports the technologies in the chosen baseline

since this definition is also on the survey for agenda item 5, defer discussion until then

Failure due to using white space characters within a word.

resolution: accept with edits - add note in technique "if it is an initialism, inserting a space character is not a failure"

Associating a title with a delivery unit.

<Makoto> zakimi, mute me

resolution: accept - regarding MC comments, lots of things other than web pages can have titles and meaningful titles are addressed in a level 3 SC

A mechanism is available for identifying specific pronunciation of words where meaning cannot be determined without pronunciation

resolution: accept as proposed at Level 3 - both of MC concerns are met by the proposed wording - if text provides meaning, you would not need to know the pronunciation

How to meet 3.1.6

resolution: accept

Using the ruby element.

resolution: accept

proposed 1.3.5 - when the sequence of content is critical to its meaning, that sequence can be programmatically determined

<gregg> ack

resolution: accept modified proposal - when the sequence of the content affects its meaning, that sequence can be programmatically determined.

Conformance Issues and proposals

Misc proposals from the list

Proposed: 4.2.1 If one version of the content does not meet all Level 1 success criteria, then an alternate version is available from the same URI that does meet all Level 1 success criteria

resolution: accept

Proposal to replace "Web page and other primary resource" with "Web Pages (including Web Applications)" or "Web-Page*"

2 separate and distinct questions - 1. what terms we use 2. examining the SC to get the right term for each one

3 entities are delivery page, Web page extraordinaire, and authored unit

rationale for not including "perceived unit" - authors can't control it

3.2.2 will use authored unit

<gregg> ack

2.2.2 - discussion that this should apply to delivery units - example is ad in an iframe

but conformance is not at a delivery unit level - if ad doesn't conform, your page would not conform even if you provide a way to make it conform on your page.

jpegs are delivery units but cannot comply on their own - only when wrapped with something like an img element in an HTML document

maybe we need another entity - something between a delivery unit and a web page

<gregg> ackack g

or maybe we need something in conformance - a web page conforms if all delivery units conform or if it can wrap non-conforming delivery units in something that makes them conform

eb 2.0 model is not web pages at all but streaming resources - users create their own eb pages from the streaming content

with regard to 2.2.2, the in-between entity might be something that has a user interface

<Zakim> ben, you wanted to say, "I don't understand how this changes anything about the way a claim is made or in the motivation to apply WCAG 2.0 for different types of developers"

proposal to add "authored component" to the set of entities - delivery page, Web page extraordinaire, and authored unit

authored component is smaller than a Web page

2.2.2 - authored component or Web page

2.4.2 - Web page

2.4.3 Web page

2.4.4 - Web page

2.4.5 - skip

2.4.7 - has to be true for the whole and all of the parts

2.4.8 - Web page

3.1.1 - Web page

3.2.3 - Web pages

3.2.4 - Web pages

4.1.1 - authored component or Web page

3.2.2 - authored unit

<marco> 1,01I must go now, sorry. Bye!

resolution: add "authored component" and define as "authored unit that is intended to be used as a part of another authored unit"

<Zakim> ben, you wanted to say, "by adding authored component, can we now say primary resource?"

resolution: change Web page to Web unit

<ben> scribe: ben

resolution: define authored component as, "an authored unit intended to be used as a part of another authored unit"

resolution, replace Web Page or other primary resource with "Web Unit or authored component"

resolution, replace "Web page or other primary resource" with "Web unit" in 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.8, 3.1.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4

Proposed revisions to SC 2.4.5

<Michael> "parent" in an XML sense has a specific meaning as John points out

<Zakim> Michael, you wanted to say the procedure to navigate to parent structures would need to be straightforward and universal for this to work

<Zakim> Michael, you wanted to say if we can't define what the UA should do we can't accuse it of being broken

<Kesh> "the unique function of each link can be determined" is proposed

resolution: revise SC 2.4.5 to read, "The unique function of each link can be determined. "
... add 2.4.9 to read, "The unique function of each link can be programmatically determined from the link."

change "element" to "component" throughout

resolution: accept proposal and replace "element" with "component"

definition of programmatically determined

<jslatin> our definition of user agent explicitly includes AT

<Michael> which is why it's a wider net

resolution: accept unanimous items from other surveys

from conformance survey 476, 1324, 1328, 1361, 1362, 1437, 1444, 1556, 1560, 1573, 1575, 1590, 1598, 1702, 1723, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1759, 1760, 1762, 1778, 1787, 1823, 1855, 1865, 1868, 1870, 1871, 1872

from introduction - all but 1866 and 1867

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2006/03/10 00:18:04 $