Members of the Interest Group are expected to participate in face-to-face meetings. The Chair may allow additional participants for liaison purposes. If you would like to attend but do not have resources readily available to do so, please contact the Chair.
Registration is open til May 8th 2000. The minutes will list the people who actually attended.
CWI - Centrum voor Wiskunde en InformaticaHost contacts:
We'll probably have dinner together Thursday evening somewhere in the city. We'll pick up the restaurant once there.
If you're also attending WWW9, the best is reserved your hotel with them: see the WWW9 Web site.
You can also check the Web for cheaper places (http://www.medialink.nl/amsterdam, http://www.amsterdamhotspots.nl/sleep.html, http://www.bookings.nl, or http://www.hotelres.nl.
See the CWI Web site.
9-9:15 intro's 9:15-10:30 ERT -Checkpoint 12.3 - Divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where natural and appropriate -Checkpoint 13.3 - Provide information about the general layout of a site -Checkpoint 13.4 - Use navigation mechanisms in a consistent manner 10:30-10:45 break 10:45-12:00 ERT -Checkpoint 13.5 - Provide navigation bars to highlight and give access to the navigation mechanism -Checkpoint 13.8 - Place distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc -Checkpoint 14.1 - Use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site's content 12:00-1:00 lunch 1:00-2:30 ERT -Checkpoint 14.2 - Supplement text with graphic or auditory presentations where they will facilitate comprehension of the page -General scripting discussion: when is it used? when can you replace scripts with HTML on the page itself? when is it possible to push the functionality it to the server? -Technique 1.1.11 [priority 1] Check A elements for valid text content @@handled by technique 13.1.1 - verify that targets are clearly identified? What else do we need to check for? -Technique 2.2.1 [priority 3] Test the color attributes of the following elements for visibility. ... Requirement: Determine color visibility.@@needs work? -Technique 3.7.1 [priority 2] Verify instances where quote markup should be used. ... Lots of emphasized text (greater than x words??@@) 2:45-3:00 break 3:00-3:45 ERT -Technique 5.5.2 [priority 2] Check TABLE elements for valid CAPTION element. ... Requirement: @@ -Technique 6.2.1 [priority 1] Check the source of FRAME and IFRAME elements for valid markup files. ... @Adjust Javascript to point inside the wrapper? -Technique 6.2.2 [priority 1] Verify that equivalents of dynamic content are updated and available as often as the dynamic content. ... Requirements: any actions that change the display must change the equivalent @@Is this computable in a practical time (cf. NP complete) . Computer science help needed here. Of course, as in other parts of document, the fact that the equivalent changes is no guarantee that equivalent is correct than it is guaranteed that "alt" text for an image is correct. 3:45-5:00 planning What needs to be done? Who is going to do it? Assign action items.
9-9:30 intros, overview of yesterday, getting people on the same page. 9:30-10:30 Techniques discussion. Reviewing commonalities between AU Techniques and ERT Techniques. Sharing information about open issues and common problems. How should these two documents relate to each other? Refer to the ATAG1.0 Techniques: http://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG10-TECHS/ and the AERT Techniques: http://www.w3.org/TR/AERT 10:30-10:45 break 10:45-12:00 Tool discussion. Review commonalities between AU and ERT tools. Share information about implementations, implementors, needs. Has AU identified techniques that ER has found implmentations of? Who works with the implementor to see that techniques are included? 12:00-1:00 lunch 1:00-2:30 Demos and discussion A-prompt Allaire HomeSite Bobby W3C HTML Validator Schematron Tablin WAVE others? 2:45-3:00 break 3:00-3:45 Strategizing What is the most efficient way for out two groups to work together? We've both been realizing overlap in goals and resources. How should we handle this? (proposed draft) ER WG http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/erwg-charter.html The mission of the Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ER WG) is: to document techniques for creating Evaluation and Repair Tools; to find tools that implement the techniques and where there are none, prototype or participate in the development of an implementation; to assess the implementation of these techniques in evaluation and repair tools; to provide a discussion forum to review and collaborate on tool development. AU WG http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/charter3 To complete the development of accessibility guidelines for authoring tools, and to perform initial assessment of implementation of these guidelines by authoring tool manufacturers. These guidelines should address how authoring tools can: provide author support for creating accessible Web documents; ensure an accessible user interface for authors with disabilities. Assessment of implementation is expected to allow improvement to the supporting documents produced by the group, and if necessary to begin revision of the guidelines themselves. 3:45-5:00 Planning What needs to be done? Assign action items. Resolve outstanding coordination issues.