Input for Agenda Planning for the Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG)

This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.

Action Items Pending Review

There are 6 pending review actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2 (edit) pending review Business Case slides - HTML version Char James-Tanny 2011-08-17 Promoting Business Case
ACTION-27 (edit) pending review CSS for slides Ian Pouncey 2011-12-08 Promoting Business Case
ACTION-191 (edit) pending review ISO - relevance to business case - check business case content Suzette Keith 2013-04-12
ACTION-212 (edit) pending review Take list of design-related materials to see what needs to be updated and specifically how to inlcude a guide for integrating evaluation into design. Suzette Keith 2012-10-05
ACTION-242 (edit) pending review Consider if we need overview for wcag2ict Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-03-27
ACTION-277 (edit) pending review Will investigate what to say about Opera in relation to keyboard Liam McGee 2013-03-01

Overdue action items

There are 51 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-5 (edit) open Business Case video Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-05-21 Promoting Business Case
ACTION-7 (edit) open HowPeepsUseWeb - final edits Shadi Abou-Zahra 2012-05-15 How People with Disabilities Use the Web
ACTION-48 (edit) open Accessible Media Requirements by Type of Disability - consider in relationship to How Peeps Use Web - Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-17
ACTION-86 (edit) open Write print style sheet for WAI web site, due April 1, 2012 Wayne Dick 2012-09-13
ACTION-112 (edit) open Write up idea for good index for WCAG techniques Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-05-21
ACTION-115 (edit) open WCAG 2 card game - EOWG review cards Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-05-21
ACTION-171 (edit) open & others look for other conferences that we want to actively target for short plenary Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-05-21
ACTION-172 (edit) open & others look for disability-related conferences that don't focus on technology Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-05-21
ACTION-188 (edit) open Look at WAI-ARIA FAQ to add question about relationship to HTML5 Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-17
ACTION-190 (edit) open Draft Training topic/module to cover prelim eval for release with Prelim Eval update Andrew Arch 2013-09-30
ACTION-214 (edit) open Check WCAG-EM wording on SC not techniques for conformance Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-02
ACTION-221 (edit) open Update WCAG 1.0 -> 2.0 Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-05-21
ACTION-226 (edit) open Summarise for the group the internet charter and recommendations of the French government on developing web sites as an input to early stage doucment Sylvie Duchateau 2012-11-08
ACTION-250 (edit) open Edit Web Accessibility Summary for Web Platform Docs. Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-17
ACTION-255 (edit) open Followup on case study on HTML format (instead of PDF) Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-17
ACTION-267 (edit) open Add to the BAD wishlist "marked up headings that should not be headings" Shadi Abou-Zahra 2013-02-01
ACTION-268 (edit) open Belle to add image/screen grabs to placeholders in the current page. Anna Belle Leiserson 2013-02-08
ACTION-274 (edit) open Contact PF to ensure that EO reviews User Requirements for Media again before it gets published Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-17
ACTION-278 (edit) open Belle to investigate keyboard test parameters for Mac Anna Belle Leiserson 2013-03-01
ACTION-279 (edit) open Investigate pros and cons of keeping URI of Prelim Eval -OR- create a redirect. Andrew Arch 2013-03-04
ACTION-281 (edit) open Bring bigger picture look at training and education to WAI & EOWG discussion Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-04-02
ACTION-287 (edit) open Ask Shadi if we can have only one section expanded by default. Shawn Lawton Henry 2013-03-22
ACTION-296 (edit) open Work on definition of the accessibility quickies Anna Belle Leiserson 2013-05-10
ACTION-299 (edit) open Add a note to 'linearise' in Easy Checks about issues when data tables are linearised Andrew Arch 2013-06-21
ACTION-300 (edit) open Update link in to (and redirect that page in case anyone else lands on it) Shawn Lawton Henry 2014-03-24
ACTION-302 (edit) open And all change wcag overview to wcag 2.0 overview Shawn Lawton Henry 2014-11-03
ACTION-305 (edit) open Follow up with twitter contact Shawn Lawton Henry 2014-11-05
ACTION-306 (edit) open Follow up with liam Shawn Lawton Henry 2014-11-05
ACTION-308 (edit) open And others - "diagram" of documents - wcag specific and others Shawn Lawton Henry 2014-11-07
ACTION-333 (edit) open Record idea of share buttons overall on resources Shawn Lawton Henry 2015-10-16
ACTION-334 (edit) open Investigate eo grant Wayne Dick 2016-03-28
ACTION-336 (edit) open And shawn and others interested will look at James Green 2016-03-29
ACTION-337 (edit) open Create a way to add the review cycle information to github projects so we can use it programatically. Eric Eggert 2016-09-09
ACTION-342 (edit) open Check on guest contributors Shawn Lawton Henry 2016-03-29
ACTION-349 (edit) open Add accessibility principles to (and easy checks & getting started tips & any other new relevant stuff) Shawn Lawton Henry 2016-05-13
ACTION-350 (edit) open Have a look into prettification of the player ui, with help by james + designers and on input by eowg Caleb Watson 2016-05-13
ACTION-351 (edit) open Put user feedback from accessu into and/or as github issues Susan Hewitt 2016-05-27
ACTION-366 (edit) open Encourage updates to all /tr/wcag 1.0 pages with notes pointing to wcag 2.0 Shawn Lawton Henry 2016-07-22
ACTION-368 (edit) open Make proposal for version numbers for documents and interactive elements, and workflow. Eric Eggert 2016-07-28
ACTION-372 (edit) open Post compilation video when shadi sends captions Shawn Lawton Henry 2016-08-12
ACTION-375 (edit) open Work with eric on code fix of bug for issue #65 Caleb Watson 2017-01-20
ACTION-377 (edit) open Work with maryjo propose a change to the prototype based on the issue #1 discussion. Robert Jolly 2017-02-17
ACTION-379 (edit) open Send shawn invitation to review ia in the next couple of days when draft is stable. James Green 2017-07-05
ACTION-382 (edit) open (or anyone else) add to perspectives idea the speech access page - kim has video -- add to github Shawn Lawton Henry 2017-11-14
ACTION-383 (edit) open (or anyone else) add to github idea of thinking about undestanding docs in new site... Shawn Lawton Henry 2017-11-14
ACTION-387 (edit) open Add issue on stories of web users about calling them stories or personas. Shawn Lawton Henry 2018-03-26
ACTION-389 (edit) open Set date with matt to meet in january. Eric Eggert 2018-10-29
ACTION-390 (edit) open Or others request portal page -> landing page in Shawn Lawton Henry 2018-10-29
ACTION-391 (edit) open Add twitter & youtube to wai page/site Shawn Lawton Henry 2018-11-09
ACTION-392 (edit) open Look at integrating perspectives tagline throughout site! Shawn Lawton Henry 2019-09-13
ACTION-393 (edit) open Check with aria co-chairs and staff about setting up specific mailing list Shawn Lawton Henry 2020-09-30

Action items due next week

There are 0 upcoming actions.

Issues discussed over the last week

There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.

Kris Anne Kinney <>, Brian Elton <>, Chairs, Shawn Lawton Henry <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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