This is an outdated draft. The latest version is available at
User Requirements | Already implemented in demo page | Should be implemented in demo page |
Use 12-14pt text size | No | No |
Use relative units for text and layout | Yes | - |
Provide text size adjustment link | No | No |
Use a sans serif font | No | Yes (throughout in demo) |
Avoid bold body-text (except for emphasis) | No | Yes (Terms & Conditions) |
Avoid underlined text (do use for links) | No | Yes (Terms & Conditions) |
Avoid text in all capitals (use proper case) | No | Yes (Terms & Conditions) |
Left justified text (with L2R scripts) | No | Yes (Terms & Conditions) |
Use increased line spacing | No | Yes (throughout in demo) |
Provide sufficient (high) contrast | Yes | - |
Avoid blues and greens | No | No |
Avoid fluorescent colours | No | No |
Use dark text on light background | No | |
Avoid patterned backgrounds | No | No |
Use HTML rather than images or multimedia for text-based information | Yes | - |
Provide 'white space' page margins | No | Yes (general usage of whitespace) |
Avoid horizontal scrolling | Yes | Yes |
Do not indicate required form fields with just just an asterisk - use text | Yes | - |
Ensure links are blue and underlined | No | No |
Ensure links change colour after visit | No | No |
Ensure links are visibly different when they have focus | Yes | - |
Combine images and links with the same destination | Part | Yes |
Present links as lists | No | No |
Clearly separate links | No | Yes |
Links should be large in size (clickable area) | No | Yes (left navigation) |
Provide a text equivalent for images | Yes | - |
Provide captions and/or transcripts for video and animations | not applicable | - |
Don't use colour alone to portray information | Yes | - |
Use style sheets for presentation and layout | Yes | - |
Provide a linear alternative to pages using table layout | not applicable | - |
Provide Previous/Next page links (where appropriate) | not applicable | - (we use it for the demo) |
Make search results visible in normal view-port | not applicable | - |
Make sure the user notices small page changes/updates | not applicable | - |
Avoid moving (and scrolling) text | No | - |
Use static menus (not fly-out / pull-down) | No | No |
Provide clean pages; avoid clutter; avoid irrelevant material to the main content | No | Yes (right teasers on form page) |
Don't disable the "back" button | No | No |
Provide "breadcrumbs" | No | No |
Provide true home page link on all pages of site | Yes | - |
Ensure the "search" function covers whole site | not applicable | - |
Ensure the "search" function is labeled | not applicable | - |
Avoid blinking content | No | Wishlist |
Avoid animations (unless requested) | No | Wishlist |
Do not automatically refresh pages | No | Wishlist (updating content?) |
Use device-independent event handlers | Yes | - |
Ensure logical tabbing order | Yes | - |
Provide clear links | Yes | - |
Provide a site-map | not applicable | - |
Provide a navigation menu | Yes | - |
If pop-up windows used, then the full message is displayed | not applicable | - |
Don't break the browsers history functionality ("back" button) | No | No |
Undertake user testing | - | |
Avoid pop-ups or new windows | No | Wishlist (warning instead of avoid) |
Provide Help &/or FAQ's for the site | No | No |
Provide instructions for form completion | Yes | - |
Provide clear error messages for forms | No | Yes |
Accommodate misspellings, hyphens and common variations within forms | No | Wishlist (date) |
Provide clear/consistent branding on all pages | No | No |
Provide an "About us" and/or "Contacts" page | not applicable | - |
Ensure search function is tolerant of misspellings | not applicable | - |
Use an active voice for writing | Part | No |
Use short sentences and paragraphs | Part | Part (Terms & Conditions, Recheck) |
Provide consistent navigation | No | No |
Write clearly with important information at the start | Part | No |
Include a glossary (especially for technical terms) | No | No |
Only use icons and graphics that are relevant to the topic or that aid comprehension and understanding | Part | No |
Ensure search query is repeated on search results page | not applicable | - |
Group like information | No | No |
Use valid code | Yes | - |
Use short pages | Part | No |
Avoid making users download documents (provide material as HTML where appropriate) | not applicable | Wishlist |
Pages should function without scripting support | Yes | - |
Consider page download speed - create 'small' pages | Part | No |
Do not require "double clicks" | not applicable | - |