Authoring Tool Accessibility
Guidelines Working Group
ATAG Conformance Evaluation Process
The Authoring Tool Accessibility
Guidelines Working Group (AUWG) welcomes additional ATAG conformance evaluations
by authoring tool developers and members of the public.
Performing a Conformance Evaluation
In order to perform an evaluation, the reviewer should ensure that they are
familiar with the following:
- Authoring Tool
Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) and ATAG
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
- the operation of the authoring tool being evaluated, and
- the accessibility best practices for all the tool's output formats.
The working group has prepared a draft conformance
evaluation template (coming soon) to help reviewers organize
their evaluations. The template includes instructions throughout as well as
a necessary disclaimer. Please note that because the ATAG conformance evaluation
is dependent on many factors, the template is quite lengthy and may take several
hours to complete.
Submitting a Conformance Evalaution
The process for submitting an evaluation differs slightly depending on whether
the reviewer is a member of AUWG, the tool's developer or a third party:
- Notify the AUWG that you are starting a review (required only for members
of the AUWG) - the AUWG will notify the developer.
- Notify the AUWG when the review is complete - the AUWG will notify the developer
and send them an electronic copy of the review.
- The developer will have two weeks to respond to the notification
- if no response is forthcoming from the developer within the two week notification
period, a notice will be added to the review stating that no feedback was
When the AUWG Receives a Review
- Members of the AUWG will be asked to check the review for accuracy.
- Factual errors discovered by the AUWG or the developer will be corrected
- the AUWG may refuse to post the review if it is found to be grossly
- Differences of opinion between the reviewer and the developer will be resolved
with the AUWG - if differences persist, the dissenting view will be recorded
and linked to from the review.
- The review will be posted to the ATAG conformance evaluations
- The AUWG will periodically review the list of conformance evaluations, removing
those that the group determines are no longer useful.
Last updated 28 May, 2002 by Jan Richards (