Meetings/TPAC 2017
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ARIA WG Meeting at TPAC 2017
The Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group will meet at the Technical Plenary (TPAC) 2017 in Burlingame, CA during the week of 6 November 2017. See the overall meeting page for conference, hotel, and travel logistics.
Remote Participation
Remote participation is available via WebEx.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
- 08:30: Set up
- 09:00: ARIA 1.1 Post-Mortem
- 10:15: Modifying workflow to better meet targets and ensure mappings support feature intent
- 11:00: Better coordination and interaction with user agent and AT vendors
- 12:00: AAMs as "living standards" (or something functionally equivalent) under the W3C? (Related discussion)
- 13:00: Lunch
- 14:00: ARIA and SSML
- 14:30:AOM presentation and Q&A
- 15:30: AOM and ARIA Next(s)
- 16:30: Possible solutions to the "AAM problem"
- 18:00: Adjourn
Friday, 10 November 2017
- 08:30: Set up
- 09:00: Prep for joint meeting with Web Platform WG re Web Components
- 09:45: Scope for and Graphics modules
- 10:45: Break
- 11:00: Joint meeting with Web Platform WG re Web Components
- 12:00: Lunch
- 13:00: Graphics, Graphics AAM, and collaboration on SVG AAM
- 14:00: Authoring Practices Task Force
- 15:00: Personalization Task Force
- 16:00: CSS Task Force
- 17:00: Re-chartering, identifying candidate deliverables, setting achievable milestones
- 18:00: Adjourn
Notes, etc.
- AOM and ARIA next:
- Current status: AOM Phases 1 and 2 are implemented in Chrome behind a flag, and Apple and Mozilla are planning to begin implementation this fall.
- Regarding role and property parity with native host languages: AOM would like ARIA to define the roles and properties, and AOM phase 1 will simply provide an alternative programmatic way to define them.
- Regarding Web Components: AOM thinks their work can be immensely helpful here as AOM Phase 1 provides a solution to the problem of IDREFs crossing shadow DOM boundaries.
- Regarding modification of states and properties via platform accessibility APIs: This is AOM Phase 2. The ARIA Working Group should look at the existing AOM spec prior to TPAC. The groups need to determine if we're on the same page here.