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ARIA Landmarks Example

Visually outline the landmarks and/or headings on the page using the following buttons.

Assistive Technology

The following sections demonstrate how various popular assistive technologies support landmark navigation

JAWS Screen Reader for Windows

The following commands are available in the JAWS screen reader (since version 15) for navigating landmarks:

Command Action
Q Go to main landmark
R Go to next landmark
Shift+R Go to previous landmark
Insert+Control+R List of landmarks

Screen shot of list of landmarks in JAWS

Screen shot of list of landmarks in JAWS

NVDA Screen Reader for Windows

The following commands are available in NVDA screen reader (since version 2014.2) for navigating landmarks:

Command Action
D Go to next landmark
Shift+D Go to previous landmark
NVDA+F7 List of landmarks

Screen shot of list of landmarks in NVDA

Screen shot of list of landmarks in N V D A

VoiceOver Screen Reader for macOS

The following commands are available in VoiceOver screen reader for navigating landmarks:

Command Action
W (Quick Nav) Go to next landmark
Shift+W (Quick Nav) Go to previous landmark
Control+Option+U, then left or right arrow key to landmark list List of landmarks

Screen shot of list of landmarks in VoiceOver

Screen shot of list of landmarks in voice over

ORCA Screen Reader for Linux/GNOME

The following commands are available in ORCA Screen reader for navigating landmarks:

Command Action
M Next landmark
Shift+M Previous landmark
Alt+Shift+M List of landmarks

Screen shot of list of landmarks in Orca

Screen shot of list of landmarks in orca

SkipTo Landmarks & Headings Browser Extension

The SkipTo Landmarks & Headings browser extension implements the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 requirement 9.9 Allow Structured Navigation. It does this by providing keyboard navigation to landmarks and headings on any web page. The keyboard shortcut to open the SkipTo menu is alt + 2 on Windows/Linux and option + 2 on Mac keyboards.

Screen shot of list of landmarks and Headings

Screen shot of list of landmarks and headings using SkipTo Landmarks & Headings Browser Extension