Overdue Actions

Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 10 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-57 (edit) open Look at induction in module 1 Janina Sajka 2020-05-25
ACTION-69 (edit) open Check what is missing in the tr space explainer from the wiki Becky Gibson 2020-07-27
ACTION-89 (edit) open Make proposed structural edits to modules 2 & 3 John Foliot 2021-07-19
ACTION-90 (edit) open Finish a write-up for issue #170 John Foliot 2021-08-09
ACTION-91 (edit) open Update module 1 based on issue #184 John Foliot 2021-08-16
ACTION-93 (edit) open Chat with makoto about examples (symbols with japanese text) John Foliot 2021-12-20
ACTION-94 (edit) open Rename personalization tf Ruoxi Ran 2022-05-24
ACTION-96 (edit) open Next billion stat from ruh Lionel Wolberger 2022-11-07
ACTION-99 (edit) open Respond to issue #203 Janina Sajka 2022-11-07
ACTION-102 (edit) open Map to symbols must be taken from aac-registry (or whatever short-name we get) Janina Sajka 2022-11-21

Add a new action item. See all the action items

Sharon Snider <snidersd@us.ibm.com>, Lionel Wolberger <lionel@userway.org>, Chairs, Michael Cooper <cooper@w3.org>, Ruoxi Ran <ran@w3.org>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
$Id: overdue.html,v 1.1 2023/06/06 13:11:32 carcone Exp $