Guidelines for Different Components

illustration with labeled graphics of computers and people. at the top center is a graphic with numbers, a book, a clock, and paper, labeled 'content'. coming up from the bottom left, an arrow connects 'developers' through 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools' to 'content' at the top. coming up from the bottom right, an arrow connects 'users' to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies' to 'content' at the top. below these are 'accessibility guidelines' which include 'ATAG' with an arrow pointing to 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools', 'WCAG' pointing to 'content', and 'UAAG' pointing to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies'. at the very bottom, 'technical specifications (HTML, XML, CSS, SVG, SMIL, etc.)' forms a base with an arrow pointing up to the accessibility guidelines.