Select W3C presentations from the Sixth
International World Wide Web Conference
W3C: Leading the Evolution of the World Wide Web [slides]
W3C User Interface Domain: Connecting People with Computers [slides]
Leading the Evolution of HTML [slides]
Amaya: W3C's User Interface Testbed [slides]
Amaya Architecture [slides]
Extending Amaya [slides]
Integrating Java into Amaya [slides]
Cascading Style Sheets [slides]
CSS: Style, Performance, Accessibility [slides]
XML and CSS: [slides]
W3C Technology & Society Domain: Connecting People [slides
1] [slides
Multilingualism and Internationalization [slides]
The Platform for Internet Content Selection [slides]
Everyone's Web: The Web Accessibility Initiative [slides]
W3C Architecture Domain
Improving Web Performance: Global Reach [slides]
Synchronized Multimedia [slides]
Developer's Day and History Day [slides]
Last modified: $Date: 1997/05/14 20:41:35 $