Bert Bos & Eva Kasal | CSS3 in Style


Layout for graphical user interfaces (GUI)

More flexible than tables and simpler than Grid Templates when structure matches the layout


From the demo:

p {display: flexbox; width: 100%}

#one p {flex-pack: center}
#two p {flex-pack: start}
#three p {flex-pack: end}

#five input {flex: 1}


Flexbox could (not yet in cur­rent ex­per­i­men­tal im­ple­men­ta­tions) be used to make a “column-major” table:

Flexbox – alignment

Elements in a row or column can be

There is also flex-item-align to set on the children (not yet in cur­rent ex­per­i­men­tal im­ple­men­ta­tions)

Flexbox – status

Experimental implementations in various browsers.

(With syntax based on early drafts)