W3C Semantic Web
Dan Brickley
Table of contents
W3C Semantic Web Activity
Semantic Web in Context
SW and RDF: Where did it come from?
RDF/SW - architectural aims
RDF Target applications
What is RDF, really?
RDF model: one simple idea...
Graphs and Webs: before RDF
Graphs and Webs: after RDF
The common model: why use 'nodes and arcs'?
RDF example: document status
RDF example: data mixing...
(Semantic) Web: it's all about (hyper)linking
W3C Semantic Web Activity
Semantic Web: building on proven ideas
Semantic Web futures: walk before we run
SW futures: Web data tools
SW futures: Blue skies?
SW: Logic and Trust scenario
Semantic Web: Where next?
Getting involved