Description of the image in section 5 of the "Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data" document
The image consists of a number of boxes, each with a title and list of terms. Each term belongs to a category (shown as a different color on the image) and some of the terms are linked to other boxes to denote a reference to either a value or an array of values (differentiated with a different arrow head on the image).
This description uses a series of definition items, one item per box.
The item name represents is the title of the box, the item content is a
list of terms. Each term has a name and, in brackets, the corresponding
category. Links in the image are denoted by hyperlinks to the
corresponding boxes; the class value
on the hyperlink
means the reference is for a value (denoted in green in the text), whereas the class array
on the hyperlink means the reference is for an array of values (denoted in red in the text).
- Inherited Properties
- null (atomic property)
- lang (atomic property)
- textDirection (atomic property)
- separator (atomic property)
- ordered (atomic property)
- default (atomic property)
- datatype (array property)
- required (atomic property)
- aboutUrl (URI template property)
- propertyUrl (atomic property)
- valueUrl (atomic property)
- Datatype Description
- base (atomic property)
- format (atomic property)
- length (atomic property)
- minLength (atomic property)
- maxLength (atomic property)
- minimum (atomic property)
- maximum (array property)
- minInclusive (atomic property)
- maxInclusive (atomic property)
- minExclusive (atomic property)
- maxExclusive (atomic property)
- @id (link property)
- Number Format
- decimalChar (atomic property)
- groupChar (atomic property)
- pattern (atomic property)
- Transformation Definition
- url (link property)
- targetFormat (link property)
- scriptFormat (link property)
- titles (natural language property)
- source (atomic property)
- @id (link property)
- @type (atomic property)
- Table Group
- tables (array property)
- transformations (array property)
- tableDirection (atomic property)
- tableSchema (object property)
- dialect (object property)
- notes (array property)
- @context (array property)
- @id (link property)
- @type (atomic property)
- Table
- url (link property)
- transformations (array property)
- tableDirection (atomic property)
- tableSchema (object property)
- dialect (object property)
- notes (array property)
- suppressOutput (atomic property)
- @context (array property)
- @id (link property)
- @type (atomic property)
- Top-Level Properties
- @language (link property)
- @base (link property)
- Dialect Description
- commentPrefix (atomic property)
- doubleQuote (atomic property)
- delimiter (atomic property)
- encoding (atomic property)
- header (atomic property)
- headerRowCount (atomic property)
- lineTerminators (array property)
- quoteChar (atomic property)
- skipBlankRows (atomic property)
- skipColumns (atomic property)
- skipInitialSpace (atomic property)
- skipRows (atomic property)
- trim (atomic property)
- @id (link property)
- @type (atomic property)
- Schema
- foreignKeys (array property)
- columns (array property)
- primaryKey (column reference property)
- rowTitles (column reference property)
- @id (link property)
- @type (atomic property)
- Foreign Key Definition
- columnReference (column reference property)
- reference (object property)
- Foreign Key Reference
- resource (link property)
- schemaReference (link property)
- columnReference (column reference property)
- Column Description
- name (atomic property)
- titles (natural language property)
- required (atomic property)
- suppressOutput (atomic property)
- virtual (atomic property)
- @id (link property)
- @type (atomic property)