E. Appendix: Change Log

The full commit history to coga usable content is available.

E.1 Significant editorial changes since the First Public Working Draft

  • 2019-07-16: Added Design Guide to appendix.
  • 2020-03-27: Coga TF changed the documents as follow:
    • Conducted a mapping across the user needs, user stories, personas, and patterns and filled in the gaps;
    • Removed duplicate content;
    • Reorganized the content to focus the main portion on designers and developers and create a more cohesive flow;
    • Conducted editorial cleanup (punctuation, grammar, etc) of the content to improve quality and readability;
    • Added quotes to patterns and personas.
  • 2020-07-13: Coga TF changed the documents as follows:
    • Made the tone consistent across the document and fixed editing errors;
    • Reorganized the sections to improve readability; and
    • Removed appendixes that were still in process.
    • This version of document will be used for Wide Review.