This section describes attributes that are common to all elements in the HTML language.
accesskey & class & contenteditable & contextmenu & dir & draggable & dropzone & hidden & id & lang & spellcheck & style & tabindex & title
An unordered set of unique space-separated tokens, each of which is a case-insensitive match for one of the following:
Indicates that dropping an accepted item on the element will result in a copy of the dragged data.
Indicates that dropping an accepted item on the element will result in the dragged data being moved to the new location.
Indicates that dropping an accepted item on the element will result in a link to the original data.
Indicates that Plain Unicode string items, of the type
indicated by the part of of the keyword after the
string, can be dropped on this element.
Indicates that File items, of the type
indicated by the part of of the keyword after the
string, can be dropped on this element.
The value must not have more than one of the three tokens
If none are specified, the element represents a
Previous versions of HTML placed greater restrictions on the content of ID values (for example, they did not permit ID values to begin with a number).
onabort & onblur & oncanplay & oncanplaythrough & onchange & onclick & oncontextmenu & ondblclick & ondrag & ondragend & ondragenter & ondragleave & ondragover & ondragstart & ondrop & ondurationchange & onemptied & onended & onerror & onfocus & oninput & oninvalid & onkeydown & onkeypress & onkeyup & onload & onloadeddata & onloadedmetadata & onloadstart & onmousedown & onmousemove & onmouseout & onmouseover & onmouseup & onmousewheel & onpause & onplay & onplaying & onprogress & onratechange & onreadystatechange & onreset & onscroll & onseeked & onseeking & onselect & onshow & onstalled & onsubmit & onsuspend & ontimeupdate & onvolumechange & onwaiting
on the
video or audio element has been updated.defaultPlaybackRate
or the DOM attribute playbackRate
on the video or audio element has been updated.seeking
changed to false
(a seek operation on the
video or audio element ended).seeking
changed to true
, and the seek operation on
the video or audio elements is taking long enough that the
UA has time to fire the seeking
or the DOM attribute muted
on the video or audio element has been changed.xml:space
attribute should only be used with
documents in the XML syntax;
not be used in
documents in the HTML syntax.xml:base
attribute should only be used with
documents in the XML syntax;
not be used in
documents in the HTML syntax.