A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML

← 4.9 Tabular dataTable of contents4.11 Interactive elements →

4.10 Forms

Forms allow unscripted client-server interaction: given a form, a user can provide data, submit it to the server, and have the server act on it accordingly (e.g. returning the results of a search or calculation). The elements used in forms can also be used for user interaction with no associated submission mechanism, in conjunction with scripts.

Mostly for historical reasons, elements in this section fall into several overlapping (but subtly different) categories in addition to the usual ones like flow content, phrasing content, and interactive content.

A number of the elements are form-associated elements, which means they can have a form owner and, to expose this, have a form content attribute with a matching form DOM attribute.

The form-associated elements fall into several subcategories:

Submittable elements
Denotes elements that can be used for constructing the form data set when a form element is submitted.
Resettable elements
Denotes elements that can be affected when a form element is reset.
Denotes elements that are listed in the form.elements and fieldset.elements APIs.
Denotes elements that can be associated with label elements.

In addition, some submittable elements can be, depending on their attributes, buttons. The prose below defines when an element is a button. Some buttons are specifically submit buttons.

The object element is also a form-associated element and can, with the use of a suitable plugin, partake in form submission.

4.10.1 The form element

Flow content.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where flow content is expected.
Content model:
Flow content, but with no form element descendants.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLFormElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString acceptCharset;
           attribute DOMString action;
           attribute boolean autocomplete;
           attribute DOMString enctype;
           attribute DOMString method;
           attribute DOMString name;
           attribute boolean novalidate;
           attribute DOMString target;

  readonly attribute HTMLFormControlsCollection elements;
  readonly attribute long length;
  [IndexGetter] any item(in DOMString name);
  [NameGetter=OverrideBuiltins] any namedItem(in DOMString name);

  void submit();
  void reset();
  boolean checkValidity();

  void dispatchFormInput();
  void dispatchFormChange();

The form element represents a collection of form-associated elements, some of which can represent editable values that can be submitted to a server for processing.

The accept-charset attribute gives the character encodings that are to be used for the submission. If specified, the value must be an ordered set of unique space-separated tokens, and each token must be the preferred name of an ASCII-compatible character encoding. [IANACHARSET]

The name attribute represents the form's name within the forms collection. The value must not be the empty string, and the value must be unique amongst the form elements in the forms collection that it is in, if any.

The autocomplete attribute is an enumerated attribute. The attribute has two states. The on keyword maps to the on state, and the off keyword maps to the off state. The attribute may also be omitted. The missing value default is the on state. The off state indicates that by default, input elements in the form will have their resulting autocompletion state set to off; the on state indicates that by default, input elements in the form will have their resulting autocompletion state set to on.

The action, enctype, method, novalidate, and target attributes are attributes for form submission.

form . elements

Returns an HTMLCollection of the form controls in the form (excluding image buttons for historical reasons).

form . length

Returns the number of form controls in the form (excluding image buttons for historical reasons).

element = form . item(index)

Returns the indexth element in the form (excluding image buttons for historical reasons).

element = form . namedItem(name)

Returns the form control in the form with the given ID or name (excluding image buttons for historical reasons).

Once an element has been referenced using a particular name, that name will continue being available as a way to reference that element in this method, even if the element's actual ID or name changes, for as long as the element remains in the Document.

If there are multiple matching items, then a NodeList object containing all those elements is returned.

Returns null if no element with that ID or name could be found.

form . submit()

Submits the form.

form . reset()

Resets the form.

form . checkValidity()

Returns true if the form's controls are all valid; otherwise, returns false.

form . dispatchFormInput()

Dispatches a forminput event at all the form controls.

form . dispatchFormChange()

Dispatches a formchange event at all the form controls.

The autocomplete and name DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

The acceptCharset DOM attribute must reflect the accept-charset content attribute.

The elements DOM attribute must return an HTMLFormControlsCollection rooted at the Document node, whose filter matches listed elements whose form owner is the form element, with the exception of input elements whose type attribute is in the Image Button state, which must, for historical reasons, be excluded from this particular collection.

The length DOM attribute must return the number of nodes represented by the elements collection.

The indices of the supported indexed properties at any instant are the indices supported by the object returned by the elements attribute at that instant.

The item(index) method must return the value returned by the method of the same name on the elements collection, when invoked with the same argument.

Each form element has a mapping of names to elements called the past names map. It is used to persist names of controls even when they change names.

The names of the supported named properties are the union of the names currently supported by the object returned by the elements attribute, and the names currently in the past names map.

The namedItem(name) method, when called, must run the following steps:

  1. If name is one of the names of the supported named properties of the object returned by the elements attribute, then run these substeps:

    1. Let candidate be the object returned by the namedItem() method on the object returned by the elements attribute when passed the name argument.

    2. If candidate is an element, then add a mapping from name to candidate in the form element's past names map, replacing the previous entry with the same name, if any.

    3. Return candidate and abort these steps.

  2. Otherwise, name is the name of one of the entries in the form element's past names map: return the object associated with name in that map.

If an element listed in the form element's past names map is removed from the Document, then its entries must be removed from the map.

The submit() method, when invoked, must submit the form element from the form element itself.

The reset() method, when invoked, must reset the form element.

If the checkValidity() method is invoked, the user agent must statically validate the constraints of the form element, and return true if the constraint validation return a positive result, and false if it returned a negative result.

If the dispatchFormInput() method is invoked, the user agent must broadcast forminput events from the form element.

If the dispatchFormChange() method is invoked, the user agent must broadcast formchange events from the form element.

4.10.2 The fieldset element

Flow content.
Listed form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where flow content is expected.
Content model:
One legend element followed by flow content.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLFieldSetElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString name;

  readonly attribute DOMString type;

  readonly attribute HTMLFormControlsCollection elements;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

The fieldset element represents a set of form controls grouped under a common name.

The name of the group is given by the first legend element that is a child of the fieldset element. The remainder of the descendants form the group.

The disabled attribute, when specified, causes all the form control descendants of the fieldset element to be disabled.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the fieldset element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name.

fieldset . type

Returns the string "fieldset".

fieldset . elements

Returns an HTMLCollection of the form controls in the element.

The disabled DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.

The type DOM attribute must return the string "fieldset".

The elements DOM attribute must return an HTMLFormControlsCollection rooted at the fieldset element, whose filter matches listed elements.

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API.

Constraint validation: fieldset elements are always barred from constraint validation.

4.10.3 The label element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Interactive content.
Form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Phrasing content, but with no descendant labelable form-associated elements unless it is the element's labeled control, and no descendant label elements.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLLabelElement : HTMLElement {
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString htmlFor;
  readonly attribute HTMLElement control;

The label represents a caption in a user interface. The caption can be associated with a specific form control, known as the label element's labeled control, either using for attribute, or by putting the form control inside the label element itself.

Unless otherwise specified by the following rules, a label element has no labeled control.

The for attribute may be specified to indicate a form control with which the caption is to be associated. If the attribute is specified, the attribute's value must be the ID of a labelable form-associated element in the same Document as the label element. If the attribute is specified and there is an element in the Document whose ID is equal to the value of the for attribute, and the first such element is a labelable form-associated element, then that element is the label element's labeled control.

If the for attribute is not specified, but the label element has a labelable form-associated element descendant, then the first such descendant in tree order is the label element's labeled control.

The label element's exact default presentation and behavior, in particular what its activation behavior might be, if anything, should match the platform's label behavior.

For example, on platforms where clicking a checkbox label checks the checkbox, clicking the label in the following snippet could trigger the user agent to run synthetic click activation steps on the input element, as if the element itself had been triggered by the user:

<label><input type=checkbox name=lost> Lost</label>

On other platforms, the behavior might be just to focus the control, or do nothing.

label . control

Returns the form control that is associated with this element.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the label element with its form owner.

The htmlFor DOM attribute must reflect the for content attribute.

The control DOM attribute must return the label element's labeled control, if any, or null if there isn't one.

control . labels

Returns a NodeList of all the label elements that the form control is associated with.

Labelable form-associated elements have a NodeList object associated with them that represents the list of label elements, in tree order, whose labeled control is the element in question. The labels DOM attribute of labelable form-associated elements, on getting, must return that NodeList object.

4.10.4 The input element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
If the type attribute is not in the Hidden state: Interactive content.
Listed, labelable, submittable, and resettable form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString accept;
           attribute DOMString alt;
           attribute boolean autocomplete;
           attribute boolean autofocus;
           attribute boolean defaultChecked;
           attribute boolean checked;
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString formAction;
           attribute DOMString formEnctype;
           attribute DOMString formMethod;
           attribute boolean formNoValidate;
           attribute DOMString formTarget;
           attribute DOMString height;
           attribute boolean indeterminate;
  readonly attribute HTMLElement list;
           attribute DOMString max;
           attribute long maxLength;
           attribute DOMString min;
           attribute boolean multiple;
           attribute DOMString name;
           attribute DOMString pattern;
           attribute DOMString placeholder;
           attribute boolean readOnly;
           attribute boolean required;
           attribute unsigned long size;
           attribute DOMString src;
           attribute DOMString step;
           attribute DOMString type;
           attribute DOMString defaultValue;
           attribute DOMString value;
           attribute Date valueAsDate;
           attribute float valueAsNumber;
  readonly attribute HTMLOptionElement selectedOption;
           attribute DOMString width;

  void stepUp(in long n);
  void stepDown(in long n);

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

  void select();
           attribute unsigned long selectionStart;
           attribute unsigned long selectionEnd;
  void setSelectionRange(in unsigned long start, in unsigned long end);

The input element represents a typed data field, usually with a form control to allow the user to edit the data.

The type attribute controls the data type (and associated control) of the element. It is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords and states for the attribute — the keywords in the left column map to the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword.

Keyword State Data type Control type
hidden Hidden An arbitrary string n/a
text Text Text with no line breaks Text field
search Search Text with no line breaks Search field
url URL An absolute IRI A text field
email E-mail An e-mail address or list of e-mail addresses A text field
password Password Text with no line breaks (sensitive information) Text field that obscures data entry
datetime Date and Time A date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a second) with the time zone set to UTC A date and time control
date Date A date (year, month, day) with no time zone A date control
month Month A date consisting of a year and a month with no time zone A month control
week Week A date consisting of a week-year number and a week number with no time zone A week control
time Time A time (hour, minute, seconds, fractional seconds) with no time zone A time control
datetime-local Local Date and Time A date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a second) with no time zone A date and time control
number Number A numerical value A text field or spinner control
range Range A numerical value, with the extra semantic that the exact value is not important A slider control or similar
color Color An sRGB color with 8-bit red, green, and blue components A color well
checkbox Checkbox A set of zero or more values from a predefined list A checkbox
radio Radio Button An enumerated value A radio button
file File Upload Zero or more files each with a MIME type and optionally a file name A label and a button
submit Submit Button An enumerated value, with the extra semantic that it must be the last value selected and initiates form submission A button
image Image Button A coordinate, relative to a particular image's size, with the extra semantic that it must be the last value selected and initiates form submission Either a clickable image, or a button
reset Reset Button n/a A button
button Button n/a A button

The missing value default is the Text state.

Which of the accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, readonly, required, size, src, step, and width attributes apply to an input element depends on the state of its type attribute. Similarly, the checked, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, list, and selectedOption DOM attributes, and the stepUp() and stepDown() methods, are specific to certain states. The following table is non-normative and summarises which content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to each state:

Hidden Text, Search, URL E-mail Password Date and Time, Date, Month, Week, Time Local Date and Time, Number Range Color Checkbox, Radio Button File Upload Submit Button Image Button Reset Button, Button
accept · · · · · · · · · Yes · · ·
alt · · · · · · · · · · · Yes ·
autocomplete · Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes · · · · ·
checked · · · · · · · · Yes · · · ·
formaction · · · · · · · · · · Yes Yes ·
formenctype · · · · · · · · · · Yes Yes ·
formmethod · · · · · · · · · · Yes Yes ·
formnovalidate · · · · · · · · · · Yes Yes ·
formtarget · · · · · · · · · · Yes Yes ·
height · · · · · · · · · · · Yes ·
list · Yes Yes · Yes Yes Yes Yes · · · · ·
max · · · · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · ·
maxlength · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
min · · · · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · ·
multiple · · Yes · · · · · · Yes · · ·
pattern · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
placeholder · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
readonly · Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · ·
required · Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes · · Yes Yes · · ·
size · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
src · · · · · · · · · · · Yes ·
step · · · · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · ·
width · · · · · · · · · · · Yes ·
checked · · · · · · · · Yes · · · ·
value value value value value value value value value default/on filename default default default
valueAsDate · · · · Yes · · · · · · · ·
valueAsNumber · · · · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · ·
list · Yes Yes · Yes Yes Yes Yes · · · · ·
selectedOption · Yes Yes · Yes Yes Yes Yes · · · · ·
select() · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
selectionStart · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
selectionEnd · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
setSelectionRange() · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · · · · ·
stepDown() · · · · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · ·
stepUp() · · · · Yes Yes Yes · · · · · ·
input event · Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes · · · ·
change event · Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes · · ·

When an input element's type attribute changes state, and when the element is first created, the element's rendering and behavior must change to the new state's accordingly and the value sanitization algorithm, if one is defined for the type attribute's new state, must be invoked.

Each input element has a value, which is exposed by the value DOM attribute. Some states define an algorithm to convert a string to a number, an algorithm to convert a number to a string, an algorithm to convert a string to a Date object, and an algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, which are used by max, min, step, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, stepDown(), and stepUp().

Each input element has a boolean dirty value flag. When it is true, the element is said to have a dirty value. The dirty value flag must be initially set to false when the element is created, and must be set to true whenever the user interacts with the control in a way that changes the value.

The value content attribute gives the default value of the input element. When the value content attribute is added, set, or removed, if the control does not have a dirty value, the user agent must set the value of the element to the value of the value content attribute, if there is one, or the empty string otherwise, and then run the current value sanitization algorithm, if one is defined.

Each input element has a checkedness, which is exposed by the checked DOM attribute.

Each input element has a boolean dirty checkedness flag. When it is true, the element is said to have a dirty checkedness. The dirty checkedness flag must be initially set to false when the element is created, and must be set to true whenever the user interacts with the control in a way that changes the checkedness.

The checked content attribute gives the default checkedness of the input element. When the checked content attribute is added, if the control does not have dirty checkedness, the user agent must set the checkedness of the element to true; when the checked content attribute is removed, if the control does not have dirty checkedness, the user agent must set the checkedness of the element to false.

The reset algorithm for input elements is to set the dirty value flag and dirty checkedness flag back to false, set the value of the element to the value of the value content attribute, if there is one, or the empty string otherwise, set the checkedness of the element to true if the element has a checked content attribute and false if it does not, and then invoke the value sanitization algorithm, if the type attribute's current state defines one.

Each input element has a boolean mutability flag. When it is true, the element is said to be mutable, and when it is false the element is immutable. Unless otherwise specified, an input element is always mutable. Unless otherwise specified, the user agent should not allow the user to modify the element's value or checkedness.

When an input element is disabled, it is immutable.

When an input element does not have a Document node as one of its ancestors (i.e. when it is not in the document), it is immutable.

The readonly attribute can also in some cases (e.g. for the Date state, but not the Checkbox state) make an input element immutable.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the input element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name. The disabled attribute is used to make the control non-interactive and to prevent its value from being submitted. The autofocus attribute controls focus.

The indeterminate DOM attribute must initially be set to false. On getting, it must return the last value it was set to. On setting, it must be set to the new value. It has no effect except for changing the appearance of checkbox controls.

The accept, alt, autocomplete, max, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, required, size, src, step, and type DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The maxLength DOM attribute must reflect the maxlength content attribute. The readOnly DOM attribute must reflect the readonly content attribute. The defaultChecked DOM attribute must reflect the checked content attribute. The defaultValue DOM attribute must reflect the value content attribute.

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API. The labels attribute provides a list of the element's labels. The select(), selectionStart, selectionEnd, and setSelectionRange() methods and attributes expose the element's text selection. States of the type attribute Hidden state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Hidden state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a value that is not intended to be examined or manipulated by the user.

Constraint validation: If an input element's type attribute is in the Hidden state, it is barred from constraint validation.

If the name attribute is present and has a value that is a case-sensitive match for the string "_charset_", then the element's value attribute must be omitted.

The value DOM attribute applies to this element and is in mode value.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input and change events do not apply. Text state and Search state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Text state or the Search state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a one line plain text edit control for the element's value.

If the element is mutable, its value should be editable by the user. User agents must not allow users to insert U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters into the element's value.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: Strip line breaks from the value.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, maxlength, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, and size content attributes; list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, and value DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, max, min, multiple, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods. URL state

When an input element's type attribute is in the URL state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for editing a single absolute URL given in the element's value.

If the is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the URL represented by its value. User agents may allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid absolute URL, but may also or instead automatically escape characters entered by the user so that the value is always a valid absolute URL (even if that isn't the actual value seen and edited by the user in the interface). User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string. User agents must not allow users to insert U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters into the value.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid absolute URL.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: Strip line breaks from the value.

Constraint validation: While the value of the element is not a valid absolute URL, the element is suffering from a type mismatch.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, maxlength, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, and size content attributes; list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, and value DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, max, min, multiple, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods. E-mail state

When an input element's type attribute is in the E-mail state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for editing a list of e-mail addresses given in the element's value.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the e-mail addresses represented by its value. If the multiple attribute is specified, then the user agent should allow the user to select or provide multiple addresses; otherwise, the user agent should act in a manner consistent with expecting the user to provide a single e-mail address. User agents may allow the user to set the value to a string that is not an valid e-mail address list. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string. User agents must not allow users to insert U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters into the value. User agents may transform the value for display and editing (e.g. converting punycode in the value to IDN in the display and vice versa).

If the multiple attribute is specified on the element, then the value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid e-mail address list; otherwise, the value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a single valid e-mail address.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: Strip line breaks from the value.

Constraint validation: If the multiple attribute is specified on the element, then, while the value of the element is not a valid e-mail address list, the element is suffering from a type mismatch; otherwise, while the value of the element is not a single valid e-mail address, the element is suffering from a type mismatch.

A valid e-mail address list is a set of comma-separated tokens, where each token is itself a valid e-mail address. To obtain the list of tokens from a valid e-mail address list, the user agent must split the string on commas.

A valid e-mail address is a string that matches the production dot-atom "@" dot-atom where dot-atom is defined in RFC 2822 section 3.2.4, excluding the CFWS production everywhere. [RFC2822]

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, and size content attributes; list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, and value DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, max, min, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods. Password state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Password state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a one line plain text edit control for the element's value. The user agent should obscure the value so that people other than the user cannot see it.

If the element is mutable, its value should be editable by the user. User agents must not allow users to insert U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters into the value.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: Strip line breaks from the value.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, maxlength, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, and size content attributes; selectionStart, selectionEnd, and value DOM attributes; select(), and setSelectionRange() methods.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, min, multiple, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods. Date and Time state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Date and Time state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a specific global date and time. User agents may display the date and time in whatever time zone is appropriate for the user.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the global date and time represented by its value, as obtained by parsing a global date and time from it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid global date and time string expressed in UTC, though user agents may allow the user to set and view the time in another time zone and silently translate the time to and from the UTC time zone in the value. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a global date and time, then the value must be set to a valid global date and time string expressed in UTC representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid global date and time string.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is a valid global date and time string, then adjust the time so that the value represents the same point in time but expressed in the UTC time zone, otherwise, set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid global date and time string. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid global date and time string.

The step attribute is expressed in seconds. The step scale factor is 1000 (which converts the seconds to milliseconds, as used in the other algorithms). The default step is 60 seconds.

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest global date and time for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a global date and time from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the number of milliseconds elapsed from midnight UTC on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z") to the parsed global date and time, ignoring leap seconds.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid global date and time string expressed in UTC that represents the global date and time that is input milliseconds after midnight UTC on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z").

The algorithm to convert a string to a Date object, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a global date and time from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return a Date object representing the parsed global date and time, expressed in UTC.

The algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, given a Date object input, is as follows: Return a valid global date and time string expressed in UTC that represents the global date and time that is represented by input.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, and selectionEnd DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Date state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Date state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a specific date.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the date represented by its value, as obtained by parsing a date from it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid date string. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a date, then the value must be set to a valid date string representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid date string.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid date string, then set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid date string. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid date string.

The step attribute is expressed in days. The step scale factor is 86,400,000 (which converts the days to milliseconds, as used in the other algorithms). The default step is 1 day.

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest date for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a date from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the number of milliseconds elapsed from midnight UTC on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z") to midnight UTC on the morning of the parsed date, ignoring leap seconds.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid date string that represents the date that, in UTC, is current input milliseconds after midnight UTC on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z").

The algorithm to convert a string to a Date object, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a date from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return a Date object representing midnight UTC on the morning of the parsed date.

The algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, given a Date object input, is as follows: Return a valid date string that represents the date current at the time represented by input in the UTC time zone.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, and selectionEnd DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Month state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Month state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a specific month.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the month represented by its value, as obtained by parsing a month from it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid month string. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a month, then the value must be set to a valid month string representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid month string.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid month string, then set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid month string. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid month string.

The step attribute is expressed in months. The step scale factor is 1 (there is no conversion needed as the algorithms use months). The default step is 1 month.

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest month for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a month time from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the number of months between January 1970 and the parsed month.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid month string that represents the month that has input months between it and January 1970.

The algorithm to convert a string to a Date object, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a month from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return a Date object representing midnight UTC on the morning of the first day of the parsed month.

The algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, given a Date object input, is as follows: Return a valid month string that represents the month current at the time represented by input in the UTC time zone.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, and selectionEnd DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Week state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Week state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a specific week.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the week represented by its value, as obtained by parsing a week from it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid week string. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a week, then the value must be set to a valid week string representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid week string.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid week string, then set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid week string. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid week string.

The step attribute is expressed in weeks. The step scale factor is 604,800,000 (which converts the weeks to milliseconds, as used in the other algorithms). The default step is 1 week.

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest week for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a week string from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the number of milliseconds elapsed from midnight UTC on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z") to midnight UTC on the morning of the Monday of the parsed week, ignoring leap seconds.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid week string that represents the week that, in UTC, is current input milliseconds after midnight UTC on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z").

The algorithm to convert a string to a Date object, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a week from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return a Date object representing midnight UTC on the morning of the Monday of the parsed week.

The algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, given a Date object input, is as follows: Return a valid week string that represents the week current at the time represented by input in the UTC time zone.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, and selectionEnd DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Time state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Time state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a specific time.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the time represented by its value, as obtained by parsing a time from it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid time string. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a time, then the value must be set to a valid time string representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid time string.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid time string, then set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid time string. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid time string.

The step attribute is expressed in seconds. The step scale factor is 1000 (which converts the seconds to milliseconds, as used in the other algorithms). The default step is 60 seconds.

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest time for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a time from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the number of milliseconds elapsed from midnight to the parsed time on a day with no time changes.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid time string that represents the time that is input milliseconds after midnight on a day with no time changes.

The algorithm to convert a string to a Date object, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a time from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return a Date object representing the parsed time in UTC on 1970-01-01.

The algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, given a Date object input, is as follows: Return a valid time string that represents the UTC time component that is represented by input.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsDate, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, and selectionEnd DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Local Date and Time state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Local Date and Time state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a local date and time, with no time zone information.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the date and time represented by its value, as obtained by parsing a date and time from it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid local date and time string. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a local date and time, then the value must be set to a valid local date and time string representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid local date and time string.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid local date and time string, then set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid local date and time string. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid local date and time string.

The step attribute is expressed in seconds. The step scale factor is 1000 (which converts the seconds to milliseconds, as used in the other algorithms). The default step is 60 seconds.

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest local date and time for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If parsing a date and time from input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the number of milliseconds elapsed from midnight on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0") to the parsed local date and time, ignoring leap seconds.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid local date and time string that represents the date and time that is input milliseconds after midnight on the morning of 1970-01-01 (the time represented by the value "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0").

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, selectionEnd, and valueAsDate DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Number state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Number state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a number.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the number represented by its value, as obtained from applying the rules for parsing floating point number values to it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid floating point number. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a number, then the value must be set to the best representation of the floating point number representing the user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid floating point number.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid floating point number, then set it to the empty string instead.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid floating point number. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid floating point number.

The step scale factor is 1. The default step is 1 (allowing only integers, unless the min attribute has a non-integer value).

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent may round the element's value to the nearest number for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If applying the rules for parsing floating point number values to input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the resulting number.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid floating point number that represents input.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, selectionEnd, and valueAsDate DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Range state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Range state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control for setting the element's value to a string representing a number, but with the caveat that the exact value is not important, letting UAs provide a simpler interface than they do for the Number state.

In this state, the range and step constraints are enforced even during user input, and there is no way to set the value to the empty string.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the number represented by its value, as obtained from applying the rules for parsing floating point number values to it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid floating point number. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a number, then the value must be set to a best representation of the floating point number representing the user's selection. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid floating point number.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is not a valid floating point number, then set it to a valid floating point number that represents the default value.

The min attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid floating point number. The default minimum is 0. The max attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid floating point number. The default maximum is 100.

The default value is the minimum plus half the difference between the minimum and the maximum, unless the maximum is less than the minimum, in which case the default value is the minimum.

When the element is suffering from an underflow, the user agent must set the element's value to a valid floating point number that represents the minimum.

When the element is suffering from an overflow, if the maximum is not less than the minimum, the user agent must set the element's value to a valid floating point number that represents the maximum.

The step scale factor is 1. The default step is 1 (allowing only integers, unless the min attribute has a non-integer value).

When the element is suffering from a step mismatch, the user agent must round the element's value to the nearest number for which the element would not suffer from a step mismatch, and which is greater than or equal to the minimum, and, if the maximum is not less than the minimum, which is less than or equal to the maximum.

The algorithm to convert a string to a number, given a string input, is as follows: If applying the rules for parsing floating point number values to input results in an error, then return an error; otherwise, return the resulting number.

The algorithm to convert a number to a string, given a number input, is as follows: Return a valid floating point number that represents input.

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete, list, max, min, and step content attributes; list, value, valueAsNumber, and selectedOption DOM attributes; stepDown() and stepUp() methods.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, src, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, selectionEnd, and valueAsDate DOM attributes; select() and setSelectionRange() methods. Color state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Color state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a color well control, for setting the element's value to a string representing a simple color.

In this state, there is always a color picked, and there is no way to set the value to the empty string.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the color represented by its value, as obtained from applying the rules for parsing simple color values to it. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to a string that is not a valid lowercase simple color. If the user agent provides a user interface for selecting a color, then the value must be set to the result of using the rules for serializing simple color values to the user's selection. User agents must not allow the user to set the value to the empty string.

The value attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid simple color.

The value sanitization algorithm is as follows: If the value of the element is a valid simple color, then set it to the value of the element converted to lowercase; otherwise, set it to the string "#000000".

The following common input element content attributes, DOM attributes, and methods apply to the element: autocomplete and list content attributes; list, value, and selectedOption DOM attributes.

The value DOM attribute is in mode value.

The input and change events apply.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, max, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods. Checkbox state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Checkbox state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a two-state control that represents the element's checkedness state. If the element's checkedness state is true, the control represents a positive selection, and if it is false, a negative selection. If the element's indeterminate DOM attribute is set to true, then the control's selection should be obscured as if the control was in a third, indeterminate, state.

The control is never a true tri-state control, even if the element's indeterminate DOM attribute is set to true. The indeterminate DOM attribute only gives the appearance of a third state.

If the element is mutable, then: The pre-click activation steps consist of setting the element's checkedness to its opposite value (i.e. true if it is false, false if it is true), and of setting the element's indeterminate DOM attribute to false. The canceled activation steps consist of setting the checkedness and the element's indeterminate DOM attribute back to the values they had before the pre-click activation steps were run. The activation behavior is to fire a simple event called change at the element, then broadcast formchange events at the element's form owner.

Constraint validation: If the element is required and its checkedness is false, then the element is suffering from being missing.

input . indeterminate [ = value ]

When set, overrides the rendering of checkbox controls so that the current value is not visible.

The following common input element content attributes and DOM attributes apply to the element: checked, and required content attributes; checked and value DOM attributes.

The value DOM attribute is in mode default/on.

The change event applies.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, autocomplete, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input event does not apply. Radio Button state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Radio Button state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a control that, when used in conjunction with other input elements, forms a radio button group in which only one control can have its checkedness state set to true. If the element's checkedness state is true, the control represents the selected control in the group, and if it is false, it indicates a control in the group that is not selected.

The radio button group that contains an input element a also contains all the other input elements b that fulfill all of the following conditions:

A document must not contain an input element whose radio button group contains only that element.

When any of the following events occur, if the element's checkedness state is true after the event, the checkedness state of all the other elements in the same radio button group must be set to false:

If the element is mutable, then: The pre-click activation steps consist of setting the element's checkedness to true. The canceled activation steps consist of setting the element's checkedness to false. The activation behavior is to fire a simple event called change at the element, then broadcast formchange events at the element's form owner.

Constraint validation: If the element is required and all of the input elements in the radio button group have a checkedness that is false, then the element is suffering from being missing.

If none of the radio buttons in a radio button group are checked when they are inserted into the document, then they will all be initially unchecked in the interface, until such time as one of them is checked (either by the user or by script).

The following common input element content attributes and DOM attributes apply to the element: checked and required content attributes; checked and value DOM attributes.

The value DOM attribute is in mode default/on.

The change event applies.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, autocomplete, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input event does not apply. File Upload state

When an input element's type attribute is in the File Upload state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a list of selected files, each file consisting of a file name, a file type, and a file body (the contents of the file).

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to change the files on the list, e.g. adding or removing files. Files can be from the filesystem or created on the fly, e.g. a picture taken from a camera connected to the user's device.

Constraint validation: If the element is required and the list of selected files is empty, then the element is suffering from being missing.

Unless the multiple attribute is set, there must be no more than one file in the list of selected files.

The accept attribute may be specified to provide user agents with a hint of what file types the server will be able to accept.

If specified, the attribute must consist of a set of comma-separated tokens, each of which must be an ASCII case-insensitive match for one of the following:

The string audio/*
Indicates that sound files are accepted.
The string video/*
Indicates that video files are accepted.
The string image/*
Indicates that image files are accepted.
A valid MIME type, with no parameters
Indicates that files of the specified type are accepted. [RFC2046]

The tokens must not be ASCII case-insensitive matches for any of the other tokens (i.e. duplicates are not allowed). To obtain the list of tokens from the attribute, the user agent must split the attribute value on commas.

User agents should prevent the user from selecting files that are not accepted by one (or more) of these tokens.

The following common input element content attributes apply to the element: accept, multiple, and required.

The value DOM attribute is in mode filename.

The change event applies.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: alt, autocomplete, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, pattern, placeholder, readonly, size, src, step, and width.

The element's value attribute must be omitted.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input event does not apply. Submit Button state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Submit Button state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a button that, when activated, submits the form. If the element has a value attribute, the button's label must be the value of that attribute; otherwise, it must be an implementation-defined string that means "Submit" or some such. The element is a button, specifically a submit button.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to activate the element.

The element's activation behavior, if the element has a form owner, is to submit the form owner from the input element; otherwise, it is to do nothing.

The formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget attributes are attributes for form submission.

The following common input element content attributes and DOM attributes apply to the element: formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget content attributes; value DOM attribute.

The value DOM attribute is in mode default.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input and change events do not apply. Image Button state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Image Button state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents either an image from which a user can select a coordinate and submit the form, or alternatively a button from which the user can submit the form. The element is a button, specifically a submit button.

The image is given by the src attribute. The src attribute must be present, and must contain a valid URL referencing a non-interactive, optionally animated, image resource that is neither paged nor scripted.

When any of the following events occur, unless the user agent cannot support images, or its support for images has been disabled, or the user agent only fetches elements on demand, the user agent must resolve the value of the src attribute, relative to the element, and if that is successful, must fetch the resulting absolute URL:

Fetching the image must delay the load event.

If the image was successfully obtained, with no network errors, and the image's type is a supported image type, and the image is a valid image of that type, then the image is said to be available. If this is true before the image is completely downloaded, each task that is queued by the networking task source while the image is being fetched must update the presentation of the image appropriately.

The user agents should apply the image sniffing rules to determine the type of the image, with the image's associated Content-Type headers giving the official type. If these rules are not applied, then the type of the image must be the type given by the image's associated Content-Type headers.

User agents must not support non-image resources with the input element. User agents must not run executable code embedded in the image resource. User agents must only display the first page of a multipage resource. User agents must not allow the resource to act in an interactive fashion, but should honor any animation in the resource.

The task that is queued by the networking task source once the resource has been fetched, must, if the download was successful and the image is available, queue a task to fire a load event on the input element; and otherwise, if the fetching process fails without a response from the remote server, or completes but the image is not a valid or supported image, queue a task to fire an error event on the input element.

The alt attribute provides the textual label for the alternative button for users and user agents who cannot use the image. The alt attribute must also be present, and must contain a non-empty string.

The input element supports dimension attributes.

If the src attribute is set, and the image is available and the user agent is configured to display that image, then: The element represents a control for selecting a coordinate from the image specified by the src attribute; if the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to select this coordinate. The activation behavior in this case consists of taking the user's selected coordinate, and then, if the element has a form owner, submitting the input element's form owner from the input element. If the user activates the control without explicitly selecting a coordinate, then the coordinate (0,0) must be assumed.

Otherwise, the element represents a submit button whose label is given by the value of the alt attribute; if the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to activate the button. The activation behavior in this case consists of setting the selected coordinate to (0,0), and then, if the element has a form owner, submitting the input element's form owner from the input element.

The selected coordinate must consist of an x-component and a y-component. The x-component must be greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to the rendered width, in CSS pixels, of the image, plus the widths of the left and right borders rendered around the image, if any. The y-component must be greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to the rendered height, in CSS pixels, of the image, plus the widths of the top and bottom bordered rendered around the image, if any. The coordinates must be relative to the image's borders, where there are any, and the edge of the image otherwise.

The formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget attributes are attributes for form submission.

The following common input element content attributes and DOM attributes apply to the element: alt, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, src, and width content attributes; value DOM attribute.

The value DOM attribute is in mode default.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, autocomplete, checked, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required size, and step.

The element's value attribute must be omitted.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input and change events do not apply.

Many aspects of this state's behavior are similar to the behavior of the img element. Readers are encouraged to read that section, where many of the same requirements are described in more detail. Reset Button state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Reset Button state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a button that, when activated, resets the form. If the element has a value attribute, the button's label must be the value of that attribute; otherwise, it must be an implementation-defined string that means "Reset" or some such. The element is a button.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to activate the element.

The element's activation behavior, if the element has a form owner, is to reset the form owner; otherwise, it is to do nothing.

Constraint validation: The element is barred from constraint validation.

The value DOM attribute applies to this element and is in mode default.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input and change events do not apply. Button state

When an input element's type attribute is in the Button state, the rules in this section apply.

The input element represents a button with no default behavior. If the element has a value attribute, the button's label must be the value of that attribute; otherwise, it must be the empty string. The element is a button.

If the element is mutable, the user agent should allow the user to activate the element. The element's activation behavior is to do nothing.

Constraint validation: The element is barred from constraint validation.

The value DOM attribute applies to this element and is in mode default.

The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required size, src, step, and width.

The following DOM attributes and methods do not apply to the element: checked, list, selectedOption, selectionStart, selectionEnd, valueAsDate, and valueAsNumber DOM attributes; select(), setSelectionRange(), stepDown(), and stepUp() methods.

The input and change events do not apply. Common input element attributes

These attributes only apply to an input element if its type attribute is in a state whose definition declares that the attribute applies. When an attribute doesn't apply to an input element, user agents must ignore the attribute. The autocomplete attribute

The autocomplete attribute is an enumerated attribute. The attribute has three states. The on keyword maps to the on state, and the off keyword maps to the off state. The attribute may also be omitted. The missing value default is the default state.

The off state indicates that the control's input data is either particularly sensitive (for example the activation code for a nuclear weapon) or is a value that will never be reused (for example a one-time-key for a bank login) and the user will therefore have to explicitly enter the data each time, instead of being able to rely on the UA to prefill the value for him.

Conversely, the on state indicates that the value is not particularly sensitive and the user can expect to be able to rely on his user agent to remember values he has entered for that control.

The default state indicates that the user agent is to use the autocomplete attribute on the element's form owner instead.

Each input element has a resulting autocompletion state, which is either on or off.

When an input element's autocomplete attribute is in the on state, when an input element's autocomplete attribute is in the default state, and the element has no form owner, and when an input element's autocomplete attribute is in the default state, and the element's form owner's autocomplete attribute is in the on state, the input element's resulting autocompletion state is on. Otherwise, the input element's resulting autocompletion state is off.

When an input element's resulting autocompletion state is on, the user agent may store the value entered by the user so that if the user returns to the page, the UA can prefill the form. Otherwise, the user agent should not remember the control's value.

The autocompletion mechanism must be implemented by the user agent acting as if the user had modified the element's value, and must be done at a time where the element is mutable (e.g. just after the element has been inserted into the document, or when the user agent stops parsing).

Banks frequently do not want UAs to prefill login information:

<p>Account: <input type="text" name="ac" autocomplete="off"></p>
<p>PIN: <input type="text" name="pin" autocomplete="off"></p>

A user agent may allow the user to override the resulting autocompletion state and set it to always on, always allowing values to be remembered and prefilled), or always off, never remembering values. However, the ability to override the resulting autocompletion state to on should not be trivially accessible, as there are significant security implications for the user if all values are always remembered, regardless of the site's preferences. The list attribute

The list attribute is used to identify an element that lists predefined options suggested to the user.

If present, its value must be the ID of a datalist element in the same document.

The suggestions source element is the first element in the document in tree order to have an ID equal to the value of the list attribute, if that element is a datalist element. If there is no list attribute, or if there is no element with that ID, or if the first element with that ID is not a datalist element, then there is no suggestions source element.

If there is a suggestions source element, then, when the user agent is allowing the user to edit the input element's value, the user agent should offer the suggestions represented by the suggestions source element to the user in a manner suitable for the type of control used. The user agent may use the suggestion's label to identify the suggestion if appropriate. If the user selects a suggestion, then the input element's value must be set to the selected suggestion's value, as if the user had written that value himself.

User agents must filter the suggestions to hide suggestions that the user would not be allowed to enter as the input element's value, and should filter the suggestions to hide suggestions that would cause the element to not satisfy its constraints.

If the list attribute does not apply, there is no suggestions source element. The readonly attribute

The readonly attribute is a boolean attribute that controls whether or not the use can edit the form control. When specified, the element is immutable.

Constraint validation: If the readonly attribute is specified on an input element, the element is barred from constraint validation. The size attribute

The size attribute gives the number of characters that, in a visual rendering, the user agent is to allow the user to see while editing the element's value.

The size attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid non-negative integer greater than zero.

If the attribute is present, then its value must be parsed using the rules for parsing non-negative integers, and if the result is a number greater than zero, then the user agent should ensure that at least that many characters are visible.

The size DOM attribute limited to only positive non-zero numbers. The required attribute

The required attribute is a boolean attribute. When specified, the element is required.

Constraint validation: If the element is required, and its value DOM attribute applies and is in the mode value, and the element is mutable, and the element's value is the empty string, then the element is suffering from being missing. The multiple attribute

The multiple attribute is a boolean attribute that indicates whether the user is to be allowed to specify more than one value. The maxlength attribute

The maxlength attribute, when it applies, is a form control maxlength attribute controlled by the input element's dirty value flag.

If the input element has a maximum allowed value length, then the code-point length of the value of the element's value attribute must be equal to or less than the element's maximum allowed value length. The pattern attribute

The pattern attribute specifies a regular expression against which the control's value is to be checked.

If specified, the attribute's value must match the JavaScript Pattern production. [ECMA262]

Constraint validation: If the element's value is not the empty string, and the element's pattern attribute is specified and the attribute's value, when compiled as a JavaScript regular expression with the global, ignoreCase, and multiline flags disabled (see ECMA262 Edition 3, sections through, compiles successfully but the resulting regular expression does not match the entirety of the element's value, then the element is suffering from a pattern mismatch. [ECMA262]

This implies that the regular expression language used for this attribute is the same as that used in JavaScript, except that the pattern attribute must match the entire value, not just any subset (somewhat as if it implied a ^(?: at the start of the pattern and a )$ at the end).

When an input element has a pattern attribute specified, authors should include a title attribute to give a description of the pattern. User agents may use the contents of this attribute, if it is present, when informing the user that the pattern is not matched, or at any other suitable time, such as in a tooltip or read out by assistive technology when the control gains focus.

For example, the following snippet:

<label> Part number:
 <input pattern="[0-9][A-Z]{3}" name="part"
        title="A part number is a digit followed by three uppercase letters."/>

...could cause the UA to display an alert such as:

 part number is a digit followed by three uppercase letters.
You cannot complete this form until the field is correct.

When a control has a pattern attribute, the title attribute, if used, must describe the pattern. Additional information could also be included, so long as it assists the user in filling in the control. Otherwise, assistive technology would be impaired.

For instance, if the title attribute contained the caption of the control, assistive technology could end up saying something like The text you have entered does not match the required pattern. Birthday, which is not useful.

UAs may still show the title in non-error situations (for example, as a tooltip when hovering over the control), so authors should be careful not to word titles as if an error has necessarily occurred. The min and max attributes

The min and max attributes indicate the allowed range of values for the element.

Their syntax is defined by the section that defines the type attribute's current state.

If the element has a min attribute, and the result of applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the value of the min attribute is a number, then that number is the element's minimum; otherwise, if the type attribute's current state defines a default minimum, then that is the minimum; otherwise, the element has no minimum.)

Constraint validation: When the element has a minimum, and the result of applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the string given by the element's value is a number, and the number obtained from that algorithm is less than the minimum, the element is suffering from an underflow.

The min attribute also defines the step base.

If the element has a max attribute, and the result of applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the value of the max attribute is a number, then that number is the element's maximum; otherwise, if the type attribute's current state defines a default maximum, then that is the maximum; otherwise, the element has no maximum.)

Constraint validation: When the element has a maximum, and the result of applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the string given by the element's value is a number, and the number obtained from that algorithm is more than the maximum, the element is suffering from an overflow.

The max attribute's value (the maximum) must not be less than the min attribute's value (its minimum).

If an element has a maximum that is less than its minimum, then so long as the element has a value, it will either be suffering from an underflow or suffering from an overflow. The step attribute

The step attribute indicates the granularity that is expected (and required) of the value, by limiting the allowed values. The section that defines the type attribute's current state also defines the default step and the step scale factor, which are used in processing the attribute as described below.

The step attribute, if specified, must either have a value that is a valid floating point number that parses to a number that is greater than zero, or must have a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "any".

The attribute provides the allowed value step for the element, as follows:

  1. If the attribute is absent, then the allowed value step is the default step multiplied by the step scale factor.
  2. Otherwise, if the attribute's value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "any", then there is no allowed value step.
  3. Otherwise, if the rules for parsing floating point number values, when they are applied to the attribute's value, return an error, zero, or a number less than zero, then the allowed value step is the default step multiplied by the step scale factor.
  4. Otherwise, the allowed value step is the number returned by the rules for parsing floating point number values when they are applied to the attribute's value, multiplied by the step scale factor.

The step base is the result of applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the value of the min attribute, unless the element does not have a min attribute specified or the result of applying that algorithm is an error, in which case the step base is zero.

Constraint validation: When the element has an allowed value step, and the result of applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the string given by the element's value is a number, and that number subtracted from the step base is not an integral multiple of the allowed value step, the element is suffering from a step mismatch. The placeholder attribute

The placeholder attribute represents a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. The attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.

For a longer hint or other advisory text, the title attribute is more appropriate.

The placeholder attribute should not be used as an alternative to a label.

User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string and the control is not focused (e.g. by displaying it inside a blank unfocused control).

Here is an example of a mail configuration user interface that uses the placeholder attribute:

 <legend>Mail Account</legend>
 <p><label>Name: <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="John Ratzenberger"></label></p>
 <p><label>Address: <input type="email" name="address" placeholder="john@example.net"></label></p>
 <p><label>Password: <input type="password" name="password"></label></p>
 <p><label>Description: <input type="text" name="desc" placeholder="My Email Account"></label></p>
</fieldset> Common input element APIs
input . value [ = value ]

Returns the current value of the form control.

Can be set, to change the value.

Throws an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception if it is set when the control is a file upload control.

input . checked [ = value ]

Returns the current checkedness of the form control.

Can be set, to change the checkedness.

input . valueAsDate [ = value ]

Returns a Date object representing the form control's value, if applicable; otherwise, returns null.

Can be set, to change the value.

Throws an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception if the control isn't date- or time-based.

input . valueAsNumber [ = value ]

Returns a number representing the form control's value, if applicable; otherwise, returns null.

Can be set, to change the value.

Throws an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception if the control is neither date- or time-based nor numeric.

input . stepUp()
input . stepDown()

Changes the form control's value by the value given in the step attribute.

Throws INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception if the control is neither date- or time-based nor numeric, if the step attribute's value is "any", if the current value could not be parsed, or if stepping in the given direction would take the value out of range.

input . list

Returns the datalist element indicated by the list attribute.

input . selectedOption

Returns the option element from the datalist element indicated by the list attribute that matches the form control's value.

The value DOM attribute allows scripts to manipulate the value of an input element. The attribute is in one of the following modes, which define its behavior:

On getting, it must return the current value of the element. On setting, it must set the element's value to the new value, set the element's dirty value flag to true, and then invoke the value sanitization algorithm, if the element's type attribute's current state defines one.
On getting, if the element has a value attribute, it must return that attribute's value; otherwise, it must return the empty string. On setting, it must set the element's value attribute to the new value.
On getting, if the element has a value attribute, it must return that attribute's value; otherwise, it must return the string "on". On setting, it must set the element's value attribute to the new value.
On getting, it must return the string "C:\fakepath\" followed by the filename of the first file in the list of selected files, if any, or the empty string if the list is empty. On setting, it must throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception.

The checked DOM attribute allows scripts to manipulate the checkedness of an input element. On getting, it must return the current checkedness of the element; and on setting, it must set the element's checkedness to the new value and set the element's dirty checkedness flag to true.

The valueAsDate DOM attribute represents the value of the element, interpreted as a date.

On getting, if the valueAsDate attribute does not apply, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, then return null. Otherwise, run the algorithm to convert a string to a Date object defined for that state; if the algorithm returned a Date object, then return it, otherwise, return null.

On setting, if the valueAsDate attribute does not apply, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception; otherwise, if the new value is null, then set the value of the element to the empty string; otherwise, run the algorithm to convert a Date object to a string, as defined for that state, on the new value, and set the value of the element to resulting string.

The valueAsNumber DOM attribute represents the value of the element, interpreted as a number.

On getting, if the valueAsNumber attribute does not apply, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, then return a Not-a-Number (NaN) value. Otherwise, if the valueAsDate attribute applies, run the algorithm to convert a string to a Date object defined for that state; if the algorithm returned a Date object, then return the time value of the object (the number of milliseconds from midnight UTC the morning of 1970-01-01 to the time represented by the Date object), otherwise, return a Not-a-Number (NaN) value. Otherwise, run the algorithm to convert a string to a number defined for that state; if the algorithm returned a number, then return it, otherwise, return a Not-a-Number (NaN) value.

On setting, if the valueAsNumber attribute does not apply, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception. Otherwise, if the valueAsDate attribute applies, run the algorithm to convert a Date object to a string defined for that state, passing it a Date object whose time value is the new value, and set the value of the element to resulting string. Otherwise, run the algorithm to convert a number to a string, as defined for that state, on the new value, and set the value of the element to resulting string.

The stepDown() and stepUp() methods, when invoked, must run the following algorithm:

  1. If the stepDown() and stepUp() methods do not apply, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception, and abort these steps.

  2. If the element has no allowed value step, then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception, and abort these steps.

  3. If applying the algorithm to convert a string to a number to the string given by the element's value results in an error, then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception, and abort these steps; otherwise, let value be the result of that algorithm.

  4. Let delta be the allowed value step.

  5. If the method invoked was the stepDown() method, negate delta.

  6. Let value be the result of adding delta to value.

  7. If the element has a minimum, and the value is less than that minimum, then throw a INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception.

  8. If the element has a maximum, and the value is greater than that maximum, then throw a INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception.

  9. Let value as string be the result of running the algorithm to convert a number to a string, as defined for the input element's type attribute's current state, on value.

  10. Set the value of the element to value as string.

The list DOM attribute must return the current suggestions source element, if any, or null otherwise.

The selectedOption DOM attribute must return the first option element, in tree order, to be a child of the suggestions source element and whose value matches the input element's value, if any. If there is no suggestions source element, or if it contains no matching option element, then the selectedOption attribute must return null. Common event behaviors

When the input event applies, any time the user causes the element's value to change, the user agent must queue a task to fire a simple event called input at the input element, then broadcast forminput events at the input element's form owner. User agents may wait for a suitable break in the user's interaction before queuing the task; for example, a user agent could wait for the user to have not hit a key for 100ms, so as to only fire the event when the user pauses, instead of continuously for each keystroke.

Examples of a user changing the element's value would include the user typing into a text field, pasting a new value into the field, or undoing an edit in that field. Some user interactions do not cause changes to the value, e.g. hitting the "delete" key in an empty text field, or replacing some text in the field with text from the clipboard that happens to be exactly the same text.

When the change event applies, if the element does not have an activation behavior defined but uses a user interface that involves an explicit commit action, then any time the user commits a change to the element's value or list of selected files, the user agent must queue a task to fire a simple event called change at the input element, then broadcast formchange events at the input element's form owner.

An example of a user interface with a commit action would be a File Upload control that consists of a single button that brings up a file selection dialog: when the dialog is closed, if that the file selection changed as a result, then the user has committed a new file selection.

Another example of a user interface with a commit action would be a Date control that allows both text-based user input and user selection from a drop-down calendar: while text input might not have an explicit commit step, selecting a date from the drop down calendar and then dismissing the drop down would be a commit action.

When the user agent changes the element's value on behalf of the user (e.g. as part of a form prefilling feature), the user agent must follow these steps:

  1. If the input event applies, queue a task to fire a simple event called input at the input element.
  2. If the input event applies, broadcast forminput events at the input element's form owner.
  3. If the change event applies, queue a task to fire a simple event called change at the input element.
  4. If the change event applies, broadcast formchange events at the input element's form owner.

In addition, when the change event applies, change events can also be fired as part of the element's activation behavior and as part of the unfocusing steps.

The task source for these task is the user interaction task source.

4.10.5 The button element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Interactive content.
Listed, labelable, and submittable form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Phrasing content, but there must be no interactive content descendant.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLButtonElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean autofocus;
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString formaction;
           attribute DOMString formenctype;
           attribute DOMString formmethod;
           attribute DOMString formnoValidate;
           attribute DOMString formtarget;
           attribute DOMString name;
           attribute DOMString type;
           attribute DOMString value;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

The button element represents a button. If the element is not disabled, then the user agent should allow the user to activate the button.

The element is a button.

The type attribute controls the behavior of the button when it is activated. It is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords and states for the attribute — the keywords in the left column map to the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword.

Keyword State Brief description
submit Submit Button Submits the form.
reset Reset Button Resets the form.
button Button Does nothing.

The missing value default is the Submit Button state.

If the type attribute is in the Submit Button state, the element is specifically a submit button.

If the element is not disabled, the activation behavior of the button element is to run the steps defined in the following list for the current state of the element's type attribute.

Submit Button

If the element has a form owner, the element must submit the form owner from the button element.

Reset Button

If the element has a form owner, the element must reset the form owner.


Do nothing.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the button element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name. The disabled attribute is used to make the control non-interactive and to prevent its value from being submitted. The autofocus attribute controls focus. The formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget attributes are attributes for form submission.

The value attribute gives the element's value for the purposes of form submission. The value attribute must not be present unless the form attribute is present. The element's value is the value of the element's value attribute, if there is one, or the empty string otherwise.

A button (and its value) is only included in the form submission if the button itself was used to initiate the form submission.

The value and type DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API. The labels attribute provides a list of the element's labels.

4.10.6 The select element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Interactive content.
Listed, labelable, submittable, and resettable form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Zero or more option or optgroup elements.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLSelectElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean autofocus;
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute boolean multiple;
           attribute DOMString name;
           attribute boolean size;

  readonly attribute DOMString type;

  readonly attribute HTMLOptionsCollection options;
           attribute unsigned long length;
  [IndexGetter] any item(in DOMString name);
  [NameGetter] any namedItem(in DOMString name);
  void add(in HTMLElement element, [Optional] in HTMLElement before);
  void add(in HTMLElement element, in long before);
  void remove(in long index);

  readonly attribute HTMLCollection selectedOptions;
           attribute long selectedIndex;
           attribute DOMString value;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

The select element represents a control for selecting amongst a set of options.

The multiple attribute is a boolean attribute. If the attribute is present, then the select element represents a control for selecting zero or more options from the list of options. If the attribute is absent, then the select element represents a control for selecting a single option from the list of options.

The list of options for a select element consists of all the option element children of the select element, and all the option element children of all the optgroup element children of the select element, in tree order.

The size attribute gives the number of options to show to the user. The size attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid non-negative integer greater than zero. If the multiple attribute is present, then the size attribute's default value is 4. If the multiple attribute is absent, then the size attribute's default value is 1.

If the multiple attribute is absent, and the element is not disabled, then the user agent should allow the user to pick an option element in its list of options that is itself not disabled. Upon this option element being picked (either through a click, or through unfocusing the element after changing its value, or through a menu command, or through any other mechanism), and before the relevant user interaction event is queued (e.g. before the click event), the user agent must set the selectedness of the picked option element to true and then queue a task to fire a simple event called change at the select element, using the user interaction task source as the task source, then broadcast formchange events at the element's form owner.

If the multiple attribute is absent, whenever an option element in the select element's list of options has its selectedness set to true, and whenever an option element with its selectedness set to true is added to the select element's list of options, the user agent must set the selectedness of all the other option element in its list of options to false.

If the multiple attribute is absent, whenever there are no option elements in the select element's list of options that have their selectedness set to true, the user agent must set the selectedness of the first option element in the list of options in tree order that is not disabled, if any, to true.

If the multiple attribute is present, and the element is not disabled, then the user agent should allow the user to toggle the selectedness of the option elements in its list of options that are themselves not disabled (either through a click, or through a menu command, or any other mechanism). Upon the selectedness of one or more option elements being changed by the user, and before the relevant user interaction event is queued (e.g. before a related click event), the user agent must queue a task to fire a simple event called change at the select element, using the user interaction task source as the task source, then broadcast formchange events at the element's form owner.

The reset algorithm for select elements is to go through all the option elements in the element's list of options, and set their selectedness to true if the option element has a selected attribute, and false otherwise.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the select element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name. The disabled attribute is used to make the control non-interactive and to prevent its value from being submitted. The autofocus attribute controls focus.

select . type

Returns "select-multiple" if the element has a multiple attribute, and "select-one" otherwise.

select . options

Returns an HTMLOptionsCollection of the list of options.

select . length [ = value ]

Returns the number of elements in the list of options.

When set to a smaller number, truncates the number of option elements in the select.

When set to a greater number, adds new blank option elements to the select.

element = select . item(index)

Returns the item with index index from the list of options. The items are sorted in tree order.

Returns null if index is out of range.

element = select . namedItem(name)

Returns the item with ID or name name from the list of options.

If there are multiple matching items, then a NodeList object containing all those elements is returned.

Returns null if no element with that ID could be found.

select . add(element [, before ])

Inserts element before the node given by before.

The before argument can be a number, in which case element is inserted before the item with that number, or an element from the list of options, in which case element is inserted before that element.

If before is omitted, null, or a number out of range, then element will be added at the end of the list.

This method will throw a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR exception if element is an ancestor of the element into which it is to be inserted. If element is not an option or optgroup element, then the method does nothing.

select . selectedOptions

Returns an HTMLCollection of the list of options that are selected.

select . selectedIndex [ = value ]

Returns the index of the first selected item, if any, or −1 if there is no selected item.

Can be set, to change the selection.

select . value [ = value ]

Returns the value of the first selected item, if any, or the empty string if there is no selected item.

Can be set, to change the selection.

The type DOM attribute, on getting, must return the string "select-one" if the multiple attribute is absent, and the string "select-multiple" if the multiple attribute is present.

The options DOM attribute must return an HTMLOptionsCollection rooted at the select node, whose filter matches the elements in the list of options.

The options collection is also mirrored on the HTMLSelectElement object. The indices of the supported indexed properties at any instant are the indices supported by the object returned by the options attribute at that instant. The names of the supported named properties at any instant are the names supported by the object returned by the options attribute at that instant.

The length DOM attribute must return the number of nodes represented by the options collection. On setting, it must act like the attribute of the same name on the options collection.

The item(index) method must return the value returned by the method of the same name on the options collection, when invoked with the same argument.

The namedItem(name) method must return the value returned by the method of the same name on the options collection, when invoked with the same argument.

Similarly, the add() and remove() methods must act like their namesake methods on that same options collection.

The selectedOptions DOM attribute must return an HTMLCollection rooted at the select node, whose filter matches the elements in the list of options that have their selectedness set to true.

The selectedIndex DOM attribute, on getting, must return the index of the first option element in the list of options in tree order that has its selectedness set to true, if any. If there isn't one, then it must return −1.

On setting, the selectedIndex attribute must set the selectedness of all the option elements in the list of options to false, and then the option element in the list of options whose index is the given new value, if any, must have its selectedness set to true.

The value DOM attribute, on getting, must return the value of the first option element in the list of options in tree order that has its selectedness set to true, if any. If there isn't one, then it must return the empty string.

On setting, the value attribute must set the selectedness of all the option elements in the list of options to false, and then first the option element in the list of options, in tree order, whose value is equal to the given new value, if any, must have its selectedness set to true.

The multiple and size DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The size DOM attribute limited to only positive non-zero numbers.

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API. The labels attribute provides a list of the element's labels.

4.10.7 The datalist element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Either: phrasing content.
Or: Zero or more option elements.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLDataListElement : HTMLElement {
  readonly attribute HTMLCollection options;

The datalist element represents a set of option elements that represent predefined options for other controls. The contents of the element represents fallback content for legacy user agents, intermixed with option elements that represent the predefined options. In the rendering, the datalist element represents nothing and it, along with its children, should be hidden.

The datalist element is hooked up to an input element using the list attribute on the input element. The datalist element can also be used with a datagrid element, as the source of autocompletion hints for editable cells.

Each option element that is a descendant of the datalist element, that is not disabled, and whose value is a string that isn't the empty string, represents a suggestion. Each suggestion has a value and a label.

datalist . options

Returns an HTMLCollection of the options elements of the table.

The options DOM attribute must return an HTMLCollection rooted at the datalist node, whose filter matches option elements.

Constraint validation: If an element has a datalist element ancestor, it is barred from constraint validation.

4.10.8 The optgroup element

Contexts in which this element may be used:
As a child of a select element.
Content model:
Zero or more option elements.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLOptGroupElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean disabled;
           attribute DOMString label;

The optgroup element represents a group of option elements with a common label.

The element's group of option elements consists of the option elements that are children of the optgroup element.

When showing option elements in select elements, user agents should show the option elements of such groups as being related to each other and separate from other option elements.

The disabled attribute is a boolean attribute and can be used to disable a group of option elements together.

The label attribute must be specified. Its value gives the name of the group, for the purposes of the user interface. User agents should use this attribute's value when labelling the group of option elements in a select element.

The disabled and label attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

4.10.9 The option element

Contexts in which this element may be used:
As a child of a select element.
As a child of a datalist element.
As a child of an optgroup element.
Content model:
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text),
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text, in DOMString value),
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text, in DOMString value, in boolean defaultSelected),
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text, in DOMString value, in boolean defaultSelected, in boolean selected)]
interface HTMLOptionElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString label;
           attribute boolean defaultSelected;
           attribute boolean selected;
           attribute DOMString value;

  readonly attribute DOMString text;
  readonly attribute long index;

The option element represents an option in a select element or as part of a list of suggestions in a datalist element.

The disabled attribute is a boolean attribute. An option element is disabled if its disabled attribute is present or if it is a child of an optgroup element whose disabled attribute is present.

An option element that is disabled must prevent any click events that are queued on the user interaction task source from being dispatched on the element.

The label attribute provides a label for element. The label of an option element is the value of the label attribute, if there is one, or the textContent of the element, if there isn't.

The value attribute provides a value for element. The value of an option element is the value of the value attribute, if there is one, or the textContent of the element, if there isn't.

The selected attribute represents the default selectedness of the element.

The selectedness of an option element is a boolean state, initially false. If the element is disabled, then the element's selectedness is always false and cannot be set to true. Unless otherwise specified, when the element is created, its selectedness must be set to true if the element has a selected attribute. Whenever an option element's selected attribute is added, its selectedness must be set to true.

The Option() constructor with two or more arguments overrides the initial state of the selectedness state to always be false even if the third argument is true (implying that a selected attribute is to be set).

An option element's index is the number of option element that are in the same list of options but that come before it in tree order. If the option element is not in a list of options, then the option element's index is zero.

option . selected

Returns true if the element is selected, and false otherwise.

option . index

Returns the index of the element in its select element's options list.

option . form

Returns the element's form element, if any, or null otherwise.

option = new Option( [ text [, value [, defaultSelected [, selected ] ] ] ] )

Returns a new option element.

The text argument sets the contents of the element.

The value argument sets the value attribute.

The defaultSelected argument sets the selected attribute.

The selected argument sets whether or not the element is selected. If it is omitted, even if the defaultSelected argument is true, the element is not selected.

The disabled, label, and value DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The defaultSelected DOM attribute must reflect the selected content attribute.

The selected DOM attribute must return true if the element's selectedness is true, and false otherwise.

The index DOM attribute must return the element's index.

The text DOM attribute must return the same value as the textContent DOM attribute on the element.

The form DOM attribute's behavior depends on whether the option element is in a select element or not. If the option has a select element as its parent, or has a colgroup element as its parent and that colgroup element has a select element as its parent, then the form DOM attribute must return the same value as the form DOM attribute on that select element. Otherwise, it must return null.

Several constructors are provided for creating HTMLOptionElement objects (in addition to the factory methods from DOM Core such as createElement()): Option(), Option(text), Option(text, value), Option(text, value, defaultSelected), and Option(text, value, defaultSelected, selected). When invoked as constructors, these must return a new HTMLOptionElement object (a new option element). If the text argument is present, the new object must have as its only child a Node with node type TEXT_NODE (3) whose data is the value of that argument. If the value argument is present, the new object must have a value attribute set with the value of the argument as its value. If the defaultSelected argument is present and true, the new object must have a selected attribute set with no value. If the selected argument is present and true, the new object must have its selectedness set to true; otherwise the fourth argument is absent or false, and the selectedness must be set to false, even if the defaultSelected argument is present and true.

4.10.10 The textarea element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Interactive content.
Listed, labelable, submittable, and resettable form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLTextAreaElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean autofocus;
           attribute unsigned long cols;
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute long maxLength;
           attribute DOMString name;
           attribute DOMString placeholder;
           attribute boolean readOnly;
           attribute boolean required;
           attribute unsigned long rows;
           attribute DOMString wrap;

  readonly attribute DOMString type;
           attribute DOMString defaultValue;
           attribute DOMString value;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

  void select();
           attribute unsigned long selectionStart;
           attribute unsigned long selectionEnd;
  void setSelectionRange(in unsigned long start, in unsigned long end);

The textarea element represents a multiline plain text edit control for the element's raw value. The contents of the control represent the control's default value.

The raw value of a textarea control must be initially the empty string.

The readonly attribute is a boolean attribute used to control whether the text can be edited by the user or not.

Constraint validation: If the readonly attribute is specified on a textarea element, the element is barred from constraint validation.

A textarea element is mutable if it is neither disabled nor has a readonly attribute specified.

When a textarea is mutable, its raw value should be editable by the user. Any time the user causes the element's raw value to change, the user agent must queue a task to fire a simple event called input at the textarea element, then broadcast forminput events at the textarea element's form owner. User agents may wait for a suitable break in the user's interaction before queuing the task; for example, a user agent could wait for the user to have not hit a key for 100ms, so as to only fire the event when the user pauses, instead of continuously for each keystroke.

A textarea element has a dirty value flag, which must be initially set to false, and must be set to true whenever the user interacts with the control in a way that changes the raw value.

When the textarea element's textContent DOM attribute changes value, if the element's dirty value flag is false, then the element's raw value must be set to the value of the element's textContent DOM attribute.

The reset algorithm for textarea elements is to set the element's value to the value of the element's textContent DOM attribute.

The cols attribute specifies the expected maximum number of characters per line. If the cols attribute is specified, its value must be a valid non-negative integer greater than zero. If applying the rules for parsing non-negative integers to the attribute's value results in a number greater than zero, then the element's character width is that value; otherwise, it is 20.

The user agent may use the textarea element's character width as a hint to the user as to how many characters the server prefers per line (e.g. for visual user agents by making the width of the control be that many characters). In visual renderings, the user agent should wrap the user's input in the rendering so that each line is no wider than this number of characters.

The rows attribute specifies the number of lines to show. If the rows attribute is specified, its value must be a valid non-negative integer greater than zero. If applying the rules for parsing non-negative integers to the attribute's value results in a number greater than zero, then the element's character height is that value; otherwise, it is 2.

Visual user agents should set the height of the control to the number of lines given by character height.

The wrap attribute is an enumerated attribute with two keywords and states: the soft keyword which maps to the Soft state, and the hard keyword which maps to the Hard state. The missing value default is the Soft state.

If the element's wrap attribute is in the Hard state, the cols attribute must be specified.

The element's value is defined to be the element's raw value with the following transformation applied:

  1. Replace every occurrence of a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) character not followed by a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, and every occurrence of a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character not proceeded by a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) character, by a two-character string consisting of a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN - U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF) character pair.

  2. If the element's wrap attribute is in the Hard state, insert U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN - U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF) character pairs into the string using a UA-defined algorithm so that each line so that each line has no more than character width characters. The purposes of this requirement, lines are delimited by the start of the string, the end of the string, and U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN - U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF) character pairs.

The maxlength attribute is a form control maxlength attribute controlled by the textarea element's dirty value flag.

If the textarea element has a maximum allowed value length, then the element's children must be such that the code-point length of the value of the element's textContent DOM attribute is equal to or less than the element's maximum allowed value length.

The required attribute is a boolean attribute. When specified, the user will be required to enter a value before submitting the form.

Constraint validation: If the element has its required attribute specified, and the element is mutable, and the element's value is the empty string, then the element is suffering from being missing.

The placeholder attribute represents a hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format. The attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.

For a longer hint or other advisory text, the title attribute is more appropriate.

The placeholder attribute should not be used as an alternative to a label.

User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string and the control is not focused (e.g. by displaying it inside a blank unfocused control).

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the textarea element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name. The disabled attribute is used to make the control non-interactive and to prevent its value from being submitted. The autofocus attribute controls focus.

textarea . type

Returns the string "textarea".

textarea . value

Returns the current value of the element.

Can be set, to change the value.

The cols, placeholder, required, rows, and wrap attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The cols and rows attributes are limited to only positive non-zero numbers. The maxLength DOM attribute must reflect the maxlength content attribute. The readOnly DOM attribute must reflect the readonly content attribute.

The type DOM attribute must return the value "textarea".

The defaultValue DOM attribute must act like the element's textContent DOM attribute.

The value attribute must, on getting, return the element's raw value; on setting, it must set the element's raw value to the new value.

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API. The labels attribute provides a list of the element's labels. The select(), selectionStart, selectionEnd, and setSelectionRange() methods and attributes expose the element's text selection.

4.10.11 The keygen element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Interactive content.
Listed, labelable, submittable, and resettable form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLKeygenElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean autofocus;
           attribute DOMString challenge;
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString keytype;
           attribute DOMString name;

  readonly attribute DOMString type;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

The keygen element represents a key pair generator control. When the control's form is submitted, the private key is stored in the local keystore, and the public key is packaged and sent to the server.

The challenge attribute may be specified. Its value will be packaged with the submitted key.

The keytype attribute is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords and states for the attribute — the keywords in the left column map to the states listed in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword.

Keyword State
rsa RSA

The invalid value default state is the unknown state. The missing value default state is the RSA state.

The user agent may expose a user interface for each keygen element to allow the user to configure settings of the element's key pair generator, e.g. the key length.

The reset algorithm for keygen elements is to set these various configuration settings back to their defaults.

The element's value is the string returned from the following algorithm:

  1. Use the appropriate step from the following list:

    If the keytype attribute is in the RSA state

    Generate an RSA key pair using the settings given by the user, if appropriate.

    Select an RSA signature algorithm from those listed in section 7.2.1 ("RSA Signature Algorithm") of RFC2459. [RFC2459]

    Otherwise, the keytype attribute is in the unknown state

    The given key type is not supported. Return the empty string and abort this algorithm.

    Let private key be the generated private key.

    Let public key be the generated public key.

    Let signature algorithm be the selected signature algorithm.

  2. If the element has a challenge attribute, then let challenge be that attribute's value. Otherwise, let challenge be the empty string.

  3. Let algorithm be an ASN.1 AlgorithmIdentifier structure as defined by RFC2459, with the algorithm field giving the ASN.1 OID used to identify signature algorithm, using the OIDs defined in section 7.2 ("Signature Algorithms") of RFC2459, and the parameters field set up as required by RFC2459 for AlgorithmIdentifier structures for that algorithm. [X690] [RFC2459]

  4. Let spki be an ASN.1 SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure as defined by RFC2459, with the algorithm field set to the algorithm structure from the previous step, and the subjectPublicKey field set to the BIT STRING value resulting from ASN.1 DER encoding the public key. [X690] [RFC2459]

  5. Let publicKeyAndChallenge be an ASN.1 PublicKeyAndChallenge structure as defined below, with the spki field set to the spki structure from the previous step, and the challenge field set to the string challenge obtained earlier. [X690]

  6. Let signature be the BIT STRING value resulting from ASN.1 DER encoding the signature generated by applying the signature algorithm to the byte string obtained by ASN.1 DER encoding the publicKeyAndChallenge structure, using private key as the signing key. [X690]

  7. Let signedPublicKeyAndChallenge be an ASN.1 SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge structure as defined below, with the publicKeyAndChallenge field set to the publicKeyAndChallenge structure, the signatureAlgorithm field set to the algorithm structure, and the signature field set to the BIT STRING signature from the previous step. [X690]

  8. Return the result of base64 encoding the result of ASN.1 DER encoding the signedPublicKeyAndChallenge structure. [RFC3548] [X690]

The data objects used by the above algorithm are defined as follows. These definitions use the same "ASN.1-like" syntax defined by RFC2459. [RFC2459]

PublicKeyAndChallenge ::= SEQUENCE {
    spki SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
    challenge IA5STRING

SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge ::= SEQUENCE {
    publicKeyAndChallenge PublicKeyAndChallenge,
    signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
    signature BIT STRING

Constraint validation: The keygen element is barred from constraint validation.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the keygen element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name. The disabled attribute is used to make the control non-interactive and to prevent its value from being submitted. The autofocus attribute controls focus.

keygen . type

Returns the string "keygen".

The challenge and keytype DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

The type DOM attribute must return the value "keygen".

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API. The labels attribute provides a list of the element's labels.

This specification does not specify how the private key generated is to be used. It is expected that after receiving the SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge (SPKAC) structure, the server will generate a client certificate and offer it back to the user for download; this certificate, once downloaded and stored in the key store along with the private key, can then be used to authenticate to services that use SSL and certificate authentication.

4.10.12 The output element

Flow content.
Phrasing content.
Listed and resettable form-associated element.
Contexts in which this element may be used:
Where phrasing content is expected.
Content model:
Phrasing content.
Content attributes:
Global attributes
DOM interface:
interface HTMLOutputElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString htmlFor;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString name;

  readonly attribute DOMString type;
           attribute DOMString defaultValue;
           attribute DOMString value;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  void setCustomValidity(in DOMString error);

The output element represents the result of a calculation.

The for content attribute allows an explicit relationship to be made between the result of a calculation and the elements that represent the values that went into the calculation or that otherwise influenced the calculation. The for attribute, if specified, must contain a string consisting of an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens, each of which must have the value of an ID of an element in the same Document.

The form attribute is used to explicitly associate the output element with its form owner. The name attribute represents the element's name.

The element has a value mode flag which is either value or default. Initially, the value mode flag must be set to default.

When the value mode flag is in mode default, the contents of the element represent both the value of the element and its default value. When the value mode flag is in mode value, the contents of the element represent the value of the element only, and the default value is only accessible using the defaultValue DOM attribute.

The element also has a default value. Initially, the default value must be the empty string.

Whenever the element's descendants are changed in any way, if the value mode flag is in mode default, the element's default value must be set to the value of the element's textContent DOM attribute.

The reset algorithm for output elements is to set the element's textContent DOM attribute to the value of the element's defaultValue DOM attribute (thus replacing the element's child nodes), and then to set the element's value mode flag to default.

output . value [ = value ]

Returns the element's current value.

Can be set, to change the value.

output . defaultValue [ = value ]

Returns the element's current default value.

Can be set, to change the default value.

output . type

Returns the string "output".

The value DOM attribute must act like the element's textContent DOM attribute, except that on setting, in addition, before the child nodes are changed, the element's value mode flag must be set to value.

The defaultValue DOM attribute, on getting, must return the element's default value. On setting, the attribute must set the element's default value, and, if the element's value mode flag is in the mode default, set the element's textContent DOM attribute as well.

The type attribute must return the string "output".

The htmlFor DOM attribute must reflect the for content attribute.

The willValidate, validity, and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity() and setCustomValidity() methods, are part of the constraint validation API.

Constraint validation: output elements are always barred from constraint validation.

4.10.13 Association of controls and forms

A form-associated element can have a relationship with a form element, which is called the element's form owner. If a form-associated element is not associated with a form element, its form owner is said to be null.

A form-associated element is, by default, associated with its nearest ancestor form element (as described below), but may have a form attribute specified to override this.

If a form-associated element has a form attribute specified, then its value must be the ID of a form element in the element's owner Document.

When a form-associated element is created, its form owner must be initialized to null (no owner).

When a form-associated element is to be associated with a form, its form owner must be set to that form.

When a form-associated element's ancestor chain changes, e.g. because it or one of its ancestors was inserted or removed from a Document, then the user agent must reset the form owner of that element.

When a form-associated element's form attribute is added, removed, or has its value changed, then the user agent must reset the form owner of that element.

When a form-associated element has a form attribute and the ID of any of the form elements in the Document changes, then the user agent must reset the form owner of that form-associated element.

When the user agent is to reset the form owner of a form-associated element, it must run the following steps:

  1. If the element's form owner is not null, and the element's form content attribute is not present, and the element's form owner is one of the ancestors of the element after the change to the ancestor chain, then do nothing, and abort these steps.

  2. Let the element's form owner be null.

  3. If the element has a form content attribute, then run these substeps:

    1. If the first element in the Document to have an ID that is equal to the element's form content attribute's value is a form element, then associate the form-associated element with that form element.

    2. Abort the "reset the form owner" steps.

  4. Otherwise, if the form-associated element in question has an ancestor form element, then associate the form-associated element with the nearest such ancestor form element.

  5. Otherwise, the element is left unassociated.

In the following non-conforming snippet:

 <form id="a">
  <div id="b"></div>
  document.getElementById('b').innerHTML =
     '<table><tr><td><form id="c"><input id="d"></table>' +
     '<input id="e">';

The form owner of "d" would be the inner nested form "c", while the form owner of "e" would be the outer form "a".

This is because despite the association of "e" with "c" in the HTML parser, when the innerHTML algorithm moves the nodes from the temporary document to the "b" element, the nodes see their ancestor chain change, and thus all the "magic" associations done by the parser are reset to normal ancestor associations.

This example is a non-conforming document, though, as it is a violation of the content models to nest form elements.

element . form

Returns the element's form owner.

Returns null if there isn't one.

Form-associated elements have a form DOM attribute, which, on getting, must return the element's form owner, or null if there isn't one.

Constraint validation: If an element has no form owner, it is barred from constraint validation.

4.10.14 Attributes common to form controls Naming form controls

The name content attribute gives the name of the form control, as used in form submission and in the form element's elements object. If the attribute is specified, its value must not be the empty string.

Constraint validation: If an element does not have a name attribute specified, or its name attribute's value is the empty string, then it is barred from constraint validation.

The name DOM attribute must reflect the name content attribute. Enabling and disabling form controls

The disabled content attribute is a boolean attribute.

A form control is disabled if its disabled attribute is set, or if it is a descendant of a fieldset element whose disabled attribute is set.

A form control that is disabled must prevent any click events that are queued on the user interaction task source from being dispatched on the element.

Constraint validation: If an element is disabled, it is barred from constraint validation.

The disabled DOM attribute must reflect the disabled content attribute. A form control's value

Form controls have a value and a checkedness. (The latter is only used by input elements.) These are used to describe how the user interacts with the control. Autofocusing a form control

The autofocus content attribute allows the user to indicate that a control is to be focused as soon as the page is loaded, allowing the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control.

The autofocus attribute is a boolean attribute.

There must not be more than one element in the document with the autofocus attribute specified.

Whenever an element with the autofocus attribute specified is inserted into a document, the user agent should queue a task that checks to see if the element is focusable, and if so, runs the focusing steps for that element. User agents may also change the scrolling position of the document, or perform some other action that brings the element to the user's attention. The task source for this task is the DOM manipulation task source.

User agents may ignore this attribute if the user has indicated (for example, by starting to type in a form control) that he does not wish focus to be changed.

Focusing the control does not imply that the user agent must focus the browser window if it has lost focus.

The autofocus DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.

In the following snippet, the text control would be focused when the document was loaded.

<input maxlength="256" name="q" value="" autofocus>
<input type="submit" value="Search"> Limiting user input length

A form control maxlength attribute, controlled by a dirty value flag declares a limit on the number of characters a user can input.

If an element has its form control maxlength attribute specified, the attribute's value must be a valid non-negative integer. If the attribute is specified and applying the rules for parsing non-negative integers to its value results in a number, then that number is the element's maximum allowed value length. If the attribute is omitted or parsing its value results in an error, then there is no maximum allowed value length.

Constraint validation: If an element has a maximum allowed value length, and its dirty value flag is false, and the code-point length of the element's value is greater than the element's maximum allowed value length, then the element is suffering from being too long.

User agents may prevent the user from causing the element's value to be set to a value whose code-point length is greater than the element's maximum allowed value length. Form submission

Attributes for form submission can be specified both on form elements and on submit button (elements that represent buttons that submit forms, e.g. an input element whose type attribute is in the Submit Button state).

The attributes for form submission that may be specified on form elements are action, enctype, method, novalidate, and target.

The corresponding attributes for form submission that may be specified on submit button are formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget. When omitted, they default to the values given on the corresponding attributes on the form element.

The action and formaction content attributes, if specified, must have a value that is a valid URL.

The action of an element is the value of the element's formaction attribute, if the element is a submit button and has such an attribute, or the value of its form owner's action attribute, if it has one, or else the empty string.

The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states:

The missing value default for these attributes is the GET state.

The method of an element is one of those four states. If the element is a submit button and has a formmethod attribute, then the element's method is that attribute's state; otherwise, it is the form owner's method attribute's state.

The enctype and formenctype content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states:

The missing value default for these attributes is the application/x-www-form-urlencoded state.

The enctype of an element is one of those three states. If the element is a submit button and has a formenctype attribute, then the element's enctype is that attribute's state; otherwise, it is the form owner's enctype attribute's state.

The target and formtarget content attributes, if specified, must have values that are valid browsing context names or keywords.

The target of an element is the value of the element's formtarget attribute, if the element is a submit button and has such an attribute; or the value of its form owner's target attribute, if it has such an attribute; or, if one of the child nodes of the head element is a base element with a target attribute, then the value of the target attribute of the first such base element; or, if there is no such element, the empty string.

The novalidate and formnovalidate content attributes are boolean attributes. If present, they indicate that the form is not to be validated during submission.

The no-validate state of an element is true if the element is a submit button and the element's formnovalidate attribute is present, or if the element's form owner's novalidate attribute is present, and false otherwise.

The action, method, enctype, and target DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The noValidate DOM attribute must reflect the novalidate content attribute. The formAction DOM attribute must reflect the formaction content attribute. The formEnctype DOM attribute must reflect the formenctype content attribute. The formMethod DOM attribute must reflect the formmethod content attribute. The formNoValidate DOM attribute must reflect the formnovalidate content attribute. The formTarget DOM attribute must reflect the formtarget content attribute.

4.10.15 Constraints Definitions

A listed form-associated element is a candidate for constraint validation unless a condition has barred the element from constraint validation. (For example, an element is barred from constraint validation if it is an output or fieldset element.)

An element can have a custom validity error message defined. Initially, an element must have its custom validity error message set to the empty string. When its value is not the empty string, the element is suffering from a custom error. It can be set using the setCustomValidity() method. The user agent should use the custom validity error message when alerting the user to the problem with the control.

An element can be constrained in various ways. The following is the list of validity states that a form control can be in, making the control invalid for the purposes of constraint validation. (The definitions below are non-normative; other parts of this specification define more precisely when each state applies or does not.)

Suffering from being missing

When a control has no value but has a required attribute (input required, textarea required).

Suffering from a type mismatch

When a control that allows arbitrary user input has a value that is not in the correct syntax (E-mail, URL).

Suffering from a pattern mismatch

When a control has a value that doesn't satisfy the pattern attribute.

Suffering from being too long

When a control has a value that is too long for the form control maxlength attribute (input maxlength, textarea maxlength).

Suffering from an underflow

When a control has a value that is too low for the min attribute.

Suffering from an overflow

When a control has a value that is too high for the max attribute.

Suffering from a step mismatch

When a control has a value that doesn't fit the rules given by the step attribute.

Suffering from a custom error

When a control's custom validity error message (as set by the element's setCustomValidity() method) is not the empty string.

An element can still suffer from these states even when the element is disabled; thus these states can be represented in the DOM even if validating the form during submission wouldn't indicate a problem to the user.

An element satisfies its constraints if it is not suffering from any of the above validity states. Constraint validation

When the user agent is required to statically validate the constraints of form element form, it must run the following steps, which return either a positive result (all the controls in the form are valid) or a negative result (there are invalid controls) along with a (possibly empty) list of elements that are invalid and for which no script has claimed responsibility:

  1. Let controls be a list of all the submittable elements whose form owner is form, in tree order.

  2. Let invalid controls be an initially empty list of elements.

  3. For each element field in controls, in tree order, run the following substeps:

    1. If field is not a candidate for constraint validation, then move on to the next element.

    2. Otherwise, if field satisfies its constraints, then move on to the next element.

    3. Otherwise, add field to invalid controls.

  4. If invalid controls is empty, then return a positive result and abort these steps.

  5. Let unhandled invalid controls be an initially empty list of elements.

  6. For each element field in invalid controls, if any, in tree order, run the following substeps:

    1. Fire a simple event named invalid at field.

    2. If the event was not canceled, then add field to unhandled invalid controls.

  7. Return a negative result with the list of elements in the unhandled invalid controls list.

If a user agent is to interactively validate the constraints of form element form, then the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Statically validate the constraints of form, and let unhandled invalid controls be the list of elements returned if the result was negative.

  2. If the result was positive, then return that result and abort these steps.

  3. Report the problems with the constraints of at least one of the elements given in unhandled invalid controls to the user. User agents may focus one of those elements in the process, by running the focusing steps for that element, and may change the scrolling position of the document, or perform some other action that brings the element to the user's attention. User agents may report more than one constraint violation. User agents may coalesce related constraint violation reports if appropriate (e.g. if multiple radio buttons in a group are marked as required, only one error need be reported). If one of the controls is not visible to the user (e.g. it has the hidden attribute set) then user agents may report a script error.

  4. Return a negative result. The constraint validation API
element . willValidate

Returns true if the element will be validated when the form is submitted; false otherwise.

element . setCustomValidity(message)

Sets a custom error, so that the element would fail to validate. The given message is the message to be shown to the user when reporting the problem to the user.

If the argument is the empty string, clears the custom error.

element . validity . valueMissing

Returns true if the element has no value but is a required field; false otherwise.

element . validity . typeMismatch

Returns true if the element's value is not in the correct syntax; false otherwise.

element . validity . patternMismatch

Returns true if the element's value doesn't match the provided pattern; false otherwise.

element . validity . tooLong

Returns true if the element's value is longer than the provided maximum length; false otherwise.

element . validity . rangeUnderflow

Returns true if the element's value is lower than the provided minimum; false otherwise.

element . validity . rangeOverflow

Returns true if the element's value is higher than the provided maximum; false otherwise.

element . validity . stepMismatch

Returns true if the element's value doesn't fit the rules given by the step attribute; false otherwise.

element . validity . customError

Returns true if the element has a custom error; false otherwise.

element . validity . valid

Returns true if the element's value has no validity problems; false otherwise.

valid = element . checkValidity()

Returns true if the element's value has no validity problems; false otherwise. Fires an invalid event at the element in the latter case.

element . validationMessage

Returns the error message that would be shown to the user if the element was to be checked for validity.

The willValidate attribute must return true if an element is a candidate for constraint validation, and false otherwise (i.e. false if any conditions are barring it from constraint validation).

The setCustomValidity(message), when invoked, must set the custom validity error message to the value of the given message argument.

The validity attribute must return a ValidityState object that represents the validity states of the element. This object is live, and the same object must be returned each time the element's validity attribute is retrieved.

interface ValidityState {
  readonly attribute boolean valueMissing;
  readonly attribute boolean typeMismatch;
  readonly attribute boolean patternMismatch;
  readonly attribute boolean tooLong;
  readonly attribute boolean rangeUnderflow;
  readonly attribute boolean rangeOverflow;
  readonly attribute boolean stepMismatch;
  readonly attribute boolean customError;
  readonly attribute boolean valid;

A ValidityState object has the following attributes. On getting, they must return true if the corresponding condition given in the following list is true, and false otherwise.


The control is suffering from being missing.


The control is suffering from a type mismatch.


The control is suffering from a pattern mismatch.


The control is suffering from being too long.


The control is suffering from an underflow.


The control is suffering from an overflow.


The control is suffering from a step mismatch.


The control is suffering from a custom error.


None of the other conditions are true.

When the checkValidity() method is invoked, if the element is a candidate for constraint validation and does not satisfy its constraints, the user agent must fire a simple event named invalid at the element and return false. Otherwise, it must only return true without doing anything else.

The validationMessage attribute must return the empty string if the element is not a candidate for constraint validation or if it is one but it satisfies its constraints; otherwise, it must return a suitably localized message that the user agent would show the user if this were the only form with a validity constraint problem. If the element is suffering from a custom error, then the custom validity error message should be present in the return value. Security

Servers should not rely on client-side validation. Client-side validation can be intentionally bypassed by hostile users, and unintentionally bypassed by users of older user agents or automated tools that do not implement these features. The constraint validation features are only intended to improve the user experience, not to provide any kind of security mechanism.

4.10.16 Form submission Introduction

This section is non-normative.

... Implicit submission

User agents may establish a button in each form as being the form's default button. This should be the first submit button in tree order whose form owner is that form element, but user agents may pick another button if another would be more appropriate for the platform. If the platform supports letting the user submit a form implicitly (for example, on some platforms hitting the "enter" key while a text field is focused implicitly submits the form), then doing so must cause the form's default button's activation behavior, if any, to be run.

Consequently, if the default button is disabled, the form is not submitted when such an implicit submission mechanism is used. (A button has no activation behavior when disabled.)

If the form has no submit button, then the implicit submission mechanism must just submit the form element from the form element itself. Form submission algorithm

When a form form is submitted from an element submitter (typically a button), the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. If form is in a Document that has no associated browsing context or whose browsing context has its sandboxed forms browsing context flag set, then abort these steps without doing anything.

  2. If form is already being submitted (i.e. the form was submitted again while processing the events fired from the next two steps, probably from a script redundantly calling the submit() method on form), then abort these steps. This doesn't affect the earlier instance of this algorithm.

  3. If the submitter is anything but a form element, and the submitter element's no-validate state is false, then interactively validate the constraints of form and examine the result: if the result is negative (the constraint validation concluded that there were invalid fields and probably informed the user of this) then abort these steps.

  4. If the submitter is anything but a form element, then fire a simple event that bubbles, named submit, at form. If the event's default action is prevented (i.e. if the event is canceled) then abort these steps. Otherwise, continue (effectively the default action is to perform the submission).

  5. Let controls be a list of all the submittable elements whose form owner is form, in tree order.

  6. Let the form data set be a list of name-value-type tuples, initially empty.

  7. Constructing the form data set. For each element field in controls, in tree order, run the following substeps:

    1. If any of the following conditions are met, then skip these substeps for this element:

      • The field element has a datalist element ancestor.
      • The field element is disabled.
      • The field element is a button but it is not submitter.
      • The field element is an input element whose type attribute is in the Checkbox state and whose checkedness is false.
      • The field element is an input element whose type attribute is in the Radio Button state and whose checkedness is false.
      • The field element is an input element whose type attribute is in the File Upload state but the control does not have any files selected.
      • The field element is an object element that is not using a plugin.

      Otherwise, process field as follows:

    2. Let type be the value of the type DOM attribute of field.

    3. If the field element is an input element whose type attribute is in the Image Button state, then run these further nested substeps:

      1. If the field element has an name attribute specified and value is not the empty string, let name be that value followed by a single U+002E FULL STOP (.) character. Otherwise, let name be the empty string.

      2. Let namex be the string consisting of the concatenation of name and a single U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X (x) character.

      3. Let namey be the string consisting of the concatenation of name and a single U+0079 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y (y) character.

      4. The field element is submitter, and before this algorithm was invoked the user indicated a coordinate. Let x be the x-component of the coordinate selected by the user, and let y be the y-component of the coordinate selected by the user.

      5. Append an entry in the form data set with the name namex, the value x, and the type type.

      6. Append an entry in the form data set with the name namey and the value y, and the type type.

      7. Skip the remaining substeps for this element: if there are any more elements in controls, return to the top of the constructing the form data set step, otherwise, jump to the next step in the overall form submission algorithm.

    4. If the field element does not have a name attribute specified, or its name attribute's value is the empty string, skip these substeps for this element: if there are any more elements in controls, return to the top of the constructing the form data set step, otherwise, jump to the next step in the overall form submission algorithm.

    5. Let name be the value of the field element's name attribute.

    6. If the field element is a select element, then for each option element in the select element whose selectedness is true, append an entry in the form data set with the name as the name, the value of the option element as the value, and type as the type.

    7. Otherwise, if the field element is an input element whose type attribute is in the Checkbox state or the Radio Button state, then run these further nested substeps:

      1. If the field element has a value attribute specified, then let value be the value of that attribute; otherwise, let value be the string "on".

      2. Append an entry in the form data set with name as the name, value as the value, and type as the type.

    8. Otherwise, if the field element is an input element whose type attribute is in the File Upload state, then for each file selected in the input element, append an entry in the form data set with the name as the name, the file (consisting of the name, the type, and the body) as the value, and type as the type.

    9. Otherwise, if the field element is an object element: try to obtain a form submission value from the plugin, and if that is successful, append an entry in the form data set with name as the name, the returned form submission value as the value, and the string "object" as the type.

    10. Otherwise, append an entry in the form data set with name as the name, the value of the field element as the value, and type as the type.

  8. Let action be the submitter element's action.

  9. If action is the empty string, let action be the document's address.

    This step is a willful violation of RFC 3986. [RFC3986]

  10. Resolve the URL action, relative to the submitter element. If this fails, abort these steps. Otherwise, let action be the resulting absolute URL.

  11. Let scheme be the <scheme> of the resulting absolute URL.

  12. Let enctype be the submitter element's enctype.

  13. Let method be the submitter element's method.

  14. Let target be the submitter element's target.

  15. Select the appropriate row in the table below based on the value of scheme as given by the first cell of each row. Then, select the appropriate cell on that row based on the value of method as given in the first cell of each column. Then, jump to the steps named in that cell and defined below the table.

    http Mutate action Submit as entity body Submit as entity body Delete action
    https Mutate action Submit as entity body Submit as entity body Delete action
    ftp Get action Get action Get action Get action
    javascript Get action Get action Get action Get action
    data Get action Post to data: Put to data: Get action
    mailto Mail with headers Mail as body Mail with headers Mail with headers

    If scheme is not one of those listed in this table, then the behavior is not defined by this specification. User agents should, in the absence of another specification defining this, act in a manner analogous to that defined in this specification for similar schemes.

    The behaviors are as follows:

    Mutate action

    Let query be the result of encoding the form data set using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm, interpreted as a US-ASCII string.

    Let destination be a new URL that is equal to the action except that its <query> component is replaced by query (adding a U+003F QUESTION MARK (?) character if appropriate).

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to destination. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Submit as entity body

    Let entity body be the result of encoding the form data set using the appropriate form encoding algorithm.

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Let MIME type be determined as follows:

    If enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Let MIME type be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
    If enctype is multipart/form-data
    Let MIME type be "multipart/form-data".
    If enctype is text/plain
    Let MIME type be "text/plain".

    Navigate target browsing context to action using the HTTP method given by method and with entity body as the entity body, of type MIME type. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Delete action

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to action using the DELETE method. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Get action

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to action. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Post to data:

    Let data be the result of encoding the form data set using the appropriate form encoding algorithm.

    If action contains the string "%%%%" (four U+0025 PERCENT SIGN characters), then %-escape all bytes in data that, if interpreted as US-ASCII, do not match the unreserved production in the URI Generic Syntax, and then, treating the result as a US-ASCII string, further %-escape all the U+0025 PERCENT SIGN characters in the resulting string and replace the first occurrence of "%%%%" in action with the resulting double-escaped string. [RFC3986]

    Otherwise, if action contains the string "%%" (two U+0025 PERCENT SIGN characters in a row, but not four), then %-escape all characters in data that, if interpreted as US-ASCII, do not match the unreserved production in the URI Generic Syntax, and then, treating the result as a US-ASCII string, replace the first occurrence of "%%" in action with the resulting escaped string. [RFC3986]

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to the potentially modified action. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Put to data:

    Let data be the result of encoding the form data set using the appropriate form encoding algorithm.

    Let MIME type be determined as follows:

    If enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Let MIME type be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
    If enctype is multipart/form-data
    Let MIME type be "multipart/form-data".
    If enctype is text/plain
    Let MIME type be "text/plain".

    Let destination be the result of concatenating the following:

    1. The string "data:".
    2. The value of MIME type.
    3. The string ";base64,".
    4. A base-64 encoded representation of data. [RFC2045]

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to destination. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Mail with headers

    Let headers be the resulting encoding the form data set using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm, interpreted as a US-ASCII string.

    Replace occurrences of U+002B PLUS SIGN characters (+) in headers with the string "%20".

    Let destination consist of all the characters from the first character in action to the character immediately before the first U+003F QUESTION MARK character (?), if any, or the end of the string if there are none.

    Append a single U+003F QUESTION MARK character (?) to destination.

    Append headers to destination.

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to destination. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    Mail as body

    Let body be the resulting encoding the form data set using the appropriate form encoding algorithm and then %-escaping all the bytes in the resulting byte string that, when interpreted as US-ASCII, do not match the unreserved production in the URI Generic Syntax. [RFC3986]

    Let destination have the same value as action.

    If destination does not contain a U+003F QUESTION MARK character (?), append a single U+003F QUESTION MARK character (?) to destination. Otherwise, append a single U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&).

    Append the string "body=" to destination.

    Append body, interpreted as a US-ASCII string, to destination.

    Let target browsing context be the form submission target browsing context.

    Navigate target browsing context to destination. If target browsing context was newly created for this purpose by the steps above, then it must be navigated with replacement enabled.

    The form submission target browsing context is obtained, when needed by the behaviors described above, as follows: If the user indicated a specific browsing context to use when submitting the form, then that is the target browsing context. Otherwise, apply the rules for choosing a browsing context given a browsing context name using target as the name and the browsing context of form as the context in which the algorithm is executed; the resulting browsing context is the target browsing context.

    The appropriate form encoding algorithm is determined as follows:

    If enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Use the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm.
    If enctype is multipart/form-data
    Use the multipart/form-data encoding algorithm.
    If enctype is text/plain
    Use the text/plain encoding algorithm. URL-encoded form data

The application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm is as follows:

  1. Let result be the empty string.

  2. If the form element has an accept-charset attribute, then, taking into account the characters found in the form data set's names and values, and the character encodings supported by the user agent, select a character encoding from the list given in the form's accept-charset attribute that is an ASCII-compatible character encoding. If none of the encodings are supported, then let the selected character encoding be UTF-8.

    Otherwise, if the document's character encoding is an ASCII-compatible character encoding, then that is the selected character encoding.

    Otherwise, let the selected character encoding be UTF-8.

  3. Let charset be the preferred MIME name of the selected character encoding.

  4. If the entry's name is "_charset_" and its type is "hidden", replace its value with charset.

  5. If the entry's type is "file", replace its value with the file's filename only.

  6. For each entry in the form data set, perform these substeps:

    1. For each character in the entry's name and value that cannot be expressed using the selected character encoding, replace the character by a string consisting of a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&), one of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9) representing the Unicode code point of the character in base ten, and finally a U+003B SEMICOLON character (;).

    2. For each character in the entry's name and value, apply the following subsubsteps:

      1. If the character isn't in the range U+0020, U+002A, U+002D, U+002E, U+0030 .. U+0039, U+0041 .. U+005A, U+005F, U+0061 .. U+007A then replace the character with a string formed as follows: Start with the empty string, and then, taking each byte of the character when expressed in the selected character encoding in turn, append to the string a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%) followed by two characters in the ranges U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9) and U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A to U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z representing the hexadecimal value of the byte (zero-padded if necessary).

      2. If the character is a U+0020 SPACE character, replace it with a single U+002B PLUS SIGN character (+).

    3. If the entry's name is "isindex", its type is "text", and this is the first entry in the form data set, then append the value to result and skip the rest of the substeps for this entry, moving on to the next entry, if any, or the next step in the overall algorithm otherwise.

    4. If this is not the first entry, append a single U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to result.

    5. Append the entry's name to result.

    6. Append a single U+003D EQUALS SIGN character (=) to result.

    7. Append the entry's value to result.

  7. Encode result as US-ASCII and return the resulting byte stream. Multipart form data

The multipart/form-data encoding algorithm is to encode the form data set using the rules described by RFC2388, Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data, and return the resulting byte stream. [RFC2388]

Each entry in the form data set is a field, the name of the entry is the field name and the value of the entry is the field value.

The order of parts must be the same as the order of fields in the form data set. Multiple entries with the same name must be treated as distinct fields. Plain text form data

The text/plain encoding algorithm is as follows:

  1. Let result be the empty string.

  2. If the form element has an accept-charset attribute, then, taking into account the characters found in the form data set's names and values, and the character encodings supported by the user agent, select a character encoding from the list given in the form's accept-charset attribute. If none of the encodings are supported, then let the selected character encoding be UTF-8.

    Otherwise, the selected character encoding is the document's character encoding.

  3. Let charset be the preferred MIME name of the selected character encoding.

  4. If the entry's name is "_charset_" and its type is "hidden", replace its value with charset.

  5. If the entry's type is "file", replace its value with the file's filename only.

  6. For each entry in the form data set, perform these substeps:

    1. Append the entry's name to result.

    2. Append a single U+003D EQUALS SIGN character (=) to result.

    3. Append the entry's value to result.

    4. Append a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character pair to result.

  7. Encode result using the selected character encoding and return the resulting byte stream.

4.10.17 Resetting a form

When a form form is reset, the user agent must invoke the reset algorithm of each resettable elements whose form owner is form, and must then broadcast formchange events from form.

Each resettable element defines its own reset algorithm. Changes made to form controls as part of these algorithms do not count as changes caused by the user (and thus, e.g., do not cause input events to fire).

4.10.18 Event dispatch

When the user agent is to broadcast forminput events or broadcast formchange events from a form element form, it must run the following steps:

  1. Let controls be a list of all the resettable elements whose form owner is form.

  2. If the user agent was to broadcast forminput events, let event name be forminput. Otherwise the user agent was to broadcast formchange events; let event name be formchange.
  3. For each element in controls, in tree order, fire a simple event named event name at the element.