A Parsing MathML

Overview: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0
Previous: 8 MathML3 Content Dictionaries
Next: B Operator Dictionary

A Parsing MathML
    A.1 Use of MathML as Well-Formed XML
    A.2 Using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3
        A.2.1 The Schema Driver
        A.2.2 The Grammar for Presentation MathML
        A.2.3 The Grammar for Strict Content MathML3
        A.2.4 The Grammar for Pragmatic MathML
        A.2.5 The Grammar for Deprecated MathML Elements
        A.2.6 A Generated Grammar for Arity Checking
        A.2.7 MathML as a module in a RelaxNG Schema
    A.3 Using the MathML DTD
    A.4 Using the MathML XML Schema

A.1 Use of MathML as Well-Formed XML

Issue update_schema wiki (member only)
DTD and W3C XML Schema

DTD and W3C XML Schema need updating to MathML3

Resolution None recorded

A MathML document must be a well-formed XML document using elements in the MathML namespace as defined by this specification, however it is not required that the document refer to any specific Document Type Definition (DTD) or schema that specifies MathML. It is sometimes advantagous not to specify such a language definition as these files are large, often much larger than the MathML expression and unless they have been previously cached by the MathML application, the time taken to fetch the DTD or schema may have an appreciable effect on the processing of the MathML document.

Note also that if no DTD is specified with a DOCTYPE declaration, that entity references (for example to refer to MathML characters by name) may not be used. The document should be encoded in an encoding (for example UTF-8) in which all needed characters may be encoded as character data, or characters may be referenced using numeric character references, for example ∫ rather than ∫

If a MathML fragment is parsed without a DTD, in other words as a well-formed XML fragment, it is the responsibility of the processing application to treat the white space characters occurring outside of token elements as not significant.

However, in many circumstances, especially while producing or editing MathML, it is useful to use a language definition, to constrain the editing process or to check the correctness of generated files. The following section, Section A.2 Using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3, discusses the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3 [RelaxNG], which forms a normative part of the specification. Following that, Section A.4 Using the MathML XML Schema, and Section A.3 Using the MathML DTD discuss alternative languages definition using the document type definitions (DTD) and the W3C XML schema language, [XMLSchemas], both of which are derived from the normative RelaxNG schema automatically. One should note that the schema definitions of the language is currently stricter than the DTD version. That is, a schema validating processor will declare invalid documents that are declared valid by a (DTD) validating XML parser. This is partly due to the fact that the XML schema language may express additional constraints not expressable in the DTD, and partly due to the fact that for reasons of compatibility with earlier releases, the DTD is intentionally forgiving in some places and does not enforce constraints that are specified in the text of this specification.

A.2 Using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3

MathML documents should be validated using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML, either in the XML encoding (http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rng) or in compact notation (http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rnc) which is also shown below.

In contrast to DTDs there is no in-document method to associate a RelaxNG schema with a document.

Editorial note: MiKo  
I have included the schema verbatim for reference, a better version should be generated somehow

The RelaxNG schema for MathML3 comes in five parts:

we will present them in detail in the next sections below. As the compact notation for RelaxNG grammars is more readable, we will use this format here.

A.2.1 The Schema Driver

The driver that sets up the grammar infrastructure and includes the other parts and binds them together. It can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
#     Copyright 1998-2007 World Wide Web Consortium
#        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
#         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
#         All Rights Reserved.
#     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RelaxNG schema for MathML3
#     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
#     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
#     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
#     no representation about the suitability of the Schema for any purpose.
#     This file contains the grammar driver for MathML3
#     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
#     Revision:   $Id: appendixa.html,v 1.1 2007/12/14 14:18:42 jules Exp $
#     Author: Michael Kohlhase http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
namespace local = ""

non-mathml-attribs = attribute * - (local:*) {xsd:string} 

MathML.Common.attrib = attribute class {xsd:NMTOKENS}?,
                attribute style {xsd:string}?,
                attribute id {xsd:ID}?,

include "mathml3-presentation.rnc"
include "mathml3-strict.rnc"
include "mathml3-pragmatic.rnc"
include "mathml3-cds.rnc"
include "mathml3-deprecated.rnc"

Browser-interface.attrib = attribute baseline {xsd:string}?,
                           attribute overflow {"scroll" | "elide" | "truncate" | "scale"}?,
                           attribute altimg {xsd:anyURI}?,
                           attribute alttext {xsd:string}?,
       			   attribute type {xsd:string}?,
			   attribute name {xsd:string}?,	    
			   attribute height {xsd:string}?,
			   attribute width {xsd:string}?

math.attlist = Browser-interface.attrib,
	       attribute macros {xsd:string}?,
	       attribute display {"block" | "inline"}?,

math.content = PresExp | ContExp

math = element math {math.attlist,math.content*}

start = math

A.2.2 The Grammar for Presentation MathML

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
#     Copyright 1998-2007 World Wide Web Consortium
#        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
#         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
#         All Rights Reserved.
#     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RelaxNG schema for MathML3
#     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
#     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
#     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
#     no representation about the suitability of the Schema for any purpose.
#     This file contains the grammar rules for presentation MathML3
#     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
#     Revision:   $Id: appendixa.html,v 1.1 2007/12/14 14:18:42 jules Exp $
#     Author: Michael Kohlhase http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

simple-size= "small" | "normal" | "big"
centering.values = "left" | "center" | "right"
named-space = "veryverythinmathspace" | "verythinmathspace" | "thinmathspace" | 
              "mediummathspace" | 
              "thickmathspace" | "verythickmathspace" | "veryverythickmathspace"
thickness = "thin" | "medium" | "thick"

# number with units used to specified lengths 
Issue rnc_units-patternswiki (member only)

need final decision on the patterns here and refactor to horizontal and vertical ones

ResolutionNone recorded
length-with-unit = xsd:string #{pattern="(-?([0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%))|0"} length-with-optional-unit = xsd:string #{pattern="-?([0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)?"} # This is just "infinity" that can be used as a length infinity = "infinity" # colors defined as RGB RGB-color = xsd:string {pattern="#(([0-9]|[a-f]){3}|([0-9]|[a-f]){6})"} # The mathematics style attributes. These attributes are valid on all # presentation token elements except "mspace" and "mglyph", and on no # other elements except "mstyle". Token-style.attrib = attribute mathvariant {"normal" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold-italic" | "double-struck" | "bold-fraktur" | "script" | "bold-script" | "fraktur" | "sans-serif" | "bold-sans-serif" | "sans-serif-italic" | "sans-serif-bold-italic" | "monospace"}?, attribute mathsize {simple-size | length-with-unit}?,
Issue rnc_mathvariantwiki (member only)

For both of the following attributes the types should be more restricted

ResolutionNone recorded
attribute mathcolor {xsd:string}?, attribute mathbackground {xsd:string}? truefalse = "true" | "false" Operator.attrib = # this attribute value is normally inferred from the position of # the operator in its "<mrow"> attribute form {"prefix" | "infix" | "postfix"}?, # set by dictionary, else it is "thickmathspace" attribute lspace {length-with-unit | named-space}?, # set by dictionary, else it is "thickmathspace" attribute rspace {length-with-unit | named-space}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "false" attribute fence {truefalse}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "false" attribute separator {truefalse}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "false" attribute stretchy {truefalse}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "true" attribute symmetric {truefalse}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "false" attribute movablelimits {truefalse}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "false" attribute accent {truefalse}?, # set by dictionnary, else it is "false" attribute largeop {truefalse}?, attribute minsize {length-with-unit | named-space}?, attribute maxsize {length-with-unit | named-space | infinity | xsd:float}? mglyph = element mglyph {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute alt {xsd:string}?, (attribute src {xsd:anyURI}| attribute fontfamily {xsd:string}), attribute width {xsd:string}?, attribute height {xsd:string}?, attribute baseline {xsd:string}?, attribute index {xsd:positiveInteger}?}
Issue mglyph_altwiki (member only)

perhaps make alt required 9but breaks stuff, or just make it required if there is a src attribute

ResolutionNone recorded
linethickness.attrib = attribute linethickness {length-with-optional-unit|thickness} mline = element mline {MathML.Common.attrib, linethickness.attrib?, attribute spacing {xsd:string}?, attribute length {length-with-unit | named-space}?} Glyph-alignmark = malignmark|mglyph mi = element mi {MathML.Common.attrib,Token-style.attrib,(Glyph-alignmark|text)*} mo = element mo {MathML.Common.attrib,Operator.attrib,Token-style.attrib, (text|Glyph-alignmark)*} mn = element mn {MathML.Common.attrib,Token-style.attrib,(text|Glyph-alignmark)*} mtext = element mtext {MathML.Common.attrib,Token-style.attrib,(text|Glyph-alignmark)*} ms = element ms {MathML.Common.attrib,Token-style.attrib, attribute lquote {xsd:string}?, attribute rquote {xsd:string}?, (text|Glyph-alignmark)*} # And the group of any token Pres-token = mi | mo | mn | mtext | ms msub = element msub {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute subscriptshift {length-with-unit}?, ContInPres,ContInPres} msup = element msup {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute supscriptshift {length-with-unit}?, ContInPres,ContInPres} msubsup = element msubsup {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute subscriptshift {length-with-unit}?, attribute supscriptshift {length-with-unit}?, ContInPres,ContInPres,ContInPres} munder = element munder {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute accentunder {truefalse}?, ContInPres,ContInPres} mover = element mover {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute accent {truefalse}?, ContInPres,ContInPres} munderover = element munderover {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute accentunder {truefalse}?, attribute accent {truefalse}?, ContInPres,ContInPres,ContInPres} PresExp-or-none = ContInPres | none mmultiscripts = element mmultiscripts{MathML.Common.attrib, ContInPres, (PresExp-or-none,PresExp-or-none)*, (mprescripts,(PresExp-or-none,PresExp-or-none)*)?} none = element none {empty} mprescripts = element mprescripts {empty} Pres-script = msub|msup|msubsup|munder|mover|munderover|mmultiscripts linebreak-values = "auto" | "newline" | "indentingnewline" | "nobreak" | "goodbreak" | "badbreak" mspace = element mspace {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute width {length-with-unit | named-space}?, attribute height {length-with-unit}?, attribute depth {length-with-unit}?, attribute linebreak {linebreak-values}?} mrow = element mrow {MathML.Common.attrib,ContInPres*} mfrac = element mfrac {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute bevelled {truefalse}?, attribute denomalign {centering.values}?, attribute numalign {centering.values}?, linethickness.attrib?, ContInPres,ContInPres} msqrt = element msqrt {MathML.Common.attrib,ContInPres*} mroot = element mroot {MathML.Common.attrib,ContInPres,ContInPres} mpadded-space = xsd:string {pattern="(\+|-)?([0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(((%?)*(width|lspace|height|depth))|(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc))"}
Issue rnc_leftover-maxwiki (member only)

MaxF: definition from spec seems wrong, fixing to ([+|-] unsigned-number (%[pseudo-unit]|pseudo-unit|h-unit)) | namedspace | 0

ResolutionNone recorded
mpadded-width-space = xsd:string {pattern="((\+|-)?([0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(((%?) *(width|lspace|height|depth)?)|(width|lspace|height|depth)|(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)))|((veryverythin|verythin|thin|medium|thick|verythick|veryverythick)mathspace)|0"} mpadded = element mpadded {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute width {mpadded-width-space}?, attribute lspace {mpadded-space}?, attribute height {mpadded-space}?, attribute depth {mpadded-space}?, ContInPres*} mphantom = element mphantom.attlist {MathML.Common.attrib,ContInPres*} mfenced = element mfenced {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute open {xsd:string}?, attribute close {xsd:string}?, attribute separators {xsd:string}?, ContInPres*} notation-values = "actuarial"|"longdiv"|"radical"| "box"|"roundedbox"|"circle"| "left"|"right"|"top"|"bottom"| "updiagonalstrike"|"downdiagonalstrike"| "verticalstrike"|"horizontalstrike" menclose = element menclose {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute notation {notation-values}?, ContInPres*} # And the group of everything Pres-layout = mrow|mfrac|msqrt|mroot|mpadded|mphantom|mfenced|menclose Table-alignment.attrib = attribute rowalign {xsd:string {pattern="(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)*"}}?, attribute columnalign {xsd:string {pattern="(left|center|right)( (left|center|right))*"}}?, attribute groupalign {xsd:string}? mtr.content = mtd mtr = element mtr {Table-alignment.attrib, MathML.Common.attrib,(mtr.content)+} mlabeledtr = element mlabeledtr {Table-alignment.attrib,MathML.Common.attrib,(mtr.content)*} mtd = element mtd {MathML.Common.attrib, Table-alignment.attrib, attribute columnspan {xsd:positiveInteger}?, attribute rowspan {xsd:positiveInteger}?, ContInPres*} mtable.content = mtr|mlabeledtr mtable = element mtable {Table-alignment.attrib, attribute align {xsd:string}?, attribute alignmentscope {xsd:string {pattern="(true|false)( true| false)*"}}?, attribute columnwidth {xsd:string}?, attribute width {xsd:string}?, attribute rowspacing {xsd:string}?, attribute columnspacing {xsd:string}?, attribute rowlines {xsd:string}?, attribute columnlines {xsd:string}?, attribute frame {"none" | "solid" | "dashed"}?, attribute framespacing {xsd:string}?, attribute equalrows {truefalse}?, attribute equalcolumns {truefalse}?, attribute displaystyle {truefalse}?, attribute side {"left"|"right"|"leftoverlap"|"rightoverlap"}?, attribute minlabelspacing {length-with-unit}?, MathML.Common.attrib, (mtable.content)*} maligngroup = element maligngroup {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute groupalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "decimalpoint"}?} malignmark = element malignmark {MathML.Common.attrib,attribute edge {"left" | "right"}?} Pres-table = mtable|maligngroup|malignmark mcolumn = element mcolumn {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute align {"left" | "right"}} mstyle = element mstyle {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute scriptlevel {xsd:integer}?, attribute displaystyle {truefalse}?, attribute scriptsizemultiplier {xsd:decimal}?, attribute scriptminsize {length-with-unit}?, attribute color {xsd:string}?, attribute background {xsd:string}?, attribute veryverythinmathspace {length-with-unit}?, attribute verythinmathspace {length-with-unit}?, attribute thinmathspace {length-with-unit}?, attribute mediummathspace {length-with-unit}?, attribute thickmathspace {length-with-unit}?, attribute verythickmathspace {length-with-unit}?, attribute veryverythickmathspace {length-with-unit}?, linethickness.attrib?, Operator.attrib,Token-style.attrib, ContInPres*} merror = element merror {MathML.Common.attrib,ContInPres*} maction = element maction {MathML.Common.attrib, attribute actiontype {xsd:string}?, attribute selection {xsd:positiveInteger}?, ContInPres*} semantics-pmml = element semantics {semantics.attribs,PresExp, semantics-annotation*} PresExp = Pres-token | Pres-layout | Pres-script | Pres-table | mspace | mline | mcolumn | maction | merror | mstyle | semantics-pmml ContInPres = PresExp|ContExp
Issue permissive_units wiki (member only)
more permissive lengths/widths

David wrote in an e-mail: length-with-unit doesn't allow white space (anywhere) which (if any) of the following do we want to allow " 2em ", "2 em", "- 2 em". Also it insists on starting with a digit or -, but do we want to allow ".5em" "-.5em"

However we do claim css compatibility here which may suggest some answers to the above http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#length-units.

css allows an optional leading + as well +2em css requires number to "immediately" follow any sign and the unit to "immediately" follow the number, which I think means no intervening white space. css <number> are allowed to start with a . so .5em is allowed. css insists on a digit following a . so 5.em is not allowed.

Once we have firm answers to the above it should be easy to drop the regexp back in, and make the text match.

I think we should not allow white space except at beginning and end but allow a leading + (a change from mathml2) and allow no digits before the ., but insist on digits after a . which would be [\-\+]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%))|0"} as written this doesn't allow " 2em " but I think we can set white space trim properties to apply before the regex is checked (I'll check)

Resolution None recorded

A.2.3 The Grammar for Strict Content MathML3

The grammar for Strict Content MathML3 can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-strict.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
#     Copyright 1998-2007 World Wide Web Consortium
#        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
#         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
#         All Rights Reserved.
#     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RelaxNG schema for MathML3
#     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
#     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
#     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
#     no representation about the suitability of the Schema for any purpose.
#     This file contains the grammar rules for strict content MathML3
#     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
#     Revision:   $Id: appendixa.html,v 1.1 2007/12/14 14:18:42 jules Exp $
#     Author: Michael Kohlhase http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

#  This is the RelaxNG schema module for the strict content part of MathML.

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

Definition.attrib = attribute encoding {xsd:string}?,
                             attribute definitionURL {xsd:anyURI}?

Issue rnc_token-contentwiki (member only)

What is the content of a token, currently all text?

ResolutionNone recorded
Content-token.content = text # we want to extend this in pragmatic CMathML, so we introduce abbrevs here. cn.content.class = Content-token.content cn.type.vals = "e-notation"|"integer"|"rational"|"real" | "complex-cartesian"|"complex-polar"
Issue rnc_cnwiki (member only)

cn needs to be totally reworked once the spec is fixed

ResolutionNone recorded
cn = element cn {#attribute base {xsd:positiveInteger [1,...,36]}, attribute type {cn.type.vals}?, Definition.attrib, MathML.Common.attrib, (cn.content.class)*} ci = element ci {attribute type {xsd:string}?, attribute nargs {xsd:string}?, attribute occurrence {xsd:string}?, Definition.attrib, MathML.Common.attrib, Content-token.content} cdbase.attrib = attribute cdbase {xsd:anyURI} cdname.attrib = attribute cd {xsd:NCName} csymbol = element csymbol {MathML.Common.attrib, Definition.attrib,cdname.attrib?,cdbase.attrib?, Content-token.content} apply-head = apply|bind|ci|csymbol|semantics-apply apply.content = apply-head,ContExp* apply = element apply {MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,apply.content} qualifier.class = condition bind-head = apply|csymbol|semantics-bind bind.content = bind-head,bvar*,qualifier.class?,ContExp bind = element bind {MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,bind.content} bvar-head = ci|semantics-bvar bvar.content = (bvar-head) bvar = element bvar {MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,bvar.content} condition = element condition {Definition.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,ContExp} share = element share {MathML.Common.attrib,attribute href {xsd:anyURI}} cerror-head = csymbol|apply|semantics-cerror cerror.content = cerror-head,ContExp* cerror = element cerror {MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,cerror.content} annotation = element annotation {Definition.attrib,MathML.Common.attrib,text} annotation-xml.model = anyElement anyElement = element * {(attribute * {text}|text| anyElement)*} annotation-xml = element annotation-xml {MathML.Common.attrib, cdname.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,Definition.attrib, annotation-xml.model} semantics.attribs = Definition.attrib,MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib? semantics-annotation = annotation|annotation-xml # semantics element wrapped around various token semantics-bvar = element semantics {semantics.attribs,bvar-head, semantics-annotation*} semantics-apply = element semantics {semantics.attribs,apply-head, semantics-annotation*} semantics-bind = element semantics {semantics.attribs,bind-head, semantics-annotation*} semantics-cerror = element semantics {semantics.attribs,cerror-head, semantics-annotation*} semantics-cmml = element semantics {semantics.attribs,ContExp, semantics-annotation*} ContExp = cn|ci|csymbol|apply|bind|share|cerror|semantics-cmml

A.2.4 The Grammar for Pragmatic MathML

The grammar for pragmatic MathML3 can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-pragmatic.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
#     Copyright 1998-2007 World Wide Web Consortium
#        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
#         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
#         All Rights Reserved.
#     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RelaxNG schema for MathML3
#     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
#     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
#     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
#     no representation about the suitability of the Schema for any purpose.
#     This file contains the grammar rules for pragmatic content MathML3
#     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
#     Revision:   $Id: appendixa.html,v 1.1 2007/12/14 14:18:42 jules Exp $
#     Author: Michael Kohlhase http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

#  This is the RelaxNG schema module for the pragmatic content part of MathML.

# we also allow pMathML in tokens 
Content-token.content |= PresExp

# the content of "cn" may have <sep> elements in it
sep = element sep {empty}
cn.content.class |= sep
cn.type.vals |= "constant" 

# allow degree in bvar
degree = element degree {MathML.Common.attrib,ContExp+}
bvar.content &= degree?

domainofapplication = element domainofapplication{Definition.attrib,MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,
lowlimit = element lowlimit {Definition.attrib,MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,ContExp+}
uplimit = element uplimit {Definition.attrib,MathML.Common.attrib,cdbase.attrib?,ContExp+}

# allow the non-strict qualifiers
qualifier.class |= domainofapplication|(uplimit,lowlimit?)|(lowlimit,uplimit?)

Issue rnc_cd-generatedwiki (member only)

this should somehow be generated from the MCDs.

ResolutionNone recorded
pragmatic.binder = int.token|union.token|exists.token|forall.token|sum.token|product.token|diff.token|partialdiff.token # allow bvar also in the apply element, if one of the MathML2 binders is the head. apply.content |= (pragmatic.binder,bvar*,qualifier.class?,ContExp) # allow closure attributes and two content elements in intervals interval.content &= attribute closure {"closed"|"open"|"open-closed"|"closed-open"}?, (ContExp),(ContExp) # extend sets and lists by attributes
Issue rnc_set-typewiki (member only)

"set" ("type" could be "multiset" or "normal" or anything else)

ResolutionNone recorded
set.content &= attribute type {xsd:string}? lst.content &= attribute order {"lexicographic"|"numeric"}? diff.content &= attribute type {"function"|"algebraic"}? declare = element declare {attribute type {xsd:string}?, attribute scope {xsd:string}?, attribute nargs {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}?, attribute occurrence {"prefix"|"infix"|"function-model"}?, Definition.attrib,cdbase.attrib?, ContExp+}

A.2.5 The Grammar for Deprecated MathML Elements

The grammar for the elements deprecated in MathML3 can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-deprecated.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
#     Copyright 1998-2007 World Wide Web Consortium
#        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
#         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
#         All Rights Reserved.
#     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RelaxNG schema for MathML3
#     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
#     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
#     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
#     no representation about the suitability of the Schema for any purpose.
#     This file contains the grammar driver for MathML3
#     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
#     Revision:   $Id: appendixa.html,v 1.1 2007/12/14 14:18:42 jules Exp $
#     Author: Michael Kohlhase http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

Token-style.attrib |=
  attribute fontsize {xsd:string}? |
  attribute fontstyle {xsd:string}? |
  attribute color {xsd:string}? |
  attribute fontfamily {xsd:string}? |
  attribute fontweight {xsd:string}? 

#Deprecated Content Elements
dep-content = 
  element reln {ContExp*}|
  element fn {ContExp}

ContExp |= dep-content

apply-head |= dep-content

A.2.6 A Generated Grammar for Arity Checking

The driver file for arity checking can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-cds.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
#     Copyright 1998-2007 World Wide Web Consortium
#        (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
#         Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
#         All Rights Reserved.
#     Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RelaxNG schema for MathML3
#     and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is
#     hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice
#     and this paragraph appear in all copies.  The copyright holders make
#     no representation about the suitability of the Schema for any purpose.
#     This file contains the grammar driver for CD-based arity checking
#     It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
#     Revision:   $Id: appendixa.html,v 1.1 2007/12/14 14:18:42 jules Exp $
#     Author: Michael Kohlhase http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

# some elements were containers in MathML2, so they get a separate treatment,
# that can be extended in mathml3-pragmatic.rnc

# we augment the content of an apply element
apply.content |= (cd.token.unary.class,ContExp)|

# of the bind element 
binder.class |= cd.token.binder.class

# now we allow all tokens (except the binding symbols) to appear on their own
ContExp |= cd.token.unary.class|cd.token.binary.class|cd.token.nary.class|cd.token.class

#now we allow the containers as well. 
ContExp |= cd.container.class

# we set the default content type for tokens
Token.type = Definition.attrib, MathML.Common.attrib

# also set up MathMLtype, which is used in the CDs 
Issue rnc_mathmltypewiki (member only)

fudge it for now

ResolutionNone recorded
MathMLtype = xsd:string # simple arity checking for Tokens from the MathML3 CDs. # we set up the categories to be extended by the CD-generated grammars cd.token.class = notAllowed cd.token.unary.class = notAllowed cd.token.binary.class = notAllowed cd.token.nary.class = notAllowed cd.token.binder.class = notAllowed cd.token.key.class = notAllowed cd.token.error.class = notAllowed cd.container.class = notAllowed # then we include the generated ones include "algebra-logic.rnc" include "basic-content-elements.rnc" include "calculus_veccalc.rnc" include "constants.rnc" include "errors.rnc" include "linear_algebra.rnc" include "relations.rnc" include "sequences_series.rnc" include "sets.rnc" include "specfun.rnc" include "statistics.rnc"

In the last lines the schema includes grammars generated from arity in formation in the MathML content dictionaries, for instance, the following file algebra-logic.rnc is available at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/algebra-logic.rnc.

# RelaxNG grammar generated from MCD content dictionary
cd.token.unary.class |= factorial.token | unary_minus.token | not.token | abs.token | conjugate.token | arg.token | real.token | imaginary.token | floor.token | ceiling.token
cd.token.binary.class |= quotient.token | divide.token | minus.token | power.token | rem.token | root.token | implies.token
cd.token.nary.class |= max.token | min.token | plus.token | times.token | gcd.token | and.token | or.token | xor.token | lcm.token
cd.binder.class |= forall.token | exists.token

# the element definitions for the token elements
quotient.content = Token.type, attribute  type  {MathMLtype}?
quotient.token = element quotient {quotient.content}
factorial.content = Token.type
factorial.token = element factorial {factorial.content}
divide.content = Token.type, attribute  type  {MathMLtype}?
divide.token = element divide {divide.content}
max.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
max.token = element max {max.content}
min.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
min.token = element min {min.content}
minus.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
minus.token = element minus {minus.content}
unary_minus.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
unary_minus.token = element unary_minus {unary_minus.content}
plus.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
plus.token = element plus {plus.content}
power.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
power.token = element power {power.content}
rem.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
rem.token = element rem {rem.content}
times.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
times.token = element times {times.content}
root.content = Token.type, attribute  type  {MathMLtype}?
root.token = element root {root.content}
gcd.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
gcd.token = element gcd {gcd.content}
and.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
and.token = element and {and.content}
or.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
or.token = element or {or.content}
xor.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
xor.token = element xor {xor.content}
not.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
not.token = element not {not.content}
implies.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
implies.token = element implies {implies.content}
forall.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
forall.token = element forall {forall.content}
exists.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
exists.token = element exists {exists.content}
abs.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
abs.token = element abs {abs.content}
conjugate.content = Token.type
conjugate.token = element conjugate {conjugate.content}
arg.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
arg.token = element arg {arg.content}
real.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
real.token = element real {real.content}
imaginary.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
imaginary.token = element imaginary {imaginary.content}
lcm.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
lcm.token = element lcm {lcm.content}
floor.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
floor.token = element floor {floor.content}
ceiling.content = Token.type, attribute type {MathMLtype}?
ceiling.token = element ceiling {ceiling.content}

A.2.7 MathML as a module in a RelaxNG Schema

Normally, a MathML expression does not constitute an entire XML document. MathML is designed to be used as the mathematics fragment of larger markup languages. In particular it is designed to be used as a module in documents marked up with the XHTML family of markup languages. As RelaxNG directly supports modular development, this is usually very easy: an XHTML+MathML schema can be specified as simple as

# A RelaxNG Schema for  XHTML+MathML
include "xhtml.rnc"
math = external "mathml3.rnc"
Inline.class |= math
Block.class |= math

assuming that we have access to a modular RelaxNG schema for xhtml that uses Inline.class and Block.class to collect the the content models for inline and block-level elements.

Editorial note: Miko  
check this and reference an external schema

Specilizing the MathML3 schema so that we can check the content of annotation-xml elements is similarly simple:

# A RelaxNG Schema for MathML with OpenMath3 annotations
omobj = external "openmath3.rnc" 
include "mathml3.rnc" {anotation-xml.model = omobj}

For details about RelaxNG grammars and modularization see [RelaxNG] or [RelaxNGBook].

Editorial note: Miko  
check this and reference an external schema; I think we can even tie the OpenMath model to the value OpenMath in the encoding attribute.

A.3 Using the MathML DTD

Editorial note: David  
DTD to be generated from Relax NG

A.4 Using the MathML XML Schema

Editorial note: David  
XSD schema to be generated from Relax NG
Overview: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0
Previous: 8 MathML3 Content Dictionaries
Next: B Operator Dictionary