Content that is not represented by a Unicode character or sequence of Unicode characters.
functional non-text content - content that is capable of performing one or more actions in response to user input and is not text.
NOTE: This includes___.
Editorial Note: We need to decide which term to use here to refer to programs that run in the context of user agents.(ex. applet, embedded programmatic object, functional component)
non-text content used to convey information - content that communicates ideas, data, facts [@@include info from definition of information] and is not text.
non-text content that is intended to create a specific sensory experience - arrangements of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that cause a reaction in the viewer or listener.
Editorial Note: We need to include a definition of specific sensory experience. (per 13 June 2005 face to face meeting)
Programmatically determined text that is used in place of non-text content or text that is used in addition to non-text content and referred to from the programmatically determined text.
If Web content contains audio of instrumental music, provide a text alternative that identifies the music and makes it clear that it does not include a vocal component.
A text alternative that provides the title of the piece and identifies the composer and/or performer(s) may be sufficient. In some cases, it may be appropriate to provide a brief additional description of the piece. Again, consider the context in which the audio occurs and the purpose for which it is used when deciding how much additional information to provide. It may also be appropriate to write such descriptions in a style suited to the purpose and context: for example, a scholarly description would be quite different from a description on a popular music site.
For information about providing text alternatives for music that includes words, see the section on text alternatives for audio recordings, earlier in this document. Be aware, however, that it may be illegal to include the lyrics of songs for which you do not own the copyright. In such cases, it may be appropriate to provide a summary of the lyrics .
Do not assume that people who are deaf or hard of hearing have no interest in music!
Editorial Note: Need to include examples.
Editorial Note: material on text alternatives for visual art still to come.
HTML Techniques:
CSS Techniques:
No related CSS Techniques
NOTE: Placeholder for Benefits section
Excerpts from the NBA Tape Recording Manual, Third Edition. Information on describing complex images to people who are blind.