22 October 2002
Expanded Table of Contents
Expanded Table of Contents
Copyright Notice
W3C Document Copyright Notice and License
W3C Software Copyright Notice and License
What is the Document Object Model?
What the Document Object Model is
What the Document Object Model is not
Where the Document Object Model came from
Entities and the DOM Core
DOM Interfaces and DOM Implementations
1. Document Object Model Core
1.1. Overview of the DOM Core Interfaces
1.1.1. The DOM Structure Model
1.1.2. Memory Management
1.1.3. Naming Conventions
1.1.4. Inheritance vs. Flattened Views of the API
1.1.5. The DOMString type
1.1.6. The DOMTimeStamp type
1.1.7. The DOMUserData type
1.1.8. The DOMObject type
1.1.9. String comparisons in the DOM
1.1.10. XML Namespaces
1.1.11. Base URIs
1.1.12. Mixed DOM implementations
1.1.13. Bootstrapping
1.2. Fundamental Interfaces
1.3. Extended Interfaces
Appendix A: Changes
A.1. Changes between DOM Level 2 Core and DOM Level 3 Core
A.2. Changes between DOM Level 1 Core and DOM Level 2 Core
A.2.1. Changes to DOM Level 1 Core interfaces and exceptions
A.2.2. New features
Appendix B: Namespaces Algorithms
B.1. Namespace normalization
B.1.1. Conflicting namespace declaration (informative)
B.2. Namespace Prefix Lookup
B.3. Default Namespace Lookup
B.4. Namespace URI Lookup
Appendix C: Accessing code point boundaries
C.1. Introduction
C.2. Methods
Appendix D: IDL Definitions
Appendix E: Java Language Binding
E.1. Java Binding Extension
E.2. Other Core interfaces
Appendix F: ECMAScript Language Binding
F.1. ECMAScript Binding Extension
F.2. Other Core interfaces
Appendix G: Acknowledgements
G.1. Production Systems
1. Normative references
2. Informative references