
Table of Contents



Quick Table of Contents
C Property Index
    C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values:
    C.2 Property Table: Part I
    C.3 Property Table: Part II

C Property Index

C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values:


Maps directly into a rendering trait of the same name.


There is no trait mapping.


A shorthand that is mapped into one or more properties. There are no traits associated with a shorthand property. The traits are associated with the individual properties.


Disappears in Refinement. During refinement it sets up one or more other traits.


Maps directly into a formatting trait of the same name.


Sub-class of formatting. It is the same as a formatting trait, but is specified on formatting objects that are referenced.

See prose

Used to calculate a formatting trait, which does not have the same name as the property. Other properties may also influence the trait value. See the property description for details.

Font selection

Property that participates in font selection.

Value change

Maps to a trait of the same name, but the value is not just copied.


An association between two names. Establishes a reference within the formatting object tree.


Behavior trait.


Handled by the formatter in an implementation-defined way. There are no specific traits for this property.

C.2 Property Table: Part I

NameValuesInitial ValueInheritedPercentages
absolute-positionauto | absolute | fixed | inheritautonoN/A
active-statelink | visited | active | hover | focusno, a value is requirednoN/A
alignment-adjustauto | <percentage> | <length> | inheritautonosee prose
auto-restoreyes | nonoyesN/A
azimuth<angle> | [[ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards | inheritcenteryesN/A
background[<background-color> || <background-image> || <background-repeat> || <background-attachment> || <background-position> | ]]inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesnoallowed on 'background-position'
background-attachmentscroll | fixed | inheritscrollnoN/A
background-color<color> | transparent | inherittransparentnoN/A
background-image<uri> | none | inheritnonenoN/A
background-position[ [<percentage> | <length> ]{1,2} | [ [top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right] ] ] | inherit0% 0%norefer to the size of the box itself
background-position-horizontal<percentage> | <length> | left | center | right | inherit0%norefer to the size of the padding-rectangle
background-position-vertical<percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom | inherit0%norefer to the size of the padding-rectangle
background-repeatrepeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inheritrepeatnoN/A
baseline-identifierbaseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inheritsee prosenoN/A
baseline-shiftbaseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length> | inheritbaselinenorefers to the "line-height" of the parent area
blank-or-not-blankblank | not-blank | any | inheritanynoN/A
block-progression-dimensionauto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautonosee prose
border[ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-after-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-after-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-after-width<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-before-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-before-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-before-width<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-bottom[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-bottom-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-bottom-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-bottom-width<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-collapsecollapse | separate | inheritcollapseyesN/A
border-color<color>{1,4} | transparent | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-end-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-end-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-end-width<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-left[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-left-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-left-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-left-width<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-right[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-right-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-right-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-right-width<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-separation<length-bp-ip-direction> | inherit.block-progression-direction="0pt" .inline-progression-direction="0pt"yesN/A
border-spacing<length> <length>? | inherit0ptyesN/A
border-start-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-start-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-start-width<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-style<border-style>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-top[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
border-top-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
border-top-style<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
border-top-width<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
border-width<border-width>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
bottom<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to height of containing block
break-afterauto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautonoN/A
break-beforeauto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautonoN/A
caption-sidebefore | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inheritbeforeyesN/A
case-name<name>none, a value is requiredno, a value is requiredN/A
case-title<string>none, a value is requiredno, a value is requiredN/A
character<character>N/A, value is requiredno, a value is requiredN/A
clearstart | end | left | right | both | none | inheritnonenoN/A
clip<shape> | auto | inheritautonoN/A
color<color> | inheritdepends on user agentyesN/A
color-profile-name<name> | inheritnoN/A
column-count<number> | inherit1noN/A
column-gap<length> | <percentage> | inherit12.0ptnorefer to width of the region being divided into columns.
column-number<number>see prosenoN/A
column-width<length>see prosenoN/A
content-heightauto | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautonointrinsic height
content-type<string> | autoautonoN/A
content-widthauto | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautonointrinsic height
countrynone | <country> | inheritnoneyesN/A
cue<cue-before> || <cue-after> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesnoN/A
cue-after<uri> | none | inherit nonenoN/A
cue-before<uri> | none | inherit nonenoN/A
directionltr | rtl | inheritltryesN/A
display-alignauto | before | center | after | inheritautoyesN/A
dominant-baselineauto | autosense-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inheritautonoN/A
elevation<angle> | below | level | above | higher | lower | inheritlevelyesN/A
empty-cellsshow | hide | inheritshowyesN/A
end-indent<length> | inherit0ptyesrefer to width of containing reference-area
ends-rowyes | nononoN/A
extent<length> | <percentage> | inherit0.0ptnorefer to the corresponding height or width of the region reference-area.
external-destination<uri-reference>null stringnoN/A
floatbefore | start | end | left | right | none | inheritnonenoN/A
flow-name<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
font[ [ <font-style> || <font-variant> || <font-weight> ]? <font-size> [ / <line-height>]? <font-family> ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inheritsee individual propertiesyesN/A
font-family[[ <family-name> | <generic-family> ],]* [<family-name> | <generic-family>] | inheritdepends on user agentyesN/A
font-height-override-afteruse-font-metrics | <length> | inherituse-font-metricsnorefer to font's em-height
font-height-override-beforeuse-font-metrics | <length> | inherituse-font-metricsnorefer to font's em-height
font-size<absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length> | <percentage> | inheritmediumyes, the computed value is inheritedrefer to parent element's font size
font-size-adjust<number> | none | inheritnoneyesN/A
font-stretchnormal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded |inheritnormalyesN/A
font-stylenormal | italic | oblique | backslant | inheritnormalyesN/A
font-variantnormal | small-caps | inheritnormalyesN/A
font-weightnormal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inheritnormalyesN/A
force-page-countauto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force | inheritautonoN/A
glyph-orientation-horizontal<angle> | inherit0yesN/A
glyph-orientation-verticalauto | <angle> | inheritautoyesN/A
grouping-separator<character>no separatornoN/A
grouping-size<number>no groupingnoN/A
height<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonosee prose
hyphenatefalse | true | inheritfalseyesN/A
hyphenation-character<character> | inheritThe unicode hyphen character u+2010yesN/A
hyphenation-keepauto | column | page | inheritnoneyesN/A
hyphenation-ladder-countno-limit | <number> | inheritno-limityesN/A
hyphenation-push-character-count<number> | inherit2yesN/A
hyphenation-remain-character-count<number> | inherit2yesN/A
id <id>see proseno, see proseN/A
indicate-destinationyes | nononoN/A
initial-page-numberauto | auto-odd | auto-even | <number> | inheritautonoN/A
inline-progression-dimensionauto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautonosee prose
internal-destinationnull string | <idref>null stringnoN/A
keep-together<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto, .within-column=auto, .within-page=autoyesN/A
keep-with-next<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto, .within-column=auto, .within-page=autonoN/A
keep-with-previous<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto, .within-column=auto, .within-page=autonoN/A
languagenone | <language> | inheritnoneyesN/A
last-line-end-indent<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptyeswidth of containing block
leader-alignmentnone | reference-area | page | inheritnoneyesN/A
leader-length<length-range> | inheritleader-length.minimum=0pt, .optimum=12.0pt, .maximum=100% yesrefer to width of content-rectangle of parent area
leader-patternspace | rule | dots | use-content | inheritspaceyesN/A
leader-pattern-widthuse-font-metrics | <length> | inherituse-font-metrics yesRefer to width of containing box
left<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to height of containing block
letter-spacingnormal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalyesN/A
letter-valueauto | alphabetic | traditionalautonoN/A
linefeed-treatmentignore | preserve | treat-as-space | inherittreat-as-spaceyesN/A
line-heightnormal | <length> | <number> | <percentage> | <space> | inheritnormalyesrefer to the font size of the element itself
line-height-shift-adjustmentconsider-shifts | disregard-shifts | inheritconsider-shiftsyesN/A
line-stacking-strategyline-height | font-height | max-height | inheritline-heightyesN/A
margin<margin-width>{1,4} | inherit not defined for shorthand properties norefer to width of containing block
margin-bottom<margin-width> | inherit0norefer to width of containing block
margin-left<margin-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
margin-right<margin-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
margin-top<margin-width> | inherit0norefer to width of containing block
marker-class-name<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
master-name<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
max-height<length> | <percentage> | none | inherit 0ptnorefer to height of containing block
maximum-repeats<number> | no-limit | inheritno-limitnoN/A
max-width<length> | <percentage> | none | inheritnonenorefer to width of containing block
min-height<length> | <percentage> | inherit 0ptnorefer to height of containing block
min-width<length> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on UAnorefer to width of containing block
odd-or-evenodd | even | any | inheritanynoN/A
orphans<integer> | inherit2yesN/A
overflowvisible | hidden | scroll | auto | inheritautonoN/A
padding<padding-width>{1,4} | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesnorefer to width of containing block
padding-after<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-before<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-bottom<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-end<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-left<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-right<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-start<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
padding-top<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
page-break-afterauto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautonoN/A
page-break-beforeauto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautonoN/A
page-break-insideavoid | auto | inheritautoyesN/A
page-heightauto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautonoN/A
page-positionfirst | last | rest | any | inheritanynoN/A
page-widthauto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautonoN/A
pause[<time> | <percentage>]{1,2} | inheritdepends on user agentnosee descriptions of 'pause-before' and 'pause-after'
pause-after<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentnosee prose
pause-before<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentnosee prose
pitch<frequency> | x-low | low | medium | high | x-high | inheritmediumyesN/A
pitch-range<number> | inherit50yesN/A
play-during<uri> mix? repeat? | auto | none | inherit autonoN/A
positionstatic | relative | absolute | fixed | inheritstaticnoN/A
precedencetrue | false | inheritfalsenoN/A
provisional-distance-between-starts<length> | inherit24.0ptyesrefer to width of the containing box
provisional-label-separation<length> | inherit6.0ptyesrefer to width of the containing box
reference-orientation 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | inherit0yes (see prose)N/A
ref-id<idref> | inheritnone, value requirednoN/A
region-namexsl-region-body | xsl-region-start | xsl-region-end | xsl-region-before | xsl-region-after | xsl-before-float-separator | xsl-footnote-separator | <name>see proseno, a value is requiredN/A
relative-alignbefore | baseline | inheritbeforeyesN/A
relative-positionauto | static | relative | inheritstaticnoN/A
rendering-intentauto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric | inheritautonoN/A
retrieve-boundarypage | page-sequence | documentpage-sequencenoN/A
retrieve-class-name<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
retrieve-positionfirst-starting-within-page | first-including-carryover | last-starting-within-page | last-ending-within-pagefirst-starting-within-pagenoN/A
richness<number> | inherit50yesN/A
right<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to height of containing block
role<string> | none | inheritnonenoN/A
rule-stylenone | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inheritsolidyesN/A
scalinguniform | non-uniform | inherituniformnoN/A
scaling-methodauto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inheritautonoN/A
score-spacestrue | false | inherittrueyessee prose
scriptnone | auto | <script> | inheritautoyesN/A
show-destinationreplace | newreplacenoN/A
size<length>{1,2} | auto | landscape | portrait | inheritautoN/A [XSL:no, is optional]N/A
source-document<uri>+ | none | inheritnonenoN/A
space-after<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0noN/A (Differs from margin-bottom in CSS)
space-before<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0noN/A (Differs from margin-top in CSS)
space-end<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0norefer to the width of the containing area
space-start<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0norefer to the width of the containing area
space-treatmentignore | preserve | inheritpreserveyesN/A
spannone | all | inheritnonenoN/A
speaknormal | none | spell-out | inheritnormalyesN/A
speak-headeronce | always | inheritonceyesN/A
speak-numeraldigits | continuous | inheritcontinuousyesN/A
speak-punctuationcode | none | inheritnoneyesN/A
speech-rate<number> | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast | faster | slower | inheritmediumyesN/A
src <uri> | inheritnone, value requirednoN/A
start-indent<length> | inherit0ptyesrefer to width of containing reference-area
starting-stateshow | hideshownoN/A
starts-rowyes | nononoN/A
stress<number> | inherit50yesN/A
suppress-at-line-breakauto | suppress | retain | inheritautonoN/A
switch-toxsl-preceding | xsl-following | xsl-any | <name>[ <name>]*xsl-anynoN/A
table-layoutauto | fixed | inheritautonoN/A
table-omit-footer-at-breakyes | nononoN/A
table-omit-header-at-breakyes | nononoN/A
text-alignstart | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | <string> | inheritstartyesN/A
text-align-lastrelative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | <string> | inheritrelativeyesN/A
text-decorationnone | [ [ underline | no-underline] || [ overline | no-overline ] || [ line-through | no-line-through ] || [ blink | no-blink ] ] | inheritnoneno, but see proseN/A
text-indent<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptyesrefer to width of containing block
text-shadownone | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inheritnoneno, see proseN/A
text-transformcapitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | noneyesN/A
top<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to height of containing block
treat-as-word-spaceauto | yes | no | inheritautonoN/A
unicode-bidinormal | embed | bidi-override | inheritnormalnoN/A
vertical-alignbaseline | middle | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | top | bottom | inheritbaselinenorefer to the 'line-height' of the element itself
visibilityvisible | hidden | collapse | inheritvisiblenoN/A
voice-family[[<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ],]* [<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ] | inheritdepends on user agentyesN/A
volume<number> | <percentage> | silent | x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud | inheritmediumyesrefer to inherited value
white-spacenormal | pre | nowrap | inheritnormalyesN/A
white-space-collapsefalse | true | inherittrueyesN/A
widows<integer> | inherit2yesN/A
width<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to width of containing block
word-spacingnormal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalyesN/A
wrap-optionno-wrap | wrap | inheritwrapyesN/A
writing-modelr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inheritlr-tbyes (see prose)N/A
xml:lang<country-language> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesyesN/A
z-indexauto | <integer> | inheritautonoN/A

C.3 Property Table: Part II

The Trait Mapping Values are explained in [C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values:].

NameValuesInitial ValueTrait mappingCore
absolute-positionauto | absolute | fixed | inheritautoSee prose. Complete
active-statelink | visited | active | hover | focusno, a value is requiredAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-properties

alignment-adjustauto | <percentage> | <length> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
auto-restoreyes | nonoAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

azimuth<angle> | [[ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards | inheritcenterRenderingBasic
background[<background-color> || <background-image> || <background-repeat> || <background-attachment> || <background-position> | ]]inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
background-attachmentscroll | fixed | inheritscrollRendering


Fallback: Initial value

background-color<color> | transparent | inherittransparentRenderingBasic
background-image<uri> | none | inheritnoneRendering


Fallback: Initial value

background-position[ [<percentage> | <length> ]{1,2} | [ [top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right] ] ] | inherit0% 0%ShorthandComplete
background-position-horizontal<percentage> | <length> | left | center | right | inherit0%Value change


Fallback: Initial value

background-position-vertical<percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom | inherit0%Value change


Fallback: Initial value

background-repeatrepeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inheritrepeatRendering


Fallback: no-repeat

baseline-identifierbaseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inheritsee proseFormattingBasic
baseline-shiftbaseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length> | inheritbaselineFormattingBasic
blank-or-not-blankblank | not-blank | any | inheritanySpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

block-progression-dimensionauto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
border[ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-after-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
border-after-style<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
border-after-width<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
border-before-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
border-before-style<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
border-before-width<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
border-bottom[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-bottom-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
border-bottom-style<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
border-bottom-width<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
border-collapsecollapse | separate | inheritcollapseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

border-color<color>{1,4} | transparent | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-end-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
border-end-style<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
border-end-width<border-width> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
border-left[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-left-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
border-left-style<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
border-left-width<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
border-right[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-right-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
border-right-style<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
border-right-width<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
border-separation<length-bp-ip-direction> | inherit.block-progression-direction="0pt" .inline-progression-direction="0pt"Formatting


Fallback: Initial value

border-spacing<length> <length>? | inherit0ptShorthandComplete
border-start-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
border-start-style<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
border-start-width<border-width> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
border-style<border-style>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-top[ <border-top-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
border-top-color<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
border-top-style<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
border-top-width<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
border-width<border-width>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
bottom<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

break-afterauto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautoFormattingBasic
break-beforeauto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautoFormattingBasic
caption-sidebefore | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inheritbeforeFormattingComplete
case-name<name>none, a value is requiredAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

case-title<string>none, a value is requiredAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

character<character>N/A, value is requiredFormattingBasic
clearstart | end | left | right | both | none | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:float

clip<shape> | auto | inheritautoRenderingBasic
color<color> | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
color-profile-name<name> | inheritFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:color-profile

column-count<number> | inherit1Specification


Fallback: Initial value

column-gap<length> | <percentage> | inherit12.0ptSpecification


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for column-count

column-number<number>see proseValue changeBasic
column-width<length>see proseSpecificationBasic
content-heightauto | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

content-type<string> | autoautoFormattingBasic
content-widthauto | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

countrynone | <country> | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

cue<cue-before> || <cue-after> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
cue-after<uri> | none | inherit noneRenderingBasic
cue-before<uri> | none | inherit noneRenderingBasic


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:simple-link

directionltr | rtl | inheritltrSee prose. Basic
display-alignauto | before | center | after | inheritautoFormattingBasic
dominant-baselineauto | autosense-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inheritautoFormattingBasic
elevation<angle> | below | level | above | higher | lower | inheritlevelRenderingBasic
empty-cellsshow | hide | inheritshowFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

end-indent<length> | inherit0ptFormattingBasic
ends-rowyes | nonoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

extent<length> | <percentage> | inherit0.0ptSpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:region-before, fo:region-after, fo:region-start, and fo:region-end

external-destination<uri-reference>null stringAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:simple-link

floatbefore | start | end | left | right | none | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:float

flow-name<name>an empty nameReferenceBasic
font[ [ <font-style> || <font-variant> || <font-weight> ]? <font-size> [ / <line-height>]? <font-family> ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
font-family[[ <family-name> | <generic-family> ],]* [<family-name> | <generic-family>] | inheritdepends on user agentFont selectionBasic
font-height-override-afteruse-font-metrics | <length> | inherituse-font-metricsFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

font-height-override-beforeuse-font-metrics | <length> | inherituse-font-metricsFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

font-size<absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length> | <percentage> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
font-size-adjust<number> | none | inheritnoneFont selection


Fallback: Initial value

font-stretchnormal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded |inheritnormalFont selection


Fallback: Initial value

font-stylenormal | italic | oblique | backslant | inheritnormalFont selectionBasic
font-variantnormal | small-caps | inheritnormalFont selectionBasic
font-weightnormal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inheritnormalFont selectionBasic
force-page-countauto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force | inheritautoSpecification


Fallback: no-force

glyph-orientation-horizontal<angle> | inherit0Formatting


Fallback: Initial value

glyph-orientation-verticalauto | <angle> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

grouping-separator<character>no separatorFormattingBasic
grouping-size<number>no groupingFormattingBasic
height<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoDisappearsBasic
hyphenatefalse | true | inheritfalseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

hyphenation-character<character> | inheritThe unicode hyphen character u+2010Formatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

hyphenation-keepauto | column | page | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

hyphenation-ladder-countno-limit | <number> | inheritno-limitFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

hyphenation-push-character-count<number> | inherit2Formatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

hyphenation-remain-character-count<number> | inherit2Formatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

id <id>see proseReferenceBasic
indicate-destinationyes | nonoAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:simple-link

initial-page-numberauto | auto-odd | auto-even | <number> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
inline-progression-dimensionauto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
internal-destinationnull string | <idref>null stringAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:simple-link

keep-together<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto, .within-column=auto, .within-page=autoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

keep-with-next<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto, .within-column=auto, .within-page=autoFormattingBasic
keep-with-previous<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto, .within-column=auto, .within-page=autoFormattingBasic
languagenone | <language> | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

last-line-end-indent<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

leader-alignmentnone | reference-area | page | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

leader-length<length-range> | inheritleader-length.minimum=0pt, .optimum=12.0pt, .maximum=100% FormattingBasic
leader-patternspace | rule | dots | use-content | inheritspaceFormattingBasic
leader-pattern-widthuse-font-metrics | <length> | inherituse-font-metrics Formatting


Fallback: Initial value

left<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

letter-spacingnormal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalDisappears


Fallback: Initial value

letter-valueauto | alphabetic | traditionalautoFormattingBasic
linefeed-treatmentignore | preserve | treat-as-space | inherittreat-as-spaceFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

line-heightnormal | <length> | <number> | <percentage> | <space> | inheritnormalFormattingBasic
line-height-shift-adjustmentconsider-shifts | disregard-shifts | inheritconsider-shiftsFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

line-stacking-strategyline-height | font-height | max-height | inheritline-heightFormattingBasic
margin<margin-width>{1,4} | inherit not defined for shorthand properties ShorthandComplete
margin-bottom<margin-width> | inherit0DisappearsBasic
margin-left<margin-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
margin-right<margin-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
margin-top<margin-width> | inherit0DisappearsBasic
marker-class-name<name>an empty nameFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:marker

master-name<name>an empty nameSpecificationBasic
max-height<length> | <percentage> | none | inherit 0ptDisappearsBasic
maximum-repeats<number> | no-limit | inheritno-limitSpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-reference and fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

max-width<length> | <percentage> | none | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
min-height<length> | <percentage> | inherit 0ptDisappearsBasic
min-width<length> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on UADisappearsBasic
odd-or-evenodd | even | any | inheritanySpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

orphans<integer> | inherit2FormattingBasic
overflowvisible | hidden | scroll | auto | inheritautoFormattingBasic
padding<padding-width>{1,4} | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
padding-after<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
padding-before<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
padding-bottom<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
padding-end<padding-width> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
padding-left<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
padding-right<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
padding-start<padding-width> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
padding-top<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
page-break-afterauto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautoShorthandBasic
page-break-beforeauto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautoShorthandBasic
page-break-insideavoid | auto | inheritautoShorthandComplete
page-heightauto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautoSpecificationBasic
page-positionfirst | last | rest | any | inheritanySpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

page-widthauto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautoSpecificationBasic
pause[<time> | <percentage>]{1,2} | inheritdepends on user agentShorthandComplete
pause-after<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
pause-before<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
pitch<frequency> | x-low | low | medium | high | x-high | inheritmediumRenderingBasic
pitch-range<number> | inherit50RenderingBasic
play-during<uri> mix? repeat? | auto | none | inherit autoRenderingBasic
positionstatic | relative | absolute | fixed | inheritstaticShorthandComplete
precedencetrue | false | inheritfalseSpecificationBasic
provisional-distance-between-starts<length> | inherit24.0ptSpecificationBasic
provisional-label-separation<length> | inherit6.0ptSpecificationBasic
reference-orientation 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | inherit0See prose. Basic
ref-id<idref> | inheritnone, value requiredReferenceBasic
region-namexsl-region-body | xsl-region-start | xsl-region-end | xsl-region-before | xsl-region-after | xsl-before-float-separator | xsl-footnote-separator | <name>see proseSpecificationBasic
relative-alignbefore | baseline | inheritbeforeFormattingBasic
relative-positionauto | static | relative | inheritstaticSee prose.


Fallback: Initial value

rendering-intentauto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:color-profile

retrieve-boundarypage | page-sequence | documentpage-sequenceFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:retrieve-marker

retrieve-class-name<name>an empty nameFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:retrieve-marker

retrieve-positionfirst-starting-within-page | first-including-carryover | last-starting-within-page | last-ending-within-pagefirst-starting-within-pageFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:retrieve-marker

richness<number> | inherit50RenderingBasic
right<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

role<string> | none | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
rule-stylenone | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inheritsolidRenderingBasic
scalinguniform | non-uniform | inherituniformFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

scaling-methodauto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

score-spacestrue | false | inherittrueFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

scriptnone | auto | <script> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: none

show-destinationreplace | newreplaceAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:simple-link

size<length>{1,2} | auto | landscape | portrait | inheritautoShorthandComplete
source-document<uri>+ | none | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
space-after<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0FormattingBasic
space-before<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0FormattingBasic
space-end<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0FormattingBasic
space-start<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt, .optimum=0pt, .maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard, .precedence=0FormattingBasic
space-treatmentignore | preserve | inheritpreserveFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

spannone | all | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

speaknormal | none | spell-out | inheritnormalRenderingBasic
speak-headeronce | always | inheritonceRenderingBasic
speak-numeraldigits | continuous | inheritcontinuousRenderingBasic
speak-punctuationcode | none | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
speech-rate<number> | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast | faster | slower | inheritmediumRenderingBasic
src <uri> | inheritnone, value requiredReferenceBasic
start-indent<length> | inherit0ptFormattingBasic
starting-stateshow | hideshowAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

starts-rowyes | nonoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

stress<number> | inherit50RenderingBasic
suppress-at-line-breakauto | suppress | retain | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

switch-toxsl-preceding | xsl-following | xsl-any | <name>[ <name>]*xsl-anyAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

table-layoutauto | fixed | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: fixed

table-omit-footer-at-breakyes | nonoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

table-omit-header-at-breakyes | nonoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

text-alignstart | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | <string> | inheritstartValue changeBasic
text-align-lastrelative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | <string> | inheritrelativeValue change


Fallback: Initial value

text-decorationnone | [ [ underline | no-underline] || [ overline | no-overline ] || [ line-through | no-line-through ] || [ blink | no-blink ] ] | inheritnoneSee prose.


Fallback: Initial value

text-indent<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptFormattingBasic
text-shadownone | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inheritnoneRendering


Fallback: Initial value

text-transformcapitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | noneRefine


Fallback: Initial value

top<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

treat-as-word-spaceauto | yes | no | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

unicode-bidinormal | embed | bidi-override | inheritnormalFormatting


Fallback: See prose

vertical-alignbaseline | middle | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | top | bottom | inheritbaselineShorthandComplete
visibilityvisible | hidden | collapse | inheritvisibleMagicBasic
voice-family[[<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ],]* [<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ] | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
volume<number> | <percentage> | silent | x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud | inheritmediumRenderingBasic
white-spacenormal | pre | nowrap | inheritnormalShorthandComplete
white-space-collapsefalse | true | inherittrueFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

widows<integer> | inherit2FormattingBasic
width<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoDisappearsBasic
word-spacingnormal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalDisappears


Fallback: Initial value

wrap-optionno-wrap | wrap | inheritwrapFormattingBasic
writing-modelr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inheritlr-tbSee prose. Basic
xml:lang<country-language> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
z-indexauto | <integer> | inheritautoValue changeBasic



Table of Contents

