15 November 2000

1. Document Object Model Views and Formatting

Ray Whitmer, Netscape Communications Corp

Table of contents

1.1. Overview

This chapter describes the optional DOM Level 3 Views and Formatting feature. A DOM application can use the hasFeature method of the DOMImplementation interface to determine whether this feature is supported or not. The feature string for generic interfaces is "ViewsAndFormatting". The feature string for visual properties and interfaces is "VisualViewsAndFormatting". The additional feature strings will be used to identify support specific to other media,

DOM implementations frequently create views of the document content available through DOM APIs. Such views present content in different ways using various processing, styling, and presentation systems. While a strong separation is typically maintained between content and the view, DOM applications may need to correlate characteristics such as position within a visual view with specific content presented within the view in order to augment and interact with the presentation.

This API allows a DOM application access to a view's computed layout and presentation. This feature functions independently from any specific styling system that may have been applied. An implementation of this API must be able to maintain a correspondence between specific content and its presentation within the view, however the presentation was computed. Presentation state such as selection or scrolling may be manipulatable though this interface, but state which is computed or supplied from the content must be manipulated through the content.

Two versions of the API have been supplied, which are redundant in their functionality. The DOM WG has not decided which of the two is better, or if both are needed. The generic API, described first, is more robust because the specifics are contained in identifying strings passed to general mechanisms. The medium-specific APIs, described last, directly expose the attributes of the medium on the interface, which provides a flatter, simpler model for the user, but one which is less able to adapt to new or extended media types or different uses.

1.1.1. Issues

Issue VF-Issue-1:
There are not enough examples in this document.
Issue VF-Issue-2:
We need to comprehensively look at typical presentations and decide the initial segments, properties, orders, and lookup criteria we want to support, at least in the visual case. We also need to see if we think that Visual needs to be further subclassed. We are clearly lacking things, but how many segment types and properties do we need to reasonably meet requirements for level 3?
Issue VF-Issue-3:
How should we represent types such as colors, fonts, and so on. How much time we can spend defining reporting value types or supporting arbitrary display value types. CSS style properties have done significant work in these areas, but it is not clear that their work is applicable for this view model, due to differences between stylistic intent and computed results.
Issue VF-Issue-4:
What types of events should we support: keyboard, mouse, selection, repaint, layout, properties, etc. Is it reasonable to support these at the view level, without exposing the lower layers of the presentation? Can we wait for a future version of the spec? We need compelling use cases for the first release.
Issue VF-Issue-5:
Is it reasonable to expose computed content? Should this be done by creating appropriate DocumentFragments? How does this figure into the ordering of the segments, since segments which present computed content instead of other content have less natural order. We need compelling use cases for the first release.
Issue VF-Issue-6:
What about case insensitivity when comparing string values? Should it be an option, the rule, or automatic?

1.1.2. Segments

A Segment is a distinct part of a view. Each Segment is privately owned and maintained by the containing view, which may destroy or reconstruct it at any time. Each Segment has a type related to the presentation medium and the function of that part of the presentation. Additional properties specific to the segment type contain information about that part of the view and identify the corresponding content, if any. Segments may also contain embedded segments where appropriate to the structure of the presentation.

A Segment is not expected to have any particular structure beyond its properties, any contained segments, and dependency on the content it presents. Containment of one segment within another does not change the fact that properties such as offsets are relative to the entire view so that they may be matched, applied, and compared from anywhere within the view.

The actual segments or parts of the view are not directly available to the DOM application, but this API provides generic Segment objects which can more-generally find and return items of the actual parts of the view.

1.1.3. View

A View is the root of a presentation, owned and maintained by a Document. A view formats the contents of a document into a particular type of presentation. A view may contain general properties of the view, resource segments, and segments representing the content of a document, prepared for presentation.

A Segment object specifies the actual criteria of segments to match, and captures items of each matched segment.

1.1.4. Generic and Medium-Specific APIs

The generic API provides access to variety of view and segment types by way of a medium-specific table of strings used to identify properties of medium-specific segment types:

// Find all selected runs of characters in the view at least half an inch from the edges.

View v = (View)((DocumentView)document).getDefaultView();
Segment q = v.createSegment();
MatchSet m = q.createMatchSet(m.SET_ALL);
int hu = v.getIntegerProperty("HorizontalDPI");
int vu = v.getIntegerProperty("VerticalDPI");
n.addMatch(q.createMatchString(m.IS_EQUAL, "Type", "VisualCharacterRun");
m.addMatch(q.createMatchInteger(m.INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS, "LeftOffset", hu/2));
m.addMatch(q.createMatchInteger(m.INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS, "RightOffset", hu/2));
m.addMatch(q.createMatchInteger(m.INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS, "TopOffset", vu/2));
m.addMatch(q.createMatchInteger(m.INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS, "RightOffset", vu/2));
m.addMatch(q.createMatchBoolean(m.IS_EQUAL, "Selected", true);
ContentItem start = q.createContentItem("StartContent");
ContentItem end = q.createContentItem("EndContent");
v.matchFirstSegment(q, 0);
while (q.getExists())
  // ... do Something with range from start to end...

Medium-specific APIs are flatter and easier to use, but usually sacrifice capabilities of the more-general API.

// Find all selected runs of characters in the view at least half an inch from the edges.

VisualView v = (VisualView)((DocumentView)document).getDefaultView();
int hu = v.getHorizontalDPI();
int vu = v.getVerticalDPI();
CharacterRun cr = v.createCharacterRun();
cr.setMatchX(hu / 2);
cr.setMatchY(vu / 2);
cr.setMatchXR(v.getWidth() - hu);
cr.setMatchYR(v.getHeight() - vu);
while (cr.getExists())
  // ... do Something with range from start to end...


1.2. Formal Interface Definition for a Generic View

This is the verbose, general-purpose mechanism that can handle all properties of all media types. This relies on a separate table of segment types and the associated properties and property types, because it is a single API.

Interface View (introduced in DOM Level 3)

View is used as the root Segment, as well as providing additional global functionality such as selection.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface View {
  void               select(in Node boundary, 
                            in unsigned long offset, 
                            in boolean extend, 
                            in boolean add);
  Segment            createSegment();
  boolean            matchFirstSegment(inout Segment todo)
  long               getIntegerProperty(in DOMString name)
  DOMString          getStringProperty(in DOMString name)
  boolean            getBooleanProperty(in boolean name)
  Node               getContentPropertyNode(in DOMString name)
  unsigned long      getContentPropertyOffset(in DOMString name)

Creates a segment that can be used to obtain segment items from the view.
Return Value


A new segment object, that can be set up to obtain information about the view.

No Parameters
No Exceptions
Returns the value of a boolean property of the segment, used by Matches and Items.
name of type boolean
The name of the boolean property of the segment to be retrieved.
Return Value


The value of the named property of the Segment.



NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the named property does not exist on the view or is not a boolean.

Returns the Node value of a content property of the segment, used by Matches and Items.
name of type DOMString
The name of the content property of the segment to be retrieved.
Return Value


The Node value of the named property of the Segment.



NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the named property does not exist on the view or is not content.

Returns the offset value of a content property of the segment, used by Matches and Items.
name of type DOMString
The name of the content property of the segment to be retrieved.
Return Value

unsigned long

The offset value of the named property of the Segment.



NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the named property does not exist on the view or is not content.

Returns the value of an integer property of the segment, used by Matches and Items.
name of type DOMString
The name of the integer property of the segment to be retrieved.
Return Value


The value of the named property of the Segment.



NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the named property does not exist on the view or is not an integer.

Returns the value of a string property of the segment, used by Matches and Items.
name of type DOMString
The name of the string property of the segment to be retrieved.
Return Value


The value of the named property of the Segment.



NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the named property does not exist on the view or is not a string.

Executes a Segment against all nested Segments, fetchingItems associated the requested match number, if it exists.
todo of type Segment
The Segment to match within the view.
Return Value


true if the desired match number was found, otherwise false.



NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: If the segment request could not be interpreted.

Selects a new region of the document or adds to the existing selection.
boundary of type Node
The Node at which to create or extend the selection.
offset of type unsigned long
The offset within the node at which to create or extend the selection.
extend of type boolean
If false, sets a selection anchor. If true, extends the selection with respect to the most-recently-set anchor.
add of type boolean
If false, clears any existing selection. If true adds a new region to existing selection regions.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Interface Segment (introduced in DOM Level 3)

Segment is used to retrieve specific items from specific segments. Segments may be nested as a match and may be repeatedly applied for traversing multiple matching segments.

Note: Types and names of properties of segments of Visual media types

 Integer TopOffset
 Integer BottomOffset
 Integer LeftOffset
 Integer RightOffset
 Integer Width
 Integer Height
 Boolean Visible
 Boolean Selected
 Integer ForegroundColor
 Integer BackgroundColor
 String FontName
 String FontHeight
 String FontBaseline
 String FontSpace Width
 String FontMaximum Width

Segment types
 // Display info and root (the default segment)
 // An area that objects or text lines flow in 
 //  or are anchored to
 // A single character
 // Sequentially-appearing characters
 //  with identical properties
 FormField {Text | Label | Button | Menu ...}
 Embedded Object

Possible properties of specific types:
 (Image) String URL
 (Image) Boolean isLoaded
 (Image) Integer ScalingFactor
 (Button) Boolean isPressed
 (Frame) Boolean isScrollable

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface Segment : Match {
           attribute Match            criteria;
           attribute DOMString        order;
  void               addItem(in Item add);
  MatchString        createMatchString(in unsigned short test, 
                                       in DOMString name, 
                                       in DOMString value);
  MatchInteger       createMatchInteger(in unsigned short test, 
                                        in DOMString name, 
                                        in long value);
  MatchBoolean       createMatchBoolean(in unsigned short test, 
                                        in DOMString name, 
                                        in boolean value);
  MatchContent       createMatchContent(in unsigned short test, 
                                        in DOMString name, 
                                        in unsigned long offset, 
                                        in Node node);
  MatchSet           createMatchSet(in unsigned short test);
  StringItem         createStringItem(in DOMString name);
  IntegerItem        createIntegerItem(in DOMString name);
  BooleanItem        createBooleanItem(in DOMString name);
  ContentItem        createContentItem(in DOMString name);
  void               getItem(in unsigned long index);
  boolean            getNext();

criteria of type Match
The criteria Match of a Segment, specified during creation, controls which Segments will match.
After setting this attribute, the results of any related call to getNext are unpredictable until the segment has been requested again by calling matchFirstSegment.
order of type DOMString
The order string of a Segment, specified during creation, controls the order in which matching segments will be returned. If this attribute is not specified, the order defaults to an implementation-specific order.
After setting this attribute, the results of any related call to getNext are unpredictable until the segment has been requested again by calling matchFirstSegment.
Adds a specific Item to the Segment.
add of type Item
The Item to be added.
After adding a result, the results of any related call to getNext are unpredictable until the segment has been requested again by calling matchFirstSegment.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Creates an item for a segment that can receive a boolean value.
name of type DOMString
The name of a boolean property to be received.
Return Value


The requested BooleanItem.

No Exceptions
Creates an item for a segment that can receive a content value.
name of type DOMString
The name of a content property to be received.
Return Value


The requested ContentItem.

No Exceptions
Creates an item for a segment that can receive an integral value.
name of type DOMString
The name of an integral property to be received.
Return Value


The requested IntegerItem.

No Exceptions
Creates a match for a boolean value, which can be used to specify a criterium to find desired segments.
test of type unsigned short
The match test desired.
name of type DOMString
The name of a boolean property to be compared against.
value of type boolean
The boolean value to be compared against.
Return Value


The requested MatchBoolean.

No Exceptions
Creates a match for a content value, which can be used to specify a criterium to find desired segments.
test of type unsigned short
The match test desired.
name of type DOMString
The name of an integer property to be compared against.
offset of type unsigned long
The offset of the content value to be compared against.
node of type Node
The Node of the content value to be compared against.
Return Value


The requested MatchContent.

No Exceptions
Creates a match for an integral value, which can be used to specify a criterium to find desired segments.
test of type unsigned short
The match test desired.
name of type DOMString
The name of an integer property to be compared against.
value of type long
The integer value to be compared against.
Return Value


The requested MatchInteger.

No Exceptions
Creates a match for an set of matches, which can be used to specify a criterium to find desired segments.
test of type unsigned short
The match test desired.
Return Value


The requested MatchSet.

No Exceptions
Creates a match for a string value, which can be used to specify a criterium to find desired segments.
test of type unsigned short
The match test desired.
name of type DOMString
The name of a string property to be compared against.
value of type DOMString
The string value to be compared against.
Return Value


The requested MatchString.

No Exceptions
Creates an item for a segment that can receive a string value.
name of type DOMString
The name of a string property to be received.
Return Value


The requested StringItem.

No Exceptions
Returns a specific Item, of the list specified during the creation of the Segment, which is to be fetched during Segment execution, or returns null if the specified index does not correspond to a Item.
index of type unsigned long
The index of the Item to be retrieved.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Fetches the results of the next matching Segment, if any.
Return Value


true if another match, otherwise false (same value as exists).

No Parameters
No Exceptions
Interface Match (introduced in DOM Level 3)

The Match identifies Segments of which a Segment should fetch the Items.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface Match {

  // MatchTestGroup
  const unsigned short      IS_EQUAL                       = 0;
  const unsigned short      IS_NOT_EQUAL                   = 1;
  const unsigned short      INT_PRECEDES                   = 2;
  const unsigned short      INT_PRECEDES_OR_EQUALS         = 3;
  const unsigned short      INT_FOLLOWS                    = 4;
  const unsigned short      INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS          = 5;
  const unsigned short      STR_STARTS_WITH                = 6;
  const unsigned short      STR_ENDS_WITH                  = 7;
  const unsigned short      STR_CONTAINS                   = 8;
  const unsigned short      SET_ANY                        = 9;
  const unsigned short      SET_ALL                        = 10;
  const unsigned short      SET_NOT_ANY                    = 11;
  const unsigned short      SET_NOT_ALL                    = 12;

  readonly attribute unsigned short   test;

Definition group MatchTestGroup
Defined Constants
test of type unsigned short, readonly
The test value of a Match, specified during creation, controls the test to be applied.
Interface MatchString (introduced in DOM level 3)

The MatchString identifies Segments where a string property matches a specific value.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM level 3:
interface MatchString : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString        name;
  readonly attribute DOMString        value;

name of type DOMString, readonly
The name of a string property of each Segment to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
value of type DOMString, readonly
The string value to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
Interface MatchInteger (introduced in DOM level 3)

The MatchInteger identifies Segments where an integer property matches a specific value.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM level 3:
interface MatchInteger : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString        name;
  readonly attribute long             value;

name of type DOMString, readonly
The name of an integer property of each Segment to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
value of type long, readonly
The integer value to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
Interface MatchBoolean (introduced in DOM level 3)

The MatchBoolean identifies Segments where a boolean property matches a specific value.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM level 3:
interface MatchBoolean : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString        name;
  readonly attribute boolean          value;

name of type DOMString, readonly
The name of an boolean property of each Segment to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
value of type boolean, readonly
The boolean value to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
Interface MatchContent (introduced in DOM level 3)

The MatchContent identifies Segments where a content property matches a specific value.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM level 3:
interface MatchContent : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString        name;
  readonly attribute Node             node;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    offset;

name of type DOMString, readonly
The name of an content property of each Segment to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
node of type Node, readonly
The Node value to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
offset of type unsigned long, readonly
The offset value to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
Interface MatchSet (introduced in DOM level 3)

The MatchSet identifies Segments where a set of matches evaluate in a specified way.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM level 3:
interface MatchSet : Match {
  readonly attribute Node             node;
  void               addMatch(in Match add);
  Match              getMatch(in unsigned long index);

node of type Node, readonly
The Node value to be compared against, which is specified during construction.
Adds a specific Match to the set.
add of type Match
The Match to be added.
After adding a match, the results of any related call to getNext are unpredictable until the segment has been requested again by calling matchFirstSegment.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Returns a specific Match, of the set, which is to be matched during MatchSet evaluation, or returns null if the specified index does not correspond to a Match.
index of type unsigned long
The index of the Match to be retrieved.
Return Value


The requested match, if any, or null.

No Exceptions
Interface Item (introduced in DOM Level 3)

The Item represents information to be fetched by a Segment.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface Item {
  readonly attribute boolean          exists;
  readonly attribute DOMString        name;

exists of type boolean, readonly
The exists boolean of a Segment, initially set to false during creation, is set after an attempt to fetch the values of a Item to indicate whether or not the required data was present. A true value indicates that it was.
name of type DOMString, readonly
The name of a property of the matched Segment to be fetched, which is specified during construction.
Interface StringItem (introduced in DOM Level 3)

The StringItem represents a string property to be fetched by a Segment.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface StringItem : Item {
  readonly attribute DOMString        value;

value of type DOMString, readonly
The string value returned by the Segment, which is undefined if exists is false.
Interface IntegerItem (introduced in DOM Level 3)

The IntegerItem represents an integer property to be fetched by a Segment.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface IntegerItem : Item {
  readonly attribute long             value;

value of type long, readonly
The integer value returned by the Segment, which is undefined if exists is false.
Interface BooleanItem (introduced in DOM Level 3)

The BooleanItem represents a boolean property to be fetched by a Segment.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface BooleanItem : Item {
           attribute boolean          value;

value of type boolean
The boolean value returned by the Segment, which is undefined if exists is false.
Interface ContentItem (introduced in DOM Level 3)

The ContentItem represents a content property to be fetched by a Segment.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
interface ContentItem : Item {
           attribute Node             node;
           attribute unsigned long    offset;

node of type Node
The Node value returned by the Segment, which is undefined if exists is false.
offset of type unsigned long
The offset value returned by the Segment, which is undefined if exists is false.

1.3. Formal Interface Definition for a Visual View

This is the flatter mechanism that handles only one specific medium, in this case, visual. This does not rely on a table of property names, because all supported criteria and properties are attributes of the interfaces.

Interface VisualView

Presents a flatter model of a visual view.

IDL Definition
interface VisualView {
  readonly attribute DOMString        fontScheme;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    width;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    height;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    horizontalDPI;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    verticalDPI;
  VisualCharacter    createVisualCharacter();
  VisualCharacterRun createVisualCharacterRun();
  VisualFrame        createVisualFrame();
  VisualImage        createVisualImage();
  VisualFormButton   createVisualFormButton();
  VisualFormField    createVisualFormField();
  void               select(in Node boundary, 
                            in unsigned long offset, 
                            in boolean extend, 
                            in boolean add);
  void               matchSegment(in VisualResource segment);

fontScheme of type DOMString, readonly
A string identifying the type of fonts on the system so that font name strings may be properly interpreted.
height of type unsigned long, readonly
The height, in vertical units, of the view.
horizontalDPI of type unsigned long, readonly
The number of horizontal dots per inch in the view, used to interpret horizontal values.
verticalDPI of type unsigned long, readonly
The number of vertical dots per inch in the view, used to interpret vertical values.
width of type unsigned long, readonly
The width, in horizontal units, of the view.
Creates a visual character to match and return information on a single visual character of the view.
Return Value
No Parameters
No Exceptions
Creates a visual character run to match and return information on a run of similar ajdacent visual characters of the view.
This will match the largest character run that meets the specified criteria, is not contiguously displayed on the view and has homogeneous display properties.
Return Value
No Parameters
No Exceptions
Creates a visual form button to match and return information on a form button of the view.
Return Value
No Parameters
No Exceptions
Creates a visual form field to match and return information on a form field of the view.
Return Value
No Parameters
No Exceptions
Creates a visual frame to match and return information on a frame of the view.
Return Value


The requested VisualFrame.

No Parameters
No Exceptions
Creates a visual image to match and return information on an image of the view.
Return Value


The requested VisualImage.

No Parameters
No Exceptions
segment of type VisualResource
No Return Value
No Exceptions
boundary of type Node
offset of type unsigned long
extend of type boolean
add of type boolean
No Return Value
No Exceptions
Interface VisualResource

Visual segments allow things within a visual view to be accessed.

IDL Definition
interface VisualResource {

Interface VisualFont

Visual font resources contain match criteria and result attributes for getting information about fonts available to a view.

IDL Definition
interface VisualFont : VisualResource {
           attribute DOMString        matchFontName;
  readonly attribute boolean          exists;
  readonly attribute DOMString        fontName;
  boolean            getNext();

exists of type boolean, readonly
Returns true result if the desired font was located, or false if it was not. If this value is set to false, no other results are set. If this value is set to true, all other results are set.
fontName of type DOMString, readonly
When a font is matched, the name of the font is returned here.
matchFontName of type DOMString
May be set to cause fonts with the corresponding name to be matched.
Fetches the results of the next matching VisualFont, if any.
Return Value


No Parameters
No Exceptions
Interface VisualSegment

Visual segments contain match criteria attributes and result attributes common to visual views of a document. When this structure is created, all booleans are set to false, all integral values are set to 0, and all strings and object references are set to null. Match criteria are then set. After setting match criteria, matchSegment is called passing this segment or another segment that references this segment, which finds a matching segment and sets result attributes.

IDL Definition
interface VisualSegment : VisualResource {
           attribute boolean          matchPosition;
           attribute boolean          matchInside;
           attribute boolean          matchContaining;
           attribute long             matchX;
           attribute long             matchY;
           attribute long             matchXR;
           attribute long             matchYR;
           attribute boolean          matchContent;
           attribute boolean          matchRange;
           attribute Node             matchNode;
           attribute unsigned long    matchOffset;
           attribute Node             matchNodeR;
           attribute unsigned long    matchOffsetR;
           attribute boolean          matchContainsSelected;
           attribute boolean          matchContainsVisible;
  readonly attribute boolean          exists;
  readonly attribute Node             startNode;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    startOffset;
  readonly attribute Node             endNode;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    endOffset;
  readonly attribute long             topOffset;
  readonly attribute long             bottomOffset;
  readonly attribute long             leftOffset;
  readonly attribute long             rightOffset;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    width;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    height;
  readonly attribute boolean          selected;
  readonly attribute boolean          visible;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    foregroundColor;
  readonly attribute unsigned long    backgroundColor;
  readonly attribute DOMString        fontName;
  readonly attribute DOMString        fontHeight;
  boolean            getNext();

backgroundColor of type unsigned long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the integral value of the background color of that segment, or transparent if there is no background color. The 32 bits of this value are divided into the following 8-bit sub-fields, from most significant to least significant: alpha, red, green, blue. The color fields range from 0 for no intensity to 255 to indicate the contribution of each color. The alpha field ranges from 0 for transparent to 255 for completely opaque. For a transparent alpha value of 0, the color fields are be normalized to 0 as well.
bottomOffset of type long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the bottom offset of the segment within the view, specified in vertical view units.
endNode of type Node, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the last node presented by the matched segment or null if the segment does not present any specific document content.
endOffset of type unsigned long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to first offset not presented within the last node presented by the matched segment or 0 if the segment does not present any specific document content.
exists of type boolean, readonly
Returns true result if the desired segment was located, or false if it was not. If this value is set to false, no other results are set. If this value is set to true, all other results are set.
fontHeight of type DOMString, readonly
fontName of type DOMString, readonly
The font name is a view-specific designation of the font name.
foregroundColor of type unsigned long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the integral value of the foreground color of that segment, or transparent if there is no foreground color. The 32 bits of this value are divided into the following 8-bit sub-fields, from most significant to least significant: alpha, red, green, blue. The color fields range from 0 for no intensity to 255 to indicate the contribution of each color. The alpha field ranges from 0 for transparent to 255 for completely opaque. For complete transparency, the color fields will be normalized to 0 as well.
height of type unsigned long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the width of the segment within the view, specified in vertical view units.
leftOffset of type long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the left offset of the segment within the view, specified in horizontal view units.
matchContaining of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to be matched only if it contains the specified rectangular region bounded by matchX, matchY, matchXR, and matchYR.
matchContainsSelected of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to only be matched if the content being presented contains a cursor or part of a selected region.
matchContainsVisible of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to only be matched if the segment being presented contains some part that is visible.
matchContent of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to only be matched if it presents the matchNode content, offset by matchOffset.
matchInside of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to be matched only if it is inside the specified rectangular region bounded by matchX, matchY, matchXR, and matchYR.
matchNode of type Node
The node, or first node in a range to use to match segments which present specified content.
If matching content is enabled, but this is set to null, then only segments that are not associated with content will be matched.
matchNodeR of type Node
The second node in a range to use to match segments which present specified content.
If matching a content range is enabled, but this is set to null, then only segments that are not associated with content will be matched.
matchOffset of type unsigned long
The offset, or first offset in a range to use to match segments which present specified content.
matchOffsetR of type unsigned long
The offset, or first offset in a range to use to match segments which present specified content.
matchPosition of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to be matched only if it contains the specified matchX and matchY positions.
matchRange of type boolean
May be set to cause the corresponding segment to only be matched if the content it presents is within the range of content between Node matchNode offset matchOffset and Node matchNodeR offset matchOffsetR.
matchX of type long
An integral X coordinate, specified in horizontal view units, that may be used to match a point or region.
matchXR of type long
An integral X coordinate, specified in horizontal view units, that may be used to match a region.
matchY of type long
An integral Y coordinate, specified in vertical view units, that may be used to match a point or region.
matchYR of type long
An integral Y coordinate, specified in vertical view units, that may be used to match a region.
rightOffset of type long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the right offset of the segment within the view, specified in horizontal view units.
selected of type boolean, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to true if the segment presents the content with the cursor or selected content, otherwise, this is set to false.
startNode of type Node, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the first node presented by the matched segment or null if the segment does not present any specific document content.
startOffset of type unsigned long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the first offset presented within the first node presented by the matched segment or 0 if the segment does not present any specific document content.
topOffset of type long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the top offset of the segment within the view, specified in vertical view units.
visible of type boolean, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to true if the segment contains some part that is visible, otherwise, this is set to false.
width of type unsigned long, readonly
Whenever a segment is matched, this is set to the width of the segment within the view, specified in horizontal view units.
Fetches the results of the next matching VisualResource, if any.
Return Value


No Parameters
No Exceptions
Interface VisualCharacter

IDL Definition
interface VisualCharacter : VisualSegment {

Interface VisualCharacterRun

IDL Definition
interface VisualCharacterRun : VisualSegment {

Interface VisualFrame

IDL Definition
interface VisualFrame : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute VisualSegment    embedded;

embedded of type VisualSegment, readonly
May be set to contain embedded visual segments inside the frame. If this value is set, the embedded segment serves as a conditional for the frame while receiving the results of the embedded segment that was matched.
Interface VisualImage

IDL Definition
interface VisualImage : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute DOMString        imageURL;
  readonly attribute boolean          isLoaded;

imageURL of type DOMString, readonly
isLoaded of type boolean, readonly
Interface VisualFormButton

IDL Definition
interface VisualFormButton : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute boolean          isPressed;

isPressed of type boolean, readonly
Interface VisualFormField

IDL Definition
interface VisualFormField : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute DOMString        formValue;

formValue of type DOMString, readonly