Tracker summary for Simon Fraser

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 11 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-197 (edit) open Add implementation note in the spec about style update batches and their effect on transitions Simon Fraser 2010-03-21
ACTION-230 (edit) open Figure out opinion on issue 129 Simon Fraser 2010-05-26
ACTION-274 (edit) open See if the intrinsic width change is acceptable for Webkit. Simon Fraser 2010-11-17
ACTION-276 (edit) open Send an email to the list with suggested wording for transform change. Simon Fraser 2010-11-17
ACTION-369 (edit) open Create examples of Animatable: lines so we can put in template for copy/tweaking Simon Fraser 2011-10-05
ACTION-433 (edit) open Provide an implementation report for the MQ test suite. Simon Fraser 2012-02-14
ACTION-477 (edit) open Make a testcase Simon Fraser 2012-06-27
ACTION-611 (edit) open Share transform testcases with the group Simon Fraser 2014-02-04
ACTION-612 (edit) open Send update to mailing list Simon Fraser 2014-02-04
ACTION-688 (edit) open Investigate web compat of not propagating writing-mode from body to html Simon Fraser 2015-05-26
ACTION-839 (edit) open Look at <position> edits Simon Fraser 2017-04-12

Open Issues

There is 1 open issue listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-172 (edit) OPEN whitespace, punctuation, and :first-letter 2011-03-04 Selectors Level 4 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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