Tracker summary for Tab Atkins Jr.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 61 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-380 (edit) open And Elika: discuss improvements to syntax within this set of features Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-11-06
ACTION-395 (edit) open Draft note on DOM Level 2 Style Tab Atkins Jr. 2011-11-08
ACTION-416 (edit) open Write testcases for testing !important in at-rules Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-01-11
ACTION-419 (edit) open Investigate if we can change functional notation in steps() in line with Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-02-13
ACTION-420 (edit) open Work with howcome and AntennaHouse to see if we can change attr() as suggested in Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-02-13
ACTION-492 (edit) open Fill out Changes from CSS 2.1 Core Grammar section, intro etc. Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-08-20
ACTION-499 (edit) open Address issue of where to put an SVG image for high resolution and low bandwidth in image-set. Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-08-21
ACTION-522 (edit) open And fantasai to update object negotiation algorithm in css4-images to handle <iframe seamless> Tab Atkins Jr. 2012-11-06
ACTION-548 (edit) open With plh, to coordinate on issue of addition new MIME types for image types with IETF. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-03-13
ACTION-555 (edit) open Look for data on non-ident hash usage. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-04-17
ACTION-572 (edit) open Define zooming, 2 types, for insertion into either MQ or device-adapt Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-08-07
ACTION-575 (edit) open Add example of empty named lines paren Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-09-02
ACTION-577 (edit) open Add examples to implicit named lines. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-09-18
ACTION-580 (edit) open Move device-cmyk() to colors 4. Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-09-19
ACTION-593 (edit) open And csswg to review user context module Tab Atkins Jr. 2013-11-18
ACTION-604 (edit) open Ping google engineer working on variables, ask to formally review mozilla's tests Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-03
ACTION-613 (edit) open Clarify how omitted values are handled for display shorthand (and other shorthands he might've forgotten to handle) Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-04
ACTION-615 (edit) open Talk to the performance wg about will-change Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-02-05
ACTION-625 (edit) open Fantasai add an example to section 2.2.2 Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-626 (edit) open Poll on the author option for replacements to ::content Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-627 (edit) open Get usage data Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-629 (edit) open Draft a concrete proposal Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-27
ACTION-632 (edit) open Figure out if inhancing url works Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-05-28
ACTION-652 (edit) open E-mail the list about lifting restrictions on nesting image set Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-10-01
ACTION-659 (edit) open Spec their float layout for intrinisic sizes Tab Atkins Jr. 2014-11-03
ACTION-674 (edit) open & fantasai - clarify in 9.8 and make sure definition of 'auto' is also clear about this exception Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-03-09
ACTION-675 (edit) open & fantasai: add sentence about not clamping flex base size back to spec to clarify this point Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-03-09
ACTION-678 (edit) open And fantasai to update box alignment spec per resolution, propose wording for css2.1 errata Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-04-08
ACTION-679 (edit) open Provide more info to jdaggett Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-04-15
ACTION-682 (edit) open Write a proposal for the mailing list Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-04-29
ACTION-692 (edit) open Talk with webapps about a reordering api Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-05-27
ACTION-693 (edit) open Find out why including system fonts behavior of check and trivial case behavior of check Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-05-27
ACTION-725 (edit) open Update bikeshed to spit out new wording Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-10-14
ACTION-727 (edit) open Write poll about naming of "true" keyword, using suggestions in the minutes. Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-11-02
ACTION-729 (edit) open Drop color-correction property Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-11-02
ACTION-730 (edit) open Update grid with this resolution Tab Atkins Jr. 2015-11-02
ACTION-753 (edit) open Change bikeshed to: there should be a hyperlink in applies to: <a>all elements</a> with the anchor linking to something that says "all elements" includes ::before and ::after Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-02-09
ACTION-757 (edit) open Ask his implementor about layout containment and overflow Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-02-24
ACTION-770 (edit) open Look into supports on mq Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-05-16
ACTION-778 (edit) open Look into naming of float-start and -end for next call Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-06-08
ACTION-779 (edit) open Put together the information on specs by eod Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-06-22
ACTION-782 (edit) open Figure out if there's compat risk on rgb() should be extended to allow an optional alpha. likewise hsl() Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-07-20
ACTION-783 (edit) open Start collecting namespaces history and future plans on a wiki so we can show the community and allow input. Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-07-27
ACTION-792 (edit) open Do the transforms split/reform. Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-09-26
ACTION-803 (edit) open Make sure that rename offset-rotation to be offset-rotate isn't a problem for the blink team Tab Atkins Jr. 2016-11-30
ACTION-818 (edit) open Fix bikeshed errors in css-values-4 Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-01-19
ACTION-821 (edit) open Deal with issues on font-loading so it can go to cr Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-01-19
ACTION-827 (edit) open Help florian with index issue Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-02-01
ACTION-828 (edit) open Find cascade tests Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-02-22
ACTION-829 (edit) open Find cascade tests Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-02-22
ACTION-831 (edit) open Determine what is more interop (on use flex-order first or document-order first item's baseline?) and bring to group for resolution Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-03-01
ACTION-832 (edit) open Update the issue on [css-display] what are "form controls"? and bring it to next week's call Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-03-01
ACTION-840 (edit) open Update motion draft Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-04-12
ACTION-847 (edit) open Ping ojan about this issue Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-04-26
ACTION-852 (edit) open Open new issue on what we are doing with the syntax equivalencies and linking back to this issue so we can revisit this resolution Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-06-07
ACTION-853 (edit) open Revert change in ed Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-08-09
ACTION-865 (edit) open Add a test case Tab Atkins Jr. 2017-10-25
ACTION-867 (edit) open Make the edits in Tab Atkins Jr. 2018-02-21
ACTION-869 (edit) open Investigate specifying specified values Tab Atkins Jr. 2018-04-16
ACTION-870 (edit) open Add note about things planning to change, e.g. cssstylevalue expansions Tab Atkins Jr. 2018-04-16
ACTION-881 (edit) open And fantasai develop spec text for Tab Atkins Jr. 2019-06-26

Open Issues

There are 4 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-124 (edit) RAISED Add #rgba / #rrggbbaa notation to Color 2010-05-18 CSS4 Color 0
ISSUE-216 (edit) RAISED Add background-repeat: extend 2011-12-20 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-277 (edit) RAISED Add a "responsive pixel" unit 2012-08-31 0
ISSUE-343 (edit) RAISED omitted flex-basis should default to 0% not 0 length 2013-07-17 CSS3 Flexbox 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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