Tracker summary for Peter Linss

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 13 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-78 (edit) open Talk with Chris about cross-group issues Peter Linss 2008-07-23
ACTION-79 (edit) open Update charter in response to Melinda's comment on CR crit and 2.1 ep Peter Linss 2008-07-23
ACTION-100 (edit) open Draw up parse-time constants counter-proposal Peter Linss 2008-08-29
ACTION-111 (edit) open Create note about how URL has its own syntax and parsing rules Peter Linss 2008-10-08
ACTION-164 (edit) open Send emails to Opera and Apple requesting feedback on anonymous table boxes from their engineers Peter Linss 2009-07-08
ACTION-209 (edit) open Find or write note for issue 73 by this afternono Peter Linss 2010-04-05
ACTION-285 (edit) open Create a note for the errata Peter Linss 2010-12-29
ACTION-381 (edit) open Teach Tracker to give actions to multiple people Peter Linss 2011-11-06
ACTION-461 (edit) open Read new version of spec and provide feedback to phil Peter Linss 2012-05-17
ACTION-590 (edit) open Work on shepherd to make it produce indexes (including selectors) for a "snapshot" or live index Peter Linss 2013-11-17
ACTION-771 (edit) open Flip auto-resubmitted tests back to needs work if needs work was not auto-flagged Peter Linss 2016-05-17
ACTION-775 (edit) open Get the github issues reflected in shephard Peter Linss 2016-05-17
ACTION-817 (edit) open Create snapshot of writing modes test suite Peter Linss 2017-01-19

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 4200.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 10:42:59 carcone Exp $