Tracker summary for David Baron

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 26 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-205 (edit) pending review Update proposal for min/max and divisions David Baron 2010-01-27 CSS4 Values and Units
ACTION-91 (edit) open Write new proposed text for Issue 14 David Baron 2008-08-27 CSS2.1
ACTION-104 (edit) open Ping jdaggett about David Baron 2008-09-17 CSS2.1
ACTION-133 (edit) open Write testcases for issue 101 (e.g., see if we're interoperable on content-box vs. border-box) and come up with a proposal David Baron 2009-03-13 CSS2.1
ACTION-173 (edit) open Figure out what he wants to do about CSS 2.1 issue 115 David Baron 2009-08-26 CSS2.1
ACTION-250 (edit) open Find normative statement in appendix G that should now be written elsewhere. David Baron 2010-08-30 CSS2.1
ACTION-267 (edit) open Sanity-check the issue 199 proposal. David Baron 2010-09-22 CSS2.1
ACTION-304 (edit) open Write a proposal for David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-306 (edit) open Reply to Alan's message w.r.t that (a) this testcase is exercising "The bottom margin of an in-flow block box with..." and therefore all browsers other than Gecko are correct and (b) add a test to the CSS 2.1 test suite for post-PR. David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-307 (edit) open Write such a note for issue 192. David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-309 (edit) open Verify that once issue 215 is edited, that the case for issue 247 is also undefined David Baron 2011-03-14
ACTION-390 (edit) open Check with smaug about firing DOM events on disconnected elements David Baron 2011-11-07
ACTION-414 (edit) open Review css3-ui pointer-events issues list David Baron 2011-12-21
ACTION-431 (edit) open Provide an implementation report for the MQ test suite. David Baron 2012-02-14
ACTION-450 (edit) open Ask roc on how/whether to make intersecting elements normative David Baron 2012-02-29
ACTION-519 (edit) open Make tantek send the test cases to the list David Baron 2012-11-06
ACTION-527 (edit) open List types of tests needed for case insensitivity David Baron 2012-12-12
ACTION-534 (edit) open Edit publish Transitions David Baron 2013-02-12
ACTION-543 (edit) open Propose wording for David Baron 2013-02-27
ACTION-563 (edit) open Check that variables and @supports have identical allowances David Baron 2013-06-12
ACTION-596 (edit) open Send a proposal for async decisions David Baron 2013-11-19
ACTION-665 (edit) open Propose errata for @charset in 2.1 that brings it into alignment with css3 syntax David Baron 2015-02-15
ACTION-668 (edit) open Review performance characteristics of parent and previous-sibling combinator, potentially combinable David Baron 2015-02-16
ACTION-720 (edit) open Review the keyframes proposal David Baron 2015-09-03
ACTION-833 (edit) open Comment on the percentage [max-]width|height and intrinsic sizes thread David Baron 2017-03-08
ACTION-834 (edit) open Ping emilio about the have display:contents treated as dsiaply:none for replaced elements and form controls resolution David Baron 2017-03-08

Open Issues

There are 5 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-2 (edit) RAISED page-break-before/after not distinguished in page breaking rules 2008-04-02 CSS2.1 0
ISSUE-77 (edit) RAISED Cap-height unit proposal 2008-12-09 CSS4 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-118 (edit) RAISED calc() grammar needs flexibility about units 2010-01-21 CSS4 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-206 (edit) RAISED Honoring EXIF data for images 2011-12-13 CSS4 Images 0
ISSUE-318 (edit) RAISED Make specificity of :matches() / :not() depend on what was matched 2013-04-04 Selectors Level 4 0

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