Details on Product CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders

All Issues

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There are 10 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-11 (edit)
position from end
OPEN Positioning a background image a certain distance from an edge that depends on the writing mode 2008-04-04 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-146 (edit) RAISED Control padding at box break 2010-09-22 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-213 (edit) RAISED Define animation of box-shadow from inset to outset 2011-12-20 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-216 (edit) RAISED Add background-repeat: extend 2011-12-20 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-218 (edit) RAISED 12-slice border images 2011-12-20 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-281 (edit) RAISED Allow more flexibility in box-shadow syntax 2012-10-16 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-282 (edit) RAISED Add more shorthands for border-radius 2012-10-16 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-297 (edit) RAISED Make sure repeat keywords match flex alignment option terminology 2013-01-04 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-298 (edit) RAISED Sync against latest css3-background CR 2013-01-04 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0
ISSUE-328 (edit) RAISED Box-shadow blending 2013-05-03 CSS4 Backgrounds and Borders 0

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Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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