ACTION-513: Propose handling for making progress in fragmentation

Propose handling for making progress in fragmentation

Alan Stearns
Due on:
November 4, 2012
Created on:
October 28, 2012
Related emails:
  1. [CSSWG] Minutes TPAC Sun 2012-10-28 PM II: Paged Media, Box, Fragmentation, Overflow Regions (from on 2012-11-13)

Related notes:

resolved to always make progress (fragment containers have a minimum extent of 1px)

Alan Stearns, 7 Nov 2014, 22:02:54

Display change log.

Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 513.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 10:36:08 carcone Exp $