ACTION-289: text-orientation property is described as "non-native only" but also affects native

text-orientation property is described as "non-native only" but also affects native

Elika Etemad
Due on:
January 20, 2011
Created on:
January 13, 2011
Associated Product:
CSS3 Writing Modes
Related emails:
No related emails

Related notes:

The description says "this property specifies the orientation of characters in a non-native 'writing-mode'", and it is correct for "vertical-right" and "upright", but "rotate-right" and "rotate-left" are different (affects native scripts as well).

Koji Ishii, 13 Jan 2011, 04:44:00

Display change log.

Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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