SiRPAC Defect and Issue Tracking

See Test Cases for an archive of the test cases used to test defect fixes.

Open Defects and Issues

ID Type Component Description
OCT-25-2000-1 Defect Parser Empty Description elements do not generate a triple.
Test Case.
NOV-16-2000-1 Defect Parser/API SiRPAC does not support multiple (Model) Consumers. Consequently, an application that wants to invoke multiple Statement handlers must re-parse the RDF or make its Consumer class know about other Consumers.
NOV-22-2000-1 Defect SetModel Class The SetModel's difference() method has a side-effect that causes one of the original Models to get changed. See the original Problem Report for more information.
DEC-05-2000-1 Defect Parser When the parser is in "stream mode" (the default behavior) if a document has a duplicate bagID, this error is not detected. Note, however, that if stream mode is turned off (e.g. by using -no_stream via the command line), then the duplicate bagID error is detected.
Test Case.
DEC-06-2000-1 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not correctly create an absolute URI from relative URIs in URI-reference type attributes (e.g. resource, and about). See the original Problem Report for more information.
Test Case.
DEC-08-2000-1 Defect Parser A triple is not created if a property contains an empty Description element with only a rdf:about attribute.
Test Case.
JAN-17-2001-1 Defect RDFReader Sirpac seems to hang when there's a doctype declaration in an RDF document.
Problem report.
JAN-19-2001-1 Defect Parser When containers are nested, SiRPAC fails to create triples for the outer container.
Test Case.
FEB-02-2001-2 Defect Parser If a comment is unclosed, SiRPAC reports an error with line number -1 regardless of the line number where the comment began.
Test Case.
FEB-03-2001-1 Defect Parser If the content of a typedNode is a string, SiRPAC should report an error that explictly states that syntax error. However, SiRPAC reports an incorrect error message in this case.
Test Case.
FEB-14-2001-2 Defect Parser An unqualified attribute named "resource" or "parseType" within any propertyElt should be treated as if was "rdf:resource" or "rdf:parseType", respectively.
Test Case.
FEB-15-2001-2 Defect Servlet When a user gives a URL, the system retrieves it with an HTTP Accept header of */*. It should use a restricted Accept header, such as text/rdf.
FEB-21-2001-1 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a description rule contains PCDATA.
Test Case.
FEB-21-2001-2 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a typedNode contains PCDATA.
Test Case.
FEB-21-2001-3 Defect Parser If a propertyElt contains an empty string as its content [PCDATA], SiRPAC generates an annon. node for the object instead of an empty string.
Test Case.
FEB-21-2001-4 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a propertyElt contains a rdf:resource attribute and the propertyElt contains content.
Test Case.
FEB-21-2001-5 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a container's content does not match the member [6.28] production.
Test Case.
FEB-21-2001-6 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a container [rules 6.2{5,6,7}] contains an attribute other than ID and/or a memberAttr [6.31].
Test Case.
FEB-21-2001-7 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if an Alt container does not contain at least one member [6.28].
Test Case.
FEB-27-2001-1 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a propertyElt contains content, has a parseType attribute with a value of "Literal" or "Resource" and an attribute other than ID.
Test Case.
FEB-28-2001-1 Defect Servlet If the content of a propertyElt contains CDATA and the CDATA contains <something>, when the object is printed in the triple table, the ending '>' is missing. Note, howeve, that the '>' does appear when the object is displayed in the graph.
Test Case.
MAR-20-2001-1 Defect Servlet If the user selects the SVG graph format and the RDF within a property with parseType=Literal contains elements, the SVG graph is poorly rendered.
Test Case.
MAR-20-2001-2 Defect Parser If a propertyElt has a parseType="Resource" or parseType="Literal" attribute then the only attribute that is permitted is ID. If other attributes are included, SiRPAC does not raise an error.
Problem report.
Test Case.
MAR-28-2001-1 Defect Servlet The triples generated using the abbreviated syntax are not always identical to the triples created with the non-abbreviated syntax. In this case, the two descriptions should produce identical triples and SiRPAC generates different triples - the property names are not the same (property "value" is namespace-qualifed in one triple and not qualified in the other).
Test Case.
APR-16-2001-1 Defect Parser If a propertyElt contains an ID attribute as well as other propAttrs, the ID should be used as the subject of the propAtrrs - it should not cause reification.
Test Case.
APR-25-2001-1 Defect Parser SiRPAC does not report an error if a rdf:li contains a rdf:id attribute (and thus violates [6.30]) and consequently generates bogus triples.
Test Case.
MAY-15-2001-1 Defect Parser If a typedeNode has an ID attribute, SiRPAC incorrectly generates a triple with the predicate set to rdf:id.
Test Case.
MAY-15-2001-2 Defect Parser When streaming mode is off, SiRPAC incorrectly generates an error when one statement has an id attribute of "X" and another statement has an about attribute of "#X".
Test Case.
MAY-21-2001-1 Defect Parser If a list element within a container contains a propertyElt with a parseType='Resource' attribute, SiRPAC generates an error even though this is valid syntax. [The problem seems to be that SiRPAC things the container is a typedNode.]
Test Case.
JUN-04-2001-1 Defect Parser SiRPAC generates a bogus error message Unresolved internal reference to books when stream mode is turned off and an URI-ref in an about attribute is also used in an aboutEach attribute.
Test Case.

Closed Defects and Issues

ID Type Component Description Files and Versions Release Fixed Resolution
JUN-11-2001-1 Defect Parser During reification, the object of the subject triple must (by definition) be a resource but SiRPAC always made it a Literal.
See the original Problem Report for more information.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.20
Date fixed: Jun 11, 2001
Avaialable by CVS and the latest JAR file. Code change
JUN-08-2001-1 Enhancement Servlet The SiRPAC parser and the online service should support the N-Triples format that is used by the RDF Core WG. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.22
Date fixed: Jun 08, 2001
CVS version: 1.6
Date fixed: Jun 08, 2001
CVS version: 1.4
Date fixed: Jun 08, 2001 [NEW FILE]
CVS version: 1.19
Date fixed: Jun 08, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
FEB-14-2001-1 Enhancement Packaging When a release is created, include the javadoc output for the source tree in the JAR file. No source code was changed. A JAR of the Java documentation is available on the SiRPAC home page.
Date resolved: Jun 08, 2001
Available in the Java Documenation JAR file. No code changed
FEB-08-2001-1 Enhancement Servlet Since graphs can be too large to display on some browsers, provide an interface for downloading the image file. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.20
Date fixed: Feb 22, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
FEB-15-2001-1 Enhancement GraphVizDumpConsumer 1. Add an option for allowing the GraphViz DOT file to be saved and download-able.
2. Add support for creating the graph in SVG and PostScript.
3. Allow the user to choose NO graph at all.
4. Since GraphViz supports the following formats, might as well add support for them too: HPGL/2 (HP Laserwriters); HPGL (HP pen plotters) and FrameMaker MIF.
CVS version: 1.20
Date fixed: Feb 22, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
FEB-05-2001-1 Defect Parser When the RDF given to the servlet is entered directly into the form, it would be nice if the annon resources were designated as "online" resources. SiRPAC.java
CVS version: 1.18
Date fixed: Feb 05, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
FEB-02-2001-1 Defect Servlet In some cases, the genids produced for the servlet's table are not in sync with the genids produced for the servlet's graph. The genids should be the same. Test Case. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.18
Date fixed: Feb 05, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
OCT-26-2000-1 Defect Parser If a property has parseType="Literal", the contents of the property are manipulated (e.g. <Title> becomes <gen:Title> and the spec says "the content must not be interpreted by an RDF processor" which in this case is the SiRPAC parser. Test Case. SiRPAC.java
CVS version: 1.17
Date fixed: Jan 31, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
JAN-30-2001-1 Enhancement Servlet The triple output would be significantly easier to read if was organized in a table.
Also, the make the URIs in the servlet table links.
CVS version: 1.17
Date fixed: Jan 30, 2001
CVS version: 1.5
Date fixed: Jan 30, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
JAN-18-2001-1 Defect Parser If a propertyElt contains an ID attribute, the M&S spec says that the statement should be reified and SiRPAC does not reify the statement. Test Case. SiRPAC.java
CVS version: 1.15
Date fixed: Jan 30, 2001
SiRPAC-1.17 Code change
NOV-01-2000-1 Defect Parser If the parser is asked to treat a Description as a Bag, it does not handle typedNodes in the same way - it fails to reify each of the typeNode's statements.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.14
Date fixed: Jan 16, 2001
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
NOV-15-2000-1 Defect Parser If a container (Seq, Bag or Alt) contains a Description element, the Description element is reified and it should not be.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.13
Date fixed: Jan 16, 2001
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
JAN-11-2001-1 Defect Parser If a propertyElt contains a rdf:resource attribute and other other propAttr attributes, the subject of the triples for the propAttrs should be the value of the rdf:resource attribute but instead, a "genid" is the subject.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.12
Date fixed: Jan 15, 2001
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
JAN-15-2001-1 Defect Parser If a Description contains a propAttr named rdf:resource, a triple is not generated for this propAttr. Test Case. SiRPAC.java
CVS version: 1.11
Date fixed: Jan 15, 2001
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
NOV-30-2000-1 Enhancement Servlet The servlet should allow the user to enter a URI so the online service can be more flexible [not limited to cutting/pasting RDF]. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.16
Date fixed: Dec 18, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
DEC-15-2000-1 Defect GraphViz Consumer If an object is a Literal and it contains a double quote, a graph is not generated because the GraphViz graph generator requires double quotes to be escaped.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.8
Date fixed: Dec 15, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
DEC-11-2000-1 Defect Parser If a deeply nested property (see Test Case) contains an ID attribute and the property contains content (e.g. a typedNode), SiRPAC throws an error but it should not.
Test Case.
The defect is canceled because the test case contains a syntax error. The kqml:type element matches the typedNode [6.13] production and the only content that is legal for a typedNode is a propertyElt [6.12] and the literal "symbol" matches the string production [6.24]. N/A Canceled.
DEC-11-2000-2 Defect Parser Productions [6.2{5,6,7}] imply that a rdf:li element can only be placed within a container. SiRPAC, however, does not enforce this constraint.
Test Case.
The defect is canceled because an rdf:li element matches the propertyElt [6.12] rule and thus is legal. N/A Canceled.
DEC-06-2000-2 Defect Parser If a propertyElt contains propAttr attributes, the object of the triple generated for the propertyElt is not identical to the subject of the triples generated for the propAttr attributes and they should be the same.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.10
Date fixed: Dec 13, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
NOV-27-2000-1 Defect Parser Unqualified attributes within an element from the RDF namespace were incorrectly qualified with the RDF namespace.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.9
Date fixed: Nov 30, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
NOV-22-2000-2 Defect Parser A triple is not created for an unqualifed attribute within a RDF element. For example <RDF:Description foo="bar"> will not produce a triple for the propAttr foo.
Test Case.
CVS version: 1.7
Date fixed: Nov 22, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
NOV-01-2000-2 Defect Servlet The genids in the triple listing are different than the genids in the graph and this makes it difficult to compare the them. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.15
Date fixed: Nov 01, 2000
CVS version: 1.6
Date fixed: Nov 01, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-31-2000-1 Enhancement Servlet The number of triples generated should be output. Make saving the RDF an option so it can be used for testing purposes. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.14
Date fixed: Oct 31, 2000
CVS version: 1.3
Date fixed: Oct 31, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-29-2000-1 Defect Servlet The servlet's output page has a bogus link at the bottom of the page and that link should not be created. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.13
Date fixed: Oct 27, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-26-2000-2 Defect Servlet If a object contains a '<' or '>' char, replace it with its corresponding entity chars before the content is returned. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.12
Date fixed: Oct 26, 2000
CVS version: 1.2
Date fixed: Oct 26, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-20-2000-1 Defect Parser If a property name matches the RDF ordinal syntax such as:
<rdf:_1 rdf:resource='#RDFAnonId1'/>
then a triple is not created for the property.
CVS version: 1.5
Date fixed: Oct 20, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-18-2000-1 Defect GraphViz Consumer If an object is a Literal, enclose its value in quotes. GraphVizDumpConsumer.java
CVS version: 1.5
Date fixed: Oct 18, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-18-2000-2 Defect GraphViz Consumer If an object is a Literal, truncate its length to 80 characters to improve the readability of the graph. GraphVizDumpConsumer.java
CVS version: 1.5
Date fixed: Oct 18, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-17-2000-1 Defect Parser The parser must be re-initialized in doPost method in case an error occured in the previous request. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.9
Date fixed: Oct 17, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-17-2000-2 Defect Servlet Need to support a mechanism to turn off SiRPAC's "stream" mode so that the aboutEach[Prefix] attributes can be processed. SiRPACServlet.java
CVS version: 1.11
Date fixed: Oct 17, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change
OCT-17-2000-3 Defect Parser The parser incorrectly reports that a propertyElt must have a rdf:resource property in some cases. It also Incorrectly reports an error if a propertyElt contains more than one typedNode. SiRPAC.java
CVS version: 1.4
Date fixed: Oct 17, 2000
SiRPAC-1.16 Code change

Report a Defect or Issue to the www-rdf-interest list.
last revised $Date: 2001/06/11 12:44:56 $