How to use the Log Validator

This section talks about the "technical" aspects of using the Log Validator. A process-oriented tutorial is also available.

What is in the LogValidator Package

The Log Validator is a package containing a Library (the Log Validator per se) and a program to act as an interface for this library. This program is logprocess and we will review and explain its use in this part of the Log Validator manual.

Along with this program comes a (sample) configuration file.

Where is the program?

The program (script) is named

Where is the (sample) configuration file?

The sample configuration file is named logprocess.conf

Setup / Configuration

You may either copy the sample configuration file to the location of your choice and edit it with a text editor, or simply edit the sample file directly.

The sample configuration file is commented with notes and pointers to help you understand the syntax of this file (which, as you may notice, is very similar to the syntax of apache web server's). When in doubt, you should probably leave the default values, or look at the configuration of your web server (especially if you are using the apache server).

Running logprocess

learn about the options

Learn the options with:
shell# -h

You may have to make the script executable if the installation script didn't (if you get an error message when trying to run the program for the first time, that may be the reason...):
shell# chmod a+x

first run, using your custom configuration file

Now, simply run the script with your favorite options:
shell# -f path/to/file.conf [options]

Note that you may use logprocess without mentioning a configuration file. logprocess will then try to work with the default parameters hard-coded in the program, such as:

This default behaviour may work with "very standard" systems, but we strongly recommend you use your own configuration file.

Learning more

Once you are familiar with logprocess, proceed to read the Tips which will help you use the Log Validator and logprocess even better.

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Last modified $Date: 2006/06/26 06:33:51 $ by $Author: ot $