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  • VR technology is getting popular, and has been used in e-commerce and other scenario.
  • VR payment is a an emerging technology that attracts industry's interest (see Alibaba VR pay article).

Use Cases

  • Authentication for VR payment

When the users use VR payment, they need to use authentication methods to ensure the security.

Currently, using VR device to input password is not very convenient and may result in poor user experience.

When the users use their mobile phone to browse VR content and make the payment, their mobile phone normally already have biometric hardware. For example, finger print sensors, Iris sensors etc.

The VR device need to use the mobile phone's biometric hardware for the authentication.


  • The VR browser need to have an interface to access to the device's biometric hardware.
  • In some scenarios, the VR device also needs to have an interface to access to the device's biometric hardware. For example, for finger print authentication, it is not possible for the user the touch the phone's finger print sensor when the user use the mobile phone in the VR device.

Relationship with existing W3C activities

  • W3C web authentication working group (charter)
  • W3C VR working group (charter)