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This page explains how you can most effectively contribute to the Web Payments work.

Review Comments

One of the best ways of contributing to the group is to do a review and suggest changes to the documents that the group is working on. Here's how you can do that:

  1. Read a Web Payments document.
  2. Create an e-mail addressed to: public-webpayments-comments@w3.org
  3. When you find an issue, suggest a concrete change by using the following template:
Section name and number 
> What the current text says 
What you want the text to say (suggest concrete text)

Your email will go to the mailing list and the editor of the document will see it and respond to you with changes that they made, requests for clarifications, or rejections and the reason the change request was rejected.

Document Creation Workflow

  1. Documents start out in Google Docs (2-3 weeks)
    1. Note: Ian finds the problematic given the number of people who have indicated they cannot access Google docs from work. In addition to the wiki, Ian is working on setting up an etherpad instance for use by the group. However, that will not allow the same annotation mechanism as google docs.
  2. [optional] The documents then migrate to the wiki for further refinement (1-2 months).
    1. Note: Etherpad can be an alternative.
  3. A few weeks before FPWD for the document, it moves into ReSpec format (see Editor Workflow below)

Editor Workflow

  1. Use git and checkout the Web Payments IG Github repository.
  2. Edit the HTML document (in ReSpec format).
  3. Commit the changes.
  4. Sync the document to W3C Mercurial (Ian and Manu know how to do this)