W3C Guide

Auto-responder example

When AC representatives send their review of a Proposed Recommendation to the mailing list created for that purpose, the mail software acknowledges the receipt, with a message similar to the following:

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

Thank you for your review of the <chocolate cookie recipe> Proposed
Recommendation[1]. The review period ends on <25 Dec 1999> and the
director's decision will be published a fortnight after that date,
in conformance with the W3C Process[2].

We also invite the Membership to participate in the announcement in the
event that the Proposed Recommendation should become a W3C Recommendation.
All W3C Members are invited to participate in our press activity by
submitting supporting testimonial statements. We will accept quotes for the
release until and including <Monday 20 Dec 1999>. Upon request by
journalists, we would also like to pass on contact information of companies
who have contributed testimonials.

This press release will use the same three-part format (release,
testimonials, fact sheet) as previous W3C press releases. Please refer to
this format in the CSS2 Recommendation press release[3].

Josef Dietl, Head of Communications,
for Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/PR-choco
[2] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/#RecsPR
[3] http://www.w3.org/Press/1998/CSS2-REC

Bert Bos
last revised: $Date: 2018/01/25 16:00:21 $ by $Author: plehegar $