SGML Working Group

Meetings | Current Drafts | Justification and Goals | Members | WG List Archive


Meetings of the SGML Working Group are scheduled twice a year by the SGML ERB. Since most WG business is conducted by electronic mail (see Justification and Goals), attendance at meetings is optional. Meetings for the next year have tentatively been planned as follows:

Current Drafts

Draft production and maintenance is carried out by the SGML ERB. The W3C SGML ERB Working Document Repository is maintained by Tim Bray.

Justification and Goals

The functioning of the SGML WG is formally defined by the Technical Resolution W3C-SGML-ERB TC-1996-01. The overall goal of the WG is to serve as a panel of SGML experts that provides input to the SGML ERB and reviews its work. Its deliverables are defined as the work of the ERB progresses. Membership in the WG is by invitation of the chair of the ERB or by nomination of W3C member organizations. The WG is chartered in a way that requires no W3C resources beyond the maintenance of a mailing list and imposes little expense on WG participants.

Current issues before the WG are identical to the current issues before the ERB.

Working Group Members

Members of the WG are expected to respond to issues on the mailing list in a timely fashion. Current WG members include:

SGML ERB (ex officio members of the WG):

Chair: Jon Bosak                        jon.bosak@sun.com
Technical Lead: James Clark             jjc@jclark.com
XML Co-editor: Tim Bray                 tbray@textuality.com
XML Co-editor: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen   U35395@UICVM.UIC.EDU
Steve DeRose, EBT                       sjd@ebt.com
Dave Hollander, HP                      dmh@hpsgml.fc.hp.com
Eliot Kimber, Passage Systems           kimber@passage.com
Tom Magliery, NCSA                      mag@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Eve Maler, ArborText                    elm@arbortext.com
Jean Paoli, Microsoft                   jeanpa@microsoft.com
Peter Sharpe, SoftQuad                  peter@sqwest.bc.ca
W3C Contact (non-voting): Dan Connolly  connolly@w3.org

WG members who are not on the ERB:

Sharon Adler, EBT                       sca@ebt.com
Paula Angerstein, Texcel                paula@texcel.no
Todd Bauman, U. of Maryland             bbauma1@cs.umbc.edu
Anders Berglund, EBT                    alb@ebt.com
Karl Best, Novell                       kbest@novell.com
Michel Biezunski, High Text             michel@hightext.com
Harvey Bingham, SGML consultant         hbingham@acm.org
Steve Brown, InfoObjects                sbrown@cortland.com
Martin Bryan, SGML Centre               mtbryan@sgml.u-net.com
Mark Buckley, Microsoft                 mbuckley@microsoft.com
Len Bullard, Lockheed-Martin            cbullard@HiWAAY.net
Lou Burnard, Oxford University          lou@vax.ox.ac.uk
Steve Byrne, JavaSoft                   steve.byrne@sun.com
Kurt Conrad, Sagebrush Group            conrad@cbvcp.com
Paul Cope, auto-graphics                prc@auto-graphics.com
Keith Corbett, Harlequin                kmc@harlequin.com
Robin Cover, SIL                        robin@acadcomp.sil.org
Derek Denny-Brown, TechnoTeacher        derdb@techno.com
Dave Durand, Boston University          dgd@cs.bu.edu
Carol Ellerbeck, INSO                   Carol_Ellerbeck@inso.com
Joe English, CR Laboratories            jenglish@crl.com
Ralph Ferris, Fujitsu OSSI              ralph@ossi.com
Lee Fogal, Digital Equipment            fogal@zk3.dec.com
Todd Freter, Novell                     tfreter@novell.com
Matthew Fuchs, Disney Imagineering      matt@wdi.disney.com
Charles Goldfarb                        charles@sgmlsource.com
Paul Grosso, ArborText                  paul@arbortext.com
Eduardo Gutentag, Sun Microsystems      eduardo@eng.sun.com
Hasse Haitto, Synex                     haitto@synex.se
Catherine Hamon, Hightext               hamon@hightext.com
Ken Holman, Microstar                   gkholman@microstar.com
John Iobst, Newspaper Assoc. of America iobsj@naa.org
Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems          ricko@allette.com.au
Alan Karben, Wall Street Journal        karben@interactive.wsj.com
Pär Karlsson, Ericsson                  etxpkar@stdoca.ericsson.se
Debbie Lapeyre, Mulberry Technologies   dlapeyre@mulberrytech.com
John Lavagnino, Martin Hensel/Brown U.  john_lavagnino@brown.edu
Bill Lindsey, BDM Technologies          blindsey@BDMTech.com
Per Åke Ling, Ericsson                  etxperl@stdoca.ericsson.se
Megan MacMillan, BDM Technologies       megan@bdmtech.com
Christopher Maden, EBT                  crm@ebt.com
Murray Maloney, SoftQuad                murray@sq.com
James Mason, ORNL                       masonjd@ornl.gov
Alex Milowski, Copernican Solutions     alex@copsol.com
Ed Mooney, Sun Microsystems             emooney@east.sun.com
Steve Newcomb, TechnoTeacher            srn@techno.com
Gavin Nicol, EBT                        gtn@ebt.com
Nancy Paisner, Hitachi                  nancy@hi.com
Gary Palmer, ActiveSystems              gpalmer@sonetis.com
Dave Peterson, SGMLWorks!               davep@acm.org
Paul Prescod, U. of Waterloo            papresco@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Lynne Price, SGML consultant            lprice@ix.netcom.com
Liam Quin, SoftQuad                     lee@sq.com
Arjun Ray, Q2-II                        aray@nmds.com
Bill Smith, Sun Microsystems            bill.smith@sun.com
Bob Stayton, SCO                        bobs@sco.com
Robert Streich, Schlumberger            streich@slb.com
Jeff Suttor, Sun Microsystems           jeff.suttor@sun.com
James Tauber, U. of Western Australia   jtauber@jtauber.com
Wayne Taylor, Novell                    wtaylor@novell.com
Henry Thompson, U. of Edinburgh         ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Sarah G.E. Tourville, SAGRELTO          sagrelto@nando.net
Sam Wilmott, OmniMark                   s.wilmott@omnimark.com
Chris Wilson, Microsoft                 cwilso@microsoft.com
Wayne Wohler, IBM                       wohler@vnet.ibm.com
Lauren Wood, SoftQuad                   lauren@sqwest.bc.ca

WG Archive

The WG list archive serves not only as the repository for discussions within the WG but also as the record of decisions made by the SGML ERB.

The WG mailing list is currently maintained by Jon Bosak.

Related Documents

Jon Bosak, chair
Dan Connolly, W3C staff contact
Last revised 1996.10.04