This appendix is informative.
Attribute Name | Module | Description |
abbr | XHTML Tables Module | Abbreviated form |
align | XHTML Applet Module | Define the verital alignment |
alt | XHTML Applet Module | Define alternate description |
archive | XHTML Applet Module | Define list of object archives |
archive | XHTML Object Module | Define list of object archives |
axis | XHTML Tables Module | Define a category for a cell |
cite | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Set the URI for a citation |
class | XHTML Core Attributes Module | Set the class of an element |
code | XHTML Applet Module | No title |
codebase | XHTML Applet Module | Set the URI base for applet code |
cols | XHTML Frames Module | Define the width of a frameset |
colspan | XHTML Tables Module | Set the number of columns a table cell should span |
content-length | XHTML Object Module | Indicate the size of a link's target |
coords | XHTML Image Map Attributes Module | Define coordinates for am element |
datetime | XHTML Edit Attributes Module | Define date and time |
declare | XHTML Object Module | Indicate that an object should only be loaded |
dir | XHTML Bi-directional Text Attribute Module | Define the direction of text |
disabled | XHTML Style Sheet Module | Indicate that an item is disabled |
edit | XHTML Edit Attributes Module | Indicate how an item was edited |
encoding | XHTML Embedding Attributes Module | Define the encoding of an external source |
frameborder | XHTML Frames Module | Define whether a frame has a border |
full | XHTML Text Module | Refer to the full version of an abbreviation |
headers | XHTML Tables Module | Define the header cells that relate to this cell |
height | XHTML Applet Module | Define the initial height |
href | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Define a URI target when the element is activated |
hreflang | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Indicate the base language of the target |
hrefmedia | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Indicate the target media of an href attribute |
hreftype | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Indicate the content type of an href attribute |
hspace | XHTML Applet Module | Define the horizontal space around an element |
id | XHTML Core Attributes Module | Define the ID for the element |
ismap | XHTML Image Map Attributes Module | Indicate whether this is an imagemap |
ismap | XHTML Server-Side Image Map Module | Indicate whether this is an imagemap |
layout | XHTML Core Attributes Module | Indicate whether whitespace is relevant |
longdesc | XHTML Frames Module | Reference to an external description |
marginheight | XHTML Frames Module | Define the top and bottom frame margins |
marginwidth | XHTML Frames Module | Define the left and right frame margins |
media | XHTML Media Attribute Module | Define the applicable media |
media | XHTML Style Sheet Module | Define the applicable media |
name | XHTML Applet Module | Set the name of an applet parameter |
name | XHTML Object Module | Set the name of an applet parameter |
nextfocus | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Define the order in which this control is accessed |
noresize | XHTML Frames Module | Inidicated the frame cannot be resized |
object | XHTML Applet Module | Define the serialzed version of an applet |
prevfocus | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Define the order in which this control is accessed |
profile | XHTML Document Module | Define the location of the metadata profiles |
rows | XHTML Frames Module | Define the height of a frameset |
rowspan | XHTML Tables Module | Define the number of rows a cell spans |
scope | XHTML Tables Module | Define the scope of a header |
scrolling | XHTML Frames Module | Define whether a frame can scroll |
shape | XHTML Image Map Attributes Module | Define the shape of a map |
span | XHTML Tables Module | Define the number of columns a colgroup spans |
src | XHTML Embedding Attributes Module | Define the URI for an external source for the element |
src | XHTML Frames Module | Define the URI for an external source for the element |
srctype | XHTML Embedding Attributes Module | Indicate the content type of a src attribute |
style | XHTML Style Attribute Module | Set the style to use on the element |
target | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Set the target window for a link |
title | XHTML Core Attributes Module | Set the title for an element |
type | XHTML Applet Module | Set the type of an applet value |
type | XHTML Object Module | Define the type of a referenced value element |
usemap | XHTML Image Map Attributes Module | Set the name of an image map to use |
value | XHTML List Module | Set the value for a list item |
value | XHTML Applet Module | Set the value for an applet parameter |
value | XHTML Object Module | Set the value for an applet parameter |
valuetype | XHTML Applet Module | Set the type of an applet value |
valuetype | XHTML Object Module | Set the type of an applet value |
version | XHTML Document Module | Set the XHTML document version |
vspace | XHTML Applet Module | Set the amount of vertical whitespace for an element |
width | XHTML Applet Module | Set the width for a table column |
xml:base | XHTML Hypertext Attributes Module | Set the base URI for the element |
xml:id | XHTML Core Attributes Module | Define the ID for the element |
xml:lang | XHTML I18N Attribute Module | Set the language of the element |
xsi:schemaLocation | XHTML Document Module | Set the location for an XML Schema |